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Sorry to hear that Bill. I hope your dad will be oke soon.


Thanks Bas....I was round past yesterday afternoon and is looking well and doing as he has been told to do...rest and take it easy 8) 

hope dads ok bill ;)

but for me was being invited to my great uncles funeral this friday amazing the same day as last year when we buried my uncle! :(

but this one died from a heart attack so it's a sad day as he would usually pick me up from school on a wednesday then we'd go off for a drive around then back to his farm and feed the cows and sheep :(

but me and dad are looking after his spot till the will is read out to see who gets what!

Thanks Mark and sorry to hear about the loss of your great uncle remember the good times though.

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  • 4 weeks later...

just found out we have a issue in the roof ,went up to put my zwolle stuff away to find a damp patch in the carpet, closer inspection has reveled that most of my claas stuff, and the uh box sets have been damaged, inc severl pretty rare versions , had to remove the full boxed collection down to the back bedroom and our bedroom(thats massey stuff only) and am now assesing the damage, actually bought a lump to my throat seeing some of them like this,

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Oooh heck mate, that's bad news. I hope the sentimental value has not be quashed mate, the financial value is bad enough but sentimental value is priceless. I nearly had the same at Dads . . . . with a rat that appeared via the empty adjoining house. Luckily he didn't have a taste for cardboard but did quite like the poison Dad put out!

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been through most of it today, few items damaged, sadly my uh box sets, but they are stil lavaiable so can be repalced, nothing overly serious mind, certainly nothing thats got seriously wet, they are all in the back bedroom stacked up round the rad now, at a safe distance i may add, and the ones not damaged are now boxed up, to be honest it prob looked a lot worse last night than it actually was, had my mate round today whos looked at the roof, and he recons its condensation not a leak, seems that the previous owners covered over the soffit air vents when they put the pvc over it, so i need to go round and fit a few vents in thats all,

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had to have my elderly dog, Smartie, put to sleep today.  She was almost unable to walk this morning and arthritis does not progress that fast.  X-ray of her shoulder showed a large tumour in the bone so I let her go. 

...the house feels very empty.

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Thanks guys,

it is the last thing we can do for our animals - put an end to their pain and let them go with dignity. 

I am glad that I did not bring the two new greyhound girls home last week, but because Smartie was not well and having a job walking and lying down I asked the kennels to keep them a little longer.  She wanted a lot of attention over the weekend, and I am pleased she had ALL my attention.

I think she will be pleased when they do come to live with me as she got on well with both.  I will still miss her as she has been my companion for ten years.

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Oh Sue that's terrible news... I know how attached your were to Smartie too.  She'll be up there sat at your Stu's feet now keeping him company I am sure.

Easy to say.... I know... but try to keep your pecker up - we are always here for a bit of light relief  :-\ :-*

God bless  :-*

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Had to have my elderly dog, Smartie, put to sleep today.  She was almost unable to walk this morning and arthritis does not progress that fast.  X-ray of her shoulder showed a large tumour in the bone so I let her go. 

...the house feels very empty.

Sorry to hear that Sue a painful loss I am sure......

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Oh Sue that's terrible news... I know how attached your were to Smartie too.  She'll be up there sat at your Stu's feet now keeping him company I am sure.

Easy to say.... I know... but try to keep your pecker up - we are always here for a bit of light relief  :-\ :-*

God bless  :-*

Don't I just know it! 

What Mark said. Smartie has had a fair few mentions here on FTF and he certainly sounded the womans best friend.

She certainly was and a great comfort to me.  I think I would have gone crazy without her these last couple of years.


  Sorry to hear that Sue a painful loss I am sure......


When all is said and done animals as pets give far more than non-pet owning people know and what is more they give without reservation and ask little in return.  The one thing you can do, painful as it is, is to let them go when the time comes.  Painful, yes, but not hard - you know what is needed when that time arrives.

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the state that british speedway has found itself in ,peterbrough and coventry not running in 2011 and ipswich dropping down a league ,back in the 70/80s world speedway could not do without british speedway now they could,nt give a t### about it . in my veiw to many oversea riders have blocked the way for the homebred riders :'( :'( >:( >:(

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Nanna (Dads mother) went for a camera scan last week, showed a lump. She did have a scan booked yesterday but it was postponed due to technicalities with the machine. The camera did show the obvious though. Today Nanna has a visit from the Macmillan nurses. . . :(

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Nanna (Dads mother) went for a camera scan last week, showed a lump. She did have a scan booked yesterday but it was postponed due to technicalities with the machine. The camera did show the obvious though. Today Nanna has a visit from the Macmillan nurses. . . :(

Oh mate... that doesn't sound good.  Love to nana and I hope it turns out to be totally curable after the scan  :'(
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