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my lad (11) was getting a bit of name calling ,  so i told him to flatten the lad ..he did,  he went to town on the lad,  had 9 cuts on the lads face when he finnished .. he got 2 weeks after school detention.. but no name calling anymore ... dont know if right or wrong.. at least you know about it , my advice is nip it in the bud .. 

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Since the snow our road at home has all cracked up and gone really spongy so finally 4 weeks later now the council have started digging it up to relay it.

Now we are told that they won't be tar and chipping just leaving it as stones - sure that will be full of potholes soon again >:(

Drove past yesterday and there was 6 men there. 3 leaning on shovels watching a digger and directing the few cars that use the road. They have done 120 yards in 4 days >:( >:(>:(

our roads the same but it was always this bad but the recent weather has cracked lifted it and in patches washed it away complained to council and was told the engineers had to look at every road before they could dcide what to do  >:(  we had 2 flats on the family car the side wall gets damaged on the edges of potholes and a buble forms and the blow out  >:(

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our roads the same but it was always this bad but the recent weather has cracked lifted it and in patches washed it away complained to council and was told the engineers had to look at every road before they could dcide what to do  >:(  we had 2 flats on the family car the side wall gets damaged on the edges of potholes and a buble forms and the blow out  >:(

Our road was like Mount Everest with all the peaks and troughs in it and we got the same response from the engineers >:(

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my lad (11) was getting a bit of name calling ,  so i told him to flatten the lad ..he did,  he went to town on the lad,  had 9 cuts on the lads face when he finnished .. he got 2 weeks after school detention.. but no name calling anymore ... dont know if right or wrong.. at least you know about it , my advice is nip it in the bud .. 

I have to agree Rob, it's slightly different when it's girls but the principal is the same, I told her she must tell the teacher, she said that people will call her a snitch, I suggested she say 'I'm not a snitch, you're a bully, and I don't have to deal with you, the teachers do'..... One of the kids is a member of the local boxing gym, and Mrs H will have him chucked out if he's a bully, it's one of the things for which a very dim view is taken... So there are options, just feel so helpless... not to mention ANGRY... I don't belt my own kids but I sure as hell would these little SH***!!  :laugh:

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Found out our little girl is getting bullied at school, made us very sad but made me F*IN LIVID as well.... I'm pretty shy and retiring normally but when something gets my back up I become rather focussed....I've got the red mist now!  >:(  Had a long talk with her this evening, she's only 8 and so brave bless her, Daddy's on the case now...  ;)  ;D

i was getting bullied in year 9... i got sick of it and landed one hell of a right hook to this guys nose. his nose literally exploded (only time ive ever punched anyone properly).... i hadn't told my dad i was being bullied, and the school called him in as they were going to expel me or something :-[. I confessed what was going on to my dad, and the deputy head, my dad raised merry hell, ive never seen him so hacked off. still it worked, i wasn't bullied any more and i stayed at the school til the end of my A levels :) 

in the words of motley crue "you've gotta fight, for your right, to party"

oh and "new" facebook being just as useless as "old" facebook as far as it working is concerned is really hacking me off!

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Dunno...but they have used a one of my pictures in a video and i am yet to send a message as i have to add them as a friend first... :police:

And there was me thinking I would come home to an entry in this topic from Massey Boy blaming his mother for the fact that he was forced to appear in the Leerdammer cheese advert but, something WORSE has happened ....

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took Harry to a play centre only to find it was full and Q's outside the door >:( >:(>:( >:( !....didnt know Bar Hill could get that busy! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

have to find somewhere else he can have some fun....mmmm i know a man who has an interesting office ;)

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Bought a 1tb hard drive to backup all my stuff in order to clean out a PC. Did so and found the new drive has corrupted the data somehow. Currently running recovery software to try and get it back - only 23 hrs to go.  >:( >:(

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Waking up at 1 am this morning with agonising cramp on both legs at the back just below the knee. Can't remember when last bothered with cramp but I'm now wide awake. Had a read of lastest Classic tractor and now on here to see if that tires me out so I can get back to sleep.

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Bloomin neuralgia in my shoulder all week. Can't seem to get rid of it and it's driving me mad >:(

Probably more like fribrositis - get Frazer to massage your back andneck muscles starting at the bottom the shoulder blade and following itupwards and outwards.  It is caused by lactic acid crystals buildingup in the muscle fibres often after unaccustomed exercise or repetitivestrain.  Heat helps - wheatie or old fashioned hot water bottle

Believe me I know!

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Bought a 1tb hard drive to backup all my stuff in order to clean out a PC. Did so and found the new drive has corrupted the data somehow. Currently running recovery software to try and get it back - only 23 hrs to go.  >:( >:(

Flash Drive John keep it simple....thumb drive as I call them....life savers.....

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