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What did you see today that made you laugh?

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sorry jo, had one of those days yesterday, if it could have got any worse it would have for forgetting stuff, got from the car to the gates and reaslised we had left the tickets at home to, so had to pay to get in  :-[:-[ :-[:-[ :-[ that with the camera, and my moby, just topped the day off

Never mind Sean at least you got there :)

Sounds like you had bad karma that day - can't be helped.

Did you buy anything?

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Never mind Sean at least you got there :)

Sounds like you had bad karma that day - can't be helped.

Did you buy anything?

only food stuff, model prices were very high, at least one seller was at spalding just gone, and they had put 10 quid on most of the models, i mean 20 quid for a 32nd scale 35x or 135?? rip off or what

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turned up on site this morning and was told there will be a 5tonne digger arriving for me to opperate 9,0clock  lorry turns up with a 25 tonner wow over kill  told the driver to take it back as it was toooooo bib for the site 3 hrs latter 9 tonner turns up  now thats better

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only food stuff, model prices were very high, at least one seller was at spalding just gone, and they had put 10 quid on most of the models, i mean 20 quid for a 32nd scale 35x or 135?? rip off or what

thats how they pay for their pitch mate . 20 quid doesn't sound that bad , i know people can find them cheaper. shame about the rain
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guess so, but still a bit high, can easily  see why the stands we pretty empty, went past this one several times during the day and rarly more than 1 or 2 people in, just anoyes me that they pay pitch prices ect for spalding and other shows, may be cheaper, but in them prices stay the same, so whys a county show so different

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i know from one of the dealers who does the devon county show and his pitch cost him a lot of money. and he only has a ifor williams show trailer . i know when i do westpoint it costs just under £80 for my pitch and his pitch cost a few times that. but he said the cornwall show is cheaper.

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i know from one of the dealers who does the devon county show and his pitch cost him a lot of money. and he only has a ifor williams show trailer . i know when i do westpoint it costs just under £80 for my pitch and his pitch cost a few times that. but he said the cornwall show is cheaper.

cant be a friend of mine paid £350 for all three days just for a space in the craft tent :o

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a fortnight ago my granda took one of the tom cats about half an hours drive from here and let it loose as it was killing all the ducklings, he got up yesterday morning and who was sitting in the yard looking fed?!  :D :D :D :D :D

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a fortnight ago my granda took one of the tom cats about half an hours drive from here and let it loose as it was killing all the ducklings, he got up yesterday morning and who was sitting in the yard looking fed?!  :D :D :D :D :D

Obviously he was unaware that a roving tomcat has a territory covering a lot of square miles and thirty or so miles is nothing to him. 

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Reading about the roving cat reminded me of many years when I relocated a racing pigeon which was tired and was not willing to fly and he just kept wanderinfg about my back garden. I phoned the relevent cruelty to bird society etc and was given the number of a pigeon fancier in the Aberdeen area. Anyway I could not get him so I decided to box up the pigeon and relocate up a mile or so away in the country because I was going away to Berwick upon Tweed the following day and didn't want the pigeon fouling the back garden. Anyway where I was going to relocate him they were silaging so I did not want to be spotted dumping a pigeon so I continued round in a circle and dumped him a few miles on thinking well that's the last I'll see of him. You can image how I felt when I returned home the following night to look out the kitchen window to see the same bold hero walking around the patio. Whether he flew or walked back I'll nver know but eventually he disappeared and people say he was just tired and resting ;D ;D

I know it wasn't today I saw it but I thought it was a good story ;) ;)

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My sons face today...

Bless him... he's 13 years old... got his first real girlfriend and he's a bit conscious of how 'cool' he looks...

So.. picture the scene in our hectic house this morning...

WES (My son): Dad can you pick me up from school at 4.15pm today please - I've got (some club) after school today and I'll need a lift home

MRS F: Well it will be me or dad Wes as Dad may be busy at work

WES: No way mum... it's got to be dad - you car is not cool (the landy he means) - dad's car looks way better than yours

ME: Right Wes... can I have the roof down though if it's sunny - is that still cool

WES: Only if it's sunny... and try not to look like a geek dad - you always show me up...

ME: (bit p***ed off at that comment)... ok mate... do I look ok.. am I dressed in the right clothes to be worthy of picking up my son then ???

WES: Yeah... ish... but don't wear your sunglasses - you look a right pr@t in them

>:( >:(

This is how I turned up to pick him up today... as I pulled around the corner he was stood with all his mates at the collection point  ;D - I drove in slowly in 3rd gear so my car kangarooed into the carpark  ;D - for some reason he wasn't impressed  :D :D :D :D


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