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the one and only 6.0litre twin v6 citroen c2 bit the dust today. burned in a building fire.... owner is distraught. he had placed in the top 25 for  this years French Car Show too..... the car modding scene lost something truly unique today...

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Poor ol' Marky hobbling along with a poorly back  :'( :'( :-*:-* :-*

Thank you Mandy... I must say I am now wishing that I didn't go to the show.. I'm going to be back to my hands and knees by the end of today at this rate I think  :'(

Oh and thanks too Bazza

Physio on Wednesday... if not sooner hopefully  :'(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hearing about those two children that were attacked by a fox in their own home. Bound to happen wasn't it - I know plenty of people who still think foxes are 'cute, cuddly and harmless' and insist on feeding them. To the fox, these babies were probably no different to a couple of hens. It's about time people treated animals as animals (instead of indulging in Beatrix Potter-like fantasies) and gave them a bit of respect.  :'(

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I heard that too Mandy and felt gutted too at what happen to those two yong children,

In addition this afternoon I heard my next door neighbour about in tears over a Chaffinch bird that had flown into her bedroom widow and she found it. She came round with the bird almost in tears saying look blood is coming out of it beek...what should I do...a t this point I said well I don't know but well I could drown the bird to put it out of it's suffering.

I duly did and when I came back with the dish towel Moria had composed herself....after she was inside I put the bird into a pole bag ( ONLY A FARMFOODS ONE) and had a short walk to the dog poo bin beside the bowling green.

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  • 3 weeks later...

just found out that a very very good friend of ours has a very very aggressive stomach, bowel and ovarian cancer , was given 2 weeks to live last tuesday, but they now have her on huge kemo trying to give her a few months?? weeks more as her first grandchild is due in the next few weeks, total shock as they didnt even know till tuesday

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Tracis neice fell off of a climbing frame yesterday shattering her elbow in several places. Having just eaten the doctors could not operate untill thisa.m 3hr operation later and Lotties arm is wired a screwed. Poor totis only just five. In lots of pain by all accounts.

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It wouldn't be fair, Sean. .. . I'd only nick them!! That bad thing is she will be off school for the rest of term now and in three weeks they break up for six weeks. So, at five and learning writing and spelling etc this will put her behind by a long way now. Everyone has gone to Bath RUH to see her, I had to wait for PC Plod to come round for a shotgun certificate authorisation. He was gone in 5 minutes!! >:(

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I have a colleague from work who's son is in the Mercian Regiment and I have just found out that he has died from injuries sustained in Afghanistan from an IED (roadside bomb). He is such a great guy and it only seems to happen to the good ones.

:'( :'( :'(

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He'll be honoured in Wooton Basset, Mike. It made me think when the England team jet arrived in Heathrow at the weekend and the country awaited their arrival.......... Talk about overated.  >:(

There is a hell of a lot of military in Wiltshire and whether based hear or not I always feel sad when one of our troops' lives comes to a tragic end. While I don't fully support the war, I cannot not support the troops who are out there. Heartfelt 'thanks' as well as condolences to the family and to the lost loved one.

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that's awful Mike..

It really hits home when you read something like your post.  I have HUGE admiration for our boys and girls overseas fighting for our country.  I'm not sure where I stand on my views of engaging these kind of people in war.. but I do know that I am eternally grateful to anyone and everyone who risks (and in this case, tragically looses) his or her life on behalf of myself and the rest of my fellow countrymen.

It's not something I will ever take for granted - however disgustingly frequent this tragic news is becoming in recent times.  Please pass on my heartfelt respects to his parents and may he rest in peace

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Thanks Tris, he actually died in hospital in this country as a result of the wounds but that doesn't make it any easier for the family. 

However, I think the whole country owes Wooton Bassett a massive thank you for the honour they have given every single member of the fallen who has returned through that town.

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