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What really annoyed you today

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David. I'm speechless, that is suuuuuuuuuuperb!! 

Thanks Tris, appreciated mate, I suppose you could call it stress relief, a way of letting go of the things that fuel my frustrations in the first place. Some blokes play golf, others will go blind sooner than the rest us, whilst I scribble nonsense about nonsense :)

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... whilst I scribble nonsense about nonsense :)

Nonsense, David?  Definitely not.  I gave up buying newspapers years ago because I became disenchanted with the drivel that filled most of the available space.  Having peeked at a friends daily recently I found it had not changed. 

The glossy magazine are worse: the cult of "celebrity" really makes me mad; most of the so-called celebrities are people I have never heard of or have only heard about because of their outrageous behaviour.

My impression is that they are attempting to revive (or perhaps even kick-start) their flagging careers with extraordinarily bad  behaviour  or by participating in naff reality shows (which I do not watch). 

There - that is my drivel and nonsense to go with yours!  Keep writing!

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Having to put a rejected load of spuds (approx 26 tons, they took 3.5 off pre rejection) over the grader again at 7.30 am today before sending them back in.........wouldn't be annoying if they hadn't rejected it for rotton potatoes, we only picked about 30-40 rotton spuds out of the whole load, looks like McCains are playing silly buggers >:(::)

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Road closures and diversions and having to use almost a single track road and met around a dozen or so vehicles on it including a 6 wheeled float. I think I must have covered a lot of miles in reverse gear today >:(

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Nonsense, David?  Definitely not.  I gave up buying newspapers years ago because I became disenchanted with the drivel that filled most of the available space.  Having peeked at a friends daily recently I found it had not changed. 

Horrifyingly, the day is going to come Sue, or probably already has that a newspaper headline along the lines of;

"Scotland Yard To Launch Global Search For Jordan's Missing Talent" 

is going to take precedent over something as significant as a natural disaster or terrorist atrocity, which will inevitabley barely make the small print. And if anyone from Scotland Yard is reading in, it was called a breast reduction.

The glossy magazine are worse: the cult of "celebrity" really makes me mad; most of the so-called celebrities are people I have never heard of or have only heard about because of their outrageous behaviour.

My impression is that they are attempting to revive (or perhaps even kick-start) their flagging careers with extraordinarily bad  behaviour  or by participating in naff reality shows (which I do not watch). 

I agree whole heartedly with you Sue, further I believe they're as bad as benefit frauds, unashamedly vain and two-faced in their methods to earn a quick and talentless buck.

Reality TV shows containing so called celebrities, another subject I view (or rather don't view) with a hatred. They became predictable the moment the first one ended. You can almost assume 99.9% of the line up before they've been announced these days.

1. Someone who is only famous for appearing on a previous reality TV show.

2. Someone who is only famous for sleeping with someone who is actually famous.

3. A cast member of Hollyoaks.

There - that is my drivel and nonsense to go with yours!  Keep writing!

Thank you for the encouragement Sue, if enough frustrated fodder keeps being placed in my trough, i'll continue to put pen to paper. :) 

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Just home from a major big time major heart exam.....ugh....31/2 hours of drugs and Nuclear stress test, I cant remember all the test, I just remember one time while in this tunnel full of drugs coming out and my wife asking me?  What you mean "Pot Noodles off my chest"?  "oh did I say that"?  "I was mumbling away I guess"  It felt like marky channel sittin on chest, big porky pot noodle :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:  my head hurts like ell from the drugs........pppttthhhwwww  :P  Marky :-*

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Just home from a major big time major heart exam.....ugh....31/2 hours of drugs and Nuclear stress test, I cant remember all the test, I just remember one time while in this tunnel full of drugs coming out and my wife asking me?  What you mean "Pot Noodles off my chest"?  "oh did I say that"?  "I was mumbling away I guess"  It felt like marky channel sittin on chest, big porky pot noodle :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:  my head hurts like ell from the drugs........pppttthhhwwww  :P  Marky :-*

:D :D  - well I hope the results were ok pops... I suspect they were desperately looking to see if you even had a heart, having read some of the posts you make on here  ;):P
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cold callers on the phone havent they heard of shif workers  >:( >:(>:(

tossers woke me up and he now knows not to call again ::) ::)

Have you not subscribed to the Telephone Preference Service? - it works and stops 99% of cold callers.  I have had one or two cold calls since but a mention of TPS shut them up. 

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I don't get annoyed very often but Royal Mail have got me good and wound up today >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(

I am trying to track a parcel that was posted on 4th January and hasn't arrived yet, the website says it is still in the system somewhere so I am trying to find out when it is likely to be delivered..........I have just spent 15 minutes going through endless menus, press 1 for this, press 2 for that..........and then I get an automated voice that is supposed to be speech recognition.......that can't understand me >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:(

I just want to speak to a person not a ruddy machine >:( >:(

I still don't know when it is going to be delivered either  :-\ :-\

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Just home from a major big time major heart exam.....ugh....31/2 hours of drugs and Nuclear stress test, I cant remember all the test, I just remember one time while in this tunnel full of drugs coming out and my wife asking me?  What you mean "Pot Noodles off my chest"?  "oh did I say that"?  "I was mumbling away I guess"  It felt like marky channel sittin on chest, big porky pot noodle :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:  my head hurts like ell from the drugs........pppttthhhwwww  :P  Marky :-*

Nightmare in all sense of the word!

Hope you feel better after a good night's sleep (without Marky sitting on your chest - a modern version of the"Old Hag" methinks)

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After 6 years of trading I still get turned down by suppliers because I'm not a Ltd company, VAT registered and/or have a physical shop (the bottom line is that they don't think I'm a legitimate business). It's so frustrating >:(

That's a shame Mandy... you can always say you are Histon Produce Co ltd,  ;)
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That's a shame Mandy... you can always say you are Histon Produce Co ltd,  ;)

That's ever so kind of you, but I really like to be honest and upfront and I don't see why I should have to jump through hoops when I'm giving people my money >:(

(And I do understand that there are people just trying to benefit from trade prices or guys that without overheads, drastically cutting prices and damaging a suppliers existing clients... but that's not ME >:( )

Ooooo am I cross >:(

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Limited company is only about £80 to buy Mandy... accountant's fee's can be minimal... why not form a company yourself...

As for VAT.. avoid it like the plague... start another company up in Spencer's name if needs be  ;);D:-*

Or.... Marry me and we'll put it all through Histon Produce anyway.. and split everything 50:50  :-*:-* ;);D

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Ok I don't think it's fair that I have not got a little two-tone oblong that says 'Aunty' - 'Here to help'.

If theres any chance I would like purple please. :-*

You have to be a moderator on here to have a little oblone thing Aunty Jo.. We've all worked on hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hours of creeping, sucking up and generally 'loving' Andy the big cheese to get these new boxes...

Not to mention the 4 pallets of jaffa cakes paid in advance... dropped off in a disused multu-storey carpark late on night  ;)

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i think its unfair that i don't have a two tone oblong :P

Marky beat me to it!

why not just set up a limited company? My 21 year old cousin did it, so i'm sure you can! oh and my dad and uncle changed their business to LTD too...

Marky do you ask Mandy to marry you everyday?

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Most days Alex.... when you've met her you'll feel the same as me... all I'll say is... join the back of the queue mate... the last time I looked it was somewhere around Glasgow  ;):D :D

Mandy is the FTF pin up girl... although it would be rude to mention her age (all I can say is that she's a different number to me... in an upwards direction  ;)  ) ... she LOOKS like she's 21-22... and I will add shes stunningly beautiful... on the outside AND the inside too  :-*

EDIT... I could have worded that last bit better... I mean she's beautiful on the outside... and she had a beautiful character as well...  :-[

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