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Everything posted by SPN

  1. This field is on the Taghmon Road out of Adamstown. I think they were drawing out the Clonroche road and turning right at The Leap.
  2. She is in need of a little bit o' lovin', but I don't think she is retired.
  3. JQ 6920S with Grimme GZ 1700 DLS Harvester. Fendt 818 carting with 18ft tandem axle trailer. Photographed near Adamstown Co. Wexford.
  4. This baby puts out over 200hp and goes like stonk.
  5. I saw some in a shop recently. I'll have a look tomorrow. How many you looking for?
  6. I know of a contractor who got rid of two self propelled outfits and bought three Pottinger Silage Wagons for his grass silage business. He kept one SPFH for harvesting maize and he uses the Pottingers for carting it. The main advantage of the wagins is their low ground pressure compared to normal silage trailers. I haev been told of another contractor who hires in silage wagons as trailers for maize when the going gets very wet.
  7. SPN

    Some for NH2

    What is the silver loader (backhoe?) parked beside the seven eight? The cab looks like a Fritzmeier. Fendt? Whitlock?
  8. Almost true - "Red" was originally a login for work done by both of them. One did the original Armer-Salmon and the other did the original Keenan Orbital - the two first posts under the "Red" login. There are now three Armor-Salmon twin row harvesters, and, I am reliably informed, orders for a dozen more. I am so looking forward to taking the picture of all twelve lined up - PDC style - prior to shipping. I think that picture should be taken outside the former Armor-Salmon premises in Carlow. How cool would that be?
  9. Don't count on it! The pics below, which do, it must be said, include contributions from Smallclaas, F-P and TM810, give a pretty good idea of who will be Red's most effective challenger.
  10. She's worth more now than she cost new - in 1966 It's a blue thing, they wouldn't understand!
  11. Haven't seen it yet, but congrats to Rory in advance. I really love the articles by the people who worked in the tractor companies in the 60s, 70s and 80s. I love reading about the background to the stuff we saw on the ground - those "ah, so that's what that was all about" moments. ...... and lots of blue porn!
  12. It was a condition of sale that you weren't allowed put Fergies in the same field as an Armor-Salmon harvester. Most people used Ford 4000s with the single row, and Ford 7810s or TW15s with the twin rows. Massey never sold a tractor that could cope with such a beast of a machine (on this side of the water. I'm sure the 1800, 4880 and 4900 might have been up to the job.)
  13. Not just one TW15, not just two TW15s, this guy is running FIVE cracking Ford TW15s. Four of them have Smyths 18ft trailers, and one has a Lee 15ft. Number one has the Lee, number two has plain weights, number three has twin beacons, number four has weights with a tow pin, and number five has no weights. Number one: Number two: Number two again: Number three: Number four arrives: Number five arrives: Number three parked, four pulling away from harvester, five pulling alongside: Three parked, four parked, five alongside harvester: Three, four and harvester parked: Four, five and three parked up for lunch:
  14. Superb Sean! You going to badge it up as a Lee? If I was going to suggest one change, I'd look to reduce the overhang at the back. Moving the weight that far behind the wheels would very likely lift the rear wheels of the tractor or snap the hitch.
  15. Bonfire night is coming up! Can't let Udi have all the fun.
  16. No it doesn't! Numpty Squad please note!
  17. Denis, I'll pick you up in the Hiace in a couple of hours. You can show me the way. :
  18. FFS Psycho! That is a serious collection! Anytime you want to create some space, I'd be more than happy to mind your Intrac and MB Trac for you!
  19. PDC does them in many colours. Personally I think the Pottinger one in red looks best
  20. I haven't seen her, but I know somebody who built a replica using a County 1884 as the donor. Boy does he now wish he hadn't done that! :'( :'( [ Will organise pics soon. Promise!
  21. The anorak-iest post ever on FTF! PDC vs F-P vs Texas (at least FNHIR and I keep our 6Y and 7A anoraking to ourselves! )
  22. Oh goody! My Armor Salmon harvester is nearly complete! Nice one red! Nope. The one at Fingal was an Irish spec, based on measurements taken from Edwin Jennings' harvester. The one above is a UK spec, based on measurements taken from Bob White's harvester. Here's a pic of the one in Fingal
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