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My nan sadly passed away today :'( :'( Although she has had a good innings at 93 she had a fall the other week at home and wasnt discovered for 36 hours. She did start to recover but took a turn for the worst and deteriorated over the week. She will be sadly missed.

sorry to hear that mate
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That's shi* bad luck Bill, one of the terrifying things about getting old, something so simple can become a life or death situation.... thank god they got to him when they did or we would likely be seeing another round of condolences.... small mercies I guess..... and nice to have your Dad back home too....

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That's shi* bad luck Bill, one of the terrifying things about getting old, something so simple can become a life or death situation.... thank god they got to him when they did or we would likely be seeing another round of condolences.... small mercies I guess..... and nice to have your Dad back home too....

Yes Simon my uncle was lucky that he was found after  only 24 ofdd hours and yes it nice to have dad out of the hospital too. I seem to have done nothing than run back and forth to hospitals last week but tomorrow I hoping for a me day and get off down to a model sale at Montrose to take me mind off doom and gloom.

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My nan sadly passed away today :'( :'( Although she has had a good innings at 93 she had a fall the other week at home and wasnt discovered for 36 hours. She did start to recover but took a turn for the worst and deteriorated over the week. She will be sadly missed.

sorry to hear that buddy... My sincerest condolences to you all...

93 is a damn good innings as well... I hope I can get that far in life... chin up if you can  :-\

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My nan sadly passed away today :'( :'( Although she has had a good innings at 93 she had a fall the other week at home and wasnt discovered for 36 hours. She did start to recover but took a turn for the worst and deteriorated over the week. She will be sadly missed.

Really sorry to hear that Jamie, and can sympathise, have lost both my Grandmothers during this crappy year  :'(

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My nan sadly passed away today :'( :'( Although she has had a good innings at 93 she had a fall the other week at home and wasnt discovered for 36 hours. She did start to recover but took a turn for the worst and deteriorated over the week. She will be sadly missed.

Know exactly where you are coming from. Tough time for the family, talk about your Nan alot. Get it all out and the fonder memories will come back sooner. Me, my missus and my Dad had a right giggle last night looking at the photo's that Dad has put together for his Dad's wake this coming Thursday. There will always be more to laugh and smile about. Chin up sonny jim and raise a glass.  ;):)

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You shouldnt be down there  ::) ::):o :o

Most of the girls have moved onto union street now used to be out the way down the Harbour.

Glad you enjoyed Clublands, Where was it held?

i have more sence than to go down to the harbour  :-\ :-\

it was at the AECC some crowd of people there i tell you most of caithness was down there aswell  ::):D :D

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Me and my mum took my grandma to the hospital yesterday after they had called her in urgently after a recent scan. Turns out she has liver cancer. Luckly it doesnt spread and its very treatable. But nto the sortf of thing we wanted to hear :-[

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