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The Weather in General


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The weather in Sussex is horrible at the moment,...strong winds with a good mix of downpours thrown in.Flooding on most of the major rivers  close to us and the barometer has been slowly dropping for the last two days and we are down to 992mb,....the lowest I have seen it for a LONG time.    :of

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Minus 1 degrees in Aberdeen with a heavy white frost. You would have thought it was a light snow covering on some of the back roads.

It more tahn likely was snow bill we had snow here over night not much but have also had a few flurries today. Due for more over the next couple of days.

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Thankfully it's stopped raining for the time being here at Pickering and is just bitterly cold and dry. It rained all night and as a result the River Derwent that divides the town in two is very close to going over the top, many people living close to the centre of town have their sandbags at the ready. 

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