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28 minutes ago, Tractorman810 said:

over the last 24 hours ? if so i suspect it may have been for the server migration i never even got that, but as we posted at the start it was going to go down again anyway so not a surprise really 

It working ok now 

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35 minutes ago, Tractorman810 said:

over the last 24 hours ? if so i suspect it may have been for the server migration i never even got that, but as we posted at the start it was going to go down again anyway so not a surprise really 

I got that as well on a few times but with a different error code every time  

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  • 2 weeks later...

I noticed it this morning that the popular contributors bit on the right hand side had got Watermill down with 30 post now I thought good I will look at some more of his lovely models , but I cant find them found his collection page as Deerest had posted on it this morning now is there a small fault in the system or have I got it wrong as I think Charlie's last post was back in October after the Spalding show ? like I said is it just me got it wrong or has Watermill posted in some other topic I cant find . Sorry for using you Charlie as a example on here just thought I was going to see some more of your fantastic models sorry if I have got it wrong    

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10 minutes ago, smithy said:

I noticed it this morning that the popular contributors bit on the right hand side had got Watermill down with 30 post now I thought good I will look at some more of his lovely models , but I cant find them found his collection page as Deerest had posted on it this morning now is there a small fault in the system or have I got it wrong as I think Charlie's last post was back in October after the Spalding show ? like I said is it just me got it wrong or has Watermill posted in some other topic I cant find . Sorry for using you Charlie as a example on here just thought I was going to see some more of your fantastic models sorry if I have got it wrong    

my P&A Farm topic  comeplety missing Smithy,so still bugs

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forum was not working again last night and this morning but down bottom of page it said that some members was on here I went to the top of page and clicked on the likes symbol and got a page up from previse day but could not get any further ,the middle bit of page just said error  

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Well we're back again now. Some major issues were discovered after our last attempted maintenance so hopefully now we are all clear again. As always, let me know if you find any problems whilst browsing / posting.


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