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Everything posted by Andy

  1. Andy

    Ford 7600

    Here we go then, the 7600. This is a pre production image, but I assume it is as close to the production version as you will get.
  2. There has been very little action around here over the past few days, I dont think I've seen the ground this wet in a long time. Nice pictures though, looks a little like LFP equipment.
  3. Yes its the america release version, rather then a dealer release I presume.
  4. I will pre sell the tickets , yes Mark. Although we will of course be having a display and raffle at Spalding a few weeks before hand, so I will attempt to get interesting and different prizes for both occasions.
  5. There will be a raffle definitely
  6. I think it may have been employees only Mark, my girlfriends dad works there so thats how I got a ticket. Im trying to find my bloomin USB link for my phone to get the pictures on here.
  7. Indeed, I didnt know they supplied JCB with one type of engine either. Strange seeing they are rivals.
  8. Yesterday I managed to get along to the Perkins Open day. They had a nice display of tractors and plant machinery from down the years hosting the various Perkins engines installed. I took plenty of photos, so I will get them uploaded later today hopefully. The day included an extensive factory tour which was also great, so pretty good day all round!
  9. Wow, interesting! what about the earlier version then Sean?
  10. According to Craig, the New model is correctly scaled, the previous version is slightly underscale....according to Britains that is. Anyone taken any measurements?
  11. Very interesting. There is one man who will definitely know the answer to its authenticity, and he will bid on it, if it is I guess its possible if its a promotional model. Paintwork looks untouched, along with wheel axles...maybe a new rare Britains model on the horizon.
  12. There are not many core collectors for the range so values do not really reach significant prices. The space station boxed doesnt do too badly however, but I get the impression to be worth anything, it has to be in really mint condition with the packaging in tact. Last year at Christies, there was a large wax prototype of one of the alien figures, which made a few hundred quid.
  13. Here is the Tw35 with grey wheels.
  14. Its worrying at the thought of several subscribers having more than 1 issue left. How do we stand on that, being owed issues?
  15. Does anyone have any updates on this? Has the next issue been published?
  16. Dad has been going through the collection over the past week for insurance purposes, so will get some pics next time I'm back home.
  17. Regrettably, the meeting has now been postponed untill the 12th June. Recieved a last second call from Mr Varley (literally) since I was actually at the meeting location waiting for him! Sorry about that guys, but please do keep the suggestions coming.
  18. RC2 invested heavily into the 8530 precision and to date have had pretty poor sales with the model. I guess they have only scraped an evens return so far, but possibly not even that. Therefore this addition will go someway in recovering some of the costs. It wouldnt suprise me if the RC2 1/32 precision range dies a death in the next 1 -2 years, simply because not enough units are sold.
  19. Andy

    Ford 7600

    FTF had first option on having the 7600 as the 07 ltd edition tractor to follow the 6600, but I thought we needed a change
  20. Ive only seen custom versions with new decals like that on them. I dont know if Britains did official ones.
  21. Ive been informed that there has been some logistic problems over in China, which has pushed back the Spring releases. The FTF model is on the same shipment tag as the drill I have been told.
  22. Thats correct, GTP is the French forum. GTP is a member here on FTF, so he can provide you any details I should think.
  23. I was reading on the French forum that UH's new collectors club will be releasing a limited 1/16 farm item in the summer. Does anyone know what this model will be?
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