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Called my carrot grower this morning to order a couple of bags of carrots to be collected at lunchtime... he told me he couldn't do any today as he'd had an accident in the tractor on the way back to the washing plant (where my topsoil comes from)... just had a text from old Ben (FB) to say he's made the Cambridge Evening News...


Luckily nobody was seriously hurt... the driver has a small cut to his head... but it could have been a lot worse I reckon.  Evidently, a lorry was overtaking another one coming the other way and he had nowhere to go... if it's the tractor I am thinking of it's a 5470 Tier II  :'(

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It would appear Nanna Fry's decline in health is happening a little quicker than anticipated  :( After the diagnosis before Christmas and the fall and subsequent hip replacement afterwards she will be leaving hospital for a Hospice now and not to return home  :'(

Bit of a tough one to swallow for me or be honest.

So sorry to hear the news of your Gran Tris. Hope she remains comforted and happy in the hospice.

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Thank you everyone  :)

I am going up to see her with my Dad on Friday afternoon, not sure whether she is at hospital still or in the hospice yet. Find out soon I guess. Either way, veyr much looking forward to seeing her and accompanying m dad too as he has been going too and fro every Friday on his own.

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Saw Nanna on Friday. . .. was not prepared for what I saw and have had a hard weekend trying not to see the image that is now stuck in my head. I don't think there is much time left for her now and I hope for her own sake she is in a better place soon, the Hospice are seeing to her with great care I think but sometime even that is not enough. Dad was visibly upset, he sees Nanna every week but had to admit this past week has seen a massive deterioration in her health. I think he visited again yesterday to accompany one of his sisters who comes down from Coventry as she won't be expecting what she sees either.

I may be waffling here and I apologise if I sound like a wet fish, sometimes reading ones own words can help make sense of things.

On another note - and arguably a far worse situation than my own. My Mums friend lost her husband to swine flu last week. He contracted it over Christmas as did their eldest son. With her husbands passing the focus is now on her son and his so far - 5 week battle with swine flu. He has been moved from his nearest hospital in Basildon to Leicester for specialist treatment involving re-oxygenating of his blood, six chest drains, amputation of his right fingers and the treating of a blood clot on his brain. Still unconscious but he has started the road to recovery at least. .. .. Then the Nan of the same family dies of cancer at the weekend. So all in all I think Mums friend is finding 2011 not in her favour!

Life, eh? What's it all about?

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Its NEVER EASY to see a loved ones health decline, especially when there is very little you can do to help.

It makes you question a lot of things and proves how precious the time we all have together is.

Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family  :)

I'm not very religious, but the farmer i used to work for is a very religious man and he said to me, its all part of a bigger picture which we might not understand at the time but will make sense some day.

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Saw Nanna on Friday. . .. was not prepared for what I saw and have had a hard weekend trying not to see the image that is now stuck in my head. I don't think there is much time left for her now and I hope for her own sake she is in a better place soon, the Hospice are seeing to her with great care I think but sometime even that is not enough. Dad was visibly upset, he sees Nanna every week but had to admit this past week has seen a massive deterioration in her health. I think he visited again yesterday to accompany one of his sisters who comes down from Coventry as she won't be expecting what she sees either.

I may be waffling here and I apologise if I sound like a wet fish, sometimes reading ones own words can help make sense of things.

On another note - and arguably a far worse situation than my own. My Mums friend lost her husband to swine flu last week. He contracted it over Christmas as did their eldest son. With her husbands passing the focus is now on her son and his so far - 5 week battle with swine flu. He has been moved from his nearest hospital in Basildon to Leicester for specialist treatment involving re-oxygenating of his blood, six chest drains, amputation of his right fingers and the treating of a blood clot on his brain. Still unconscious but he has started the road to recovery at least. .. .. Then the Nan of the same family dies of cancer at the weekend. So all in all I think Mums friend is finding 2011 not in her favour!

Life, eh? What's it all about?

flipping hec Tris... three tales of woe there mate... Nana doesn't spund too good... I hope the end for her is painless and dignified... and as for the swine flu victims... that is horrendous... I assume they are both experiencing 'secondary complications' bought on as a result of the flu ??? .. that's actually very worrying indeed  :of  poor old mum... what must she be going through right now... living hell I would imagine
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Really sorry to hear all of this Tris, especially regards your Gran's declining health, my sincerest thoughts.

Whilst there still seems to be some resistance from certain family members I really hope my Gran is moved into the care and comfort of a home sooner rather than later. I know Dad is hoping something can be sorted soon, it's becoming harder and harder to look after her whilst she's living on her own, even the carers are beginning to struggle. We had her around for tea on Saturday night after she had wandered miles from her own home and become lost and confused for the third time in a week, thankfully she's been found safe on each occasion. I do find it difficult sometimes talking with her and seeing what the dementia is leading to. She still manages to take the mickey out of my facial hair so there must still be a few sparks glowing up there. Love her to bits.   

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sorry to hear about yer nan tris , but i know how you feel it's heart wrenching to see a loved one deteriorate, my grandad was the same , to me he was always a big man , but once he got in a home , he seemed very small & fragile , unfortunately i took a bad turn on my behalf as i just couldn't visit him as he was also loosing his memory , i did visit a few times before he left us , but what i saw & what i remembered were two different things , he will always be a big man in my eyes, & thats how best to remember them even when they havent quite left just yet .

if you nan was the greatest in the world , then she will always be the greatest in the world regardless of how she may seem at the moment

hard to think of at the moment but happy thoughts mate

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Thank you all for the words, shared experiences and so on. Been a strange old weekend if I'm honest. I'm 'happy' to say that Nanna passed away in her sleep last night. I still find it odd how a lady who brought up 4 children, was grandmother to another 10, great grandmother to a further 13 and even a great great grandmother to one could be granted such an undignified passage out of life but that's a whole new discussion not for FTF! She is at peace now and in the last fortnight all of the grandchildren and the remaining children - Dad and his two sisters all visited to say a hello and lest we admit it - goodbye too. Upsetting as it is, relief comes from it all now and Nanna may rest in peace.

Once again guys, thanks a lot for the last few posts in this topic.

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My deepest condolences to you and your family tris.  Was in similar boat 2 and half yrs ago with my nan and not sounding cruel you are pleased to see them resting in peace and in no more pain and in a better place :)

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