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Universal Hobbies 2012 - 1:32


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It's amazing the same company that has produced the new Quadtrac ad CR9090 has managed to create these MF monstrosities! Saying that, I suspect that these are going to come in at quite a bit lower price than the eye watering price for the Quadtrac....is it really twice as good as the Wiking Xerion 5000?

It reminds me of some of the unusual geometry of the Case Puma - another model that just isn't right sadly.

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i dont think i have ever seen a 600 series with those rear hub types either, a 390 yes, and a 290 to, our had that type fitted, but no 690's ,the front and rear wheels on the 2620 would be more in keeping for the 690, infact the 2620 front axel would be the easiest way for uh to sort it front wise, looks about right else were going by them pics

also is it me or does the cab on the 6290 look a bit wrong??? the front on pic looks ok, but the side shot and the roof look wrong??? the backs to upright and the roof just looks wrong

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Looking back at the resin prototypes, the main thing wrong with the 690 seems to be it has completely the wrong front axle - it appears to have a straight through axle but should actually have a 'stepped' up one (sorry don't know the right technical term). The prototype had the right one so very odd that this doesn't. On a more positive note, the 2640 has lost its monster air cleaner on the bonnet. So UH do listen a bit!

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Well after five fantastic days away from reality, filled with happy thoughts, i've come home to this! There's a very good chance the 690 and 390 will be appearing in nightmares of mine tonight having seen these images, and most definitely not my own collection. Problem is they're like car crash TV, I can't blinking well help myself but keep looking at them!

They really are the most dreadful looking 1/32nd cobbled - together - collector's models I have ever seen. I find it extraordinary that this far down the design and production process, they have ( A ) ended up being assembled in that way, and ( B ) that these photographs were ever allowed out into the public domain.

I truly hope that what see pictured here is indeed fiction and that Universal Hobbies are able to somehow rectify this situation so they end looking much more like the reality they're supposed to represent.

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Just looking at the original pics on the Bossen Implements website:

If the 390 was dropped onto 34" wheels it would look a whole lot better.

Likewise the 690. (Sean, would a 690 have had 14x34s or 16.9x38s in real life). It also needs a proper front axle. (edit: The axle is proper for a 4wd, but the mock-up has 2wd wheels on a 4wd axle)

I'm guessing these are handmade mockups from an early stage that went to AGCO for approval of certain design features. They are almost definitely not the finished article.

God help whoever leaked them to Bossen.

Edited by SPN
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as masseys are a very popular brand,these latest uh mf pictures have caused quite a stir,and rightly so,but looking back at some posts in this topic,there could be a glimmer of hope that these are not final pictures of the models,lets all hope this is right,if not uh will not be popular,sometimes the easiest and the best thing you can do to alter a model is change the wheels and tyres,but you shouldnt have to do this at this model price bracket,i along with a few others changed the wheels on the uh massey 3080,and it transformed the model,but again,something you should not have to do at uh's prices,hope uh sort it

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To wet the appetite a little more....some further pics of the upcoming CR9090. It really is a nice model - although it's a shame to the tank lids don't open. It's definitely better than the Norev Lexion 770, although UH's Class Tucano gives it a run for it's money in the detail stakes.

And it is a lot lot better than the MFs! UH can definitely do models really well when they put their mind to it!









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