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What really annoyed you today

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DVLA apparently losing my v5 document telling them I've sold my car about 2weeks ago and now sending me a threatening letter telling me they're going to fine me unless I tax the car or declare it sorned.

British Telecom who are useless full stop couldn't organise a pi$$ up in a brewery

A local doctor who told one of my friends her mother was definently going to die 3weeks ago but she didn't pass away until yesterday

The doctor/consultant in dorchester hospital who said my grandads bone marrow infection and subsequent chest infection which he caught in hospital should clear up with antibiotics, then grandad died 2days later

The fact that the royal british legion won't be able to sell poppies in certain areas this year because it will upset certain ethic groups

and finally the copper who I meet on a narrow country lane in my car, who told me not to reverse at such high speed because I might lose control (I have advanced road and race circuit training) , then didn't even say thankyou for reversing back in the first place, ignorant cnut

and deep breath............................. relax

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Guess who.....yup him again, our student >:( >:(  He's avoiding me and alsp being very sheepish when he is around me at present as I think he lip read what I said when he nearly ripped the cart elevator off the potato harvester not once but twice this afternoon within 5 minutes through not paying attention >:( >:(

I think he's worried that I may carry out my threat of wrapping my 50mm spanner around his head ;D

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Guess who.....yup him again, our student >:( >:(  He's avoiding me and alsp being very sheepish when he is around me at present as I think he lip read what I said when he nearly ripped the cart elevator off the potato harvester not once but twice this afternoon within 5 minutes through not paying attention >:( >:(

I think he's worried that I may carry out my threat of wrapping my 50mm spanner around his head ;D

sounds like he is about as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike Gav
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sounds like he is about as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike Gav

That expression has always made me laugh as I have known a few of them over the years. I heard another one the other day that is equally as good though, he is a lighthouse in the desert, very bright but not much use to anyone!

One of my colleagues is currently writing a book and is using that as the title ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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He's still being sheepish around me, might have something to do with the fact I showed him all the damage he's done to the elevator over the past week through dragging it on the trailer backwards, forwards and sideways along with reading him the riot act about not paying enough attention to what he's doing. He then said to me 10 minutes later his ideal job when he leaves college would be one like mine, main tractor driver and workshop person...........afraid I told him to lower his sights a bit ::) I don't want to be too cruel to the boy but you can tell when someones got the skills needed in him and, well, I just can't see it and neither can anyone else on the farm :-\

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You are not speeding up and slowing down just to get him in trouble are you Gavalar  :of:D :D :D

No more so than I need to with variable crop and soil flow over the harvester. The main incident happened when I stopped at the end of the field and he didn't. I don't quite know if he thought I was going to try and drive through the wood in front of me or not ::);D

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:D :D :D  ... It's not so bad if you do that on corn cart I suspect... but when the elevator is inside the trailer I guess it gets a little more serious  :of

Not that I've done it... obviously  :-[  :P

He did do it then as well, while discussing this with my boss yesterday he did admit to stopping the combine in a hurry and leaping out of the cab to have a "chat" with him about the same things during harvest as I had done as well ;D

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Sounds to me Gav he may not be quite the bloke a farm needs now but don't discourage him for trying. If I was a 'youngun' and read those kind of things about me I'd be gutted. As a kind of mentor, you need to do just that. Nothing wrong in pointing out somebody's shortfalls but doing it in the wrong way will only put pressure on the boy and few react well to pressure, especially at his age.

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Oh believe me we've tried every way possible from the helpfull suggestions to being blunt with him but its like talking to a brick wall, within 10 minutes he's back to his old ways. It comes to something when visiting lorry drivers are making comments to us about him when they pick up full bulkers :of

I've left him a week without saying anything to him in a hope that without any comments he may just get on with it and improve through practice himself as I myself wondered if I was giving him too much input in trying to guide him..........wrong, he steadily went downhill again. Unfortunately whilst having our chat yesterday in which I did keep calm (not sure how) I did have to tell him that if he hit the back of the elevator again he would be paying me £60 to replace my CCD camera on the back of it (if it was broken of course) that I use for seeing into trailers and for knowing where the back is to guide them as he almost ripped it off the last two times so I think a third hit would be pushing it, they aren't that strong :-\

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Sounds to me Gav he may not be quite the bloke a farm needs now but don't discourage him for trying. If I was a 'youngun' and read those kind of things about me I'd be gutted. As a kind of mentor, you need to do just that. Nothing wrong in pointing out somebody's shortfalls but doing it in the wrong way will only put pressure on the boy and few react well to pressure, especially at his age.

belive me tris, when you get the" wrong person for the job" nothing works, we have a guy like that at work, and so far 4 of us have all tried, all have tried every approach, and to date hes not any better, all of us now refuse to work with him, everyone said he starts out well, but within a week he drops of like a sack of spuds down a cliff ,takes a lot for me to snap but i did the last few days with me, as did my mate whos so laid back its incredable ,doesnt help when he called us all "unhelpful w****rs" to our faces either when he was puled in by the boss

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I managed to drop my camera on the concrete at the Lanark show today. Still works...well once I was able to hold down the the cover piece which holds in the battery and SD card. A £ 1 roll of insulating tape fixed me up temporarily. Think it is time now to go new camera shopping when I get home.

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found out today that the "cornwall project team" has swollen again in staff numbers, with another 4 project managers, brining the total to 14, great other than all are non build backgorund guys ,and all were under performers from the faults side, none of us got a interview for the posts ,mind you with a grand total of 3 fiber engineers working on it, then can not free us anyway, amazing ,8 weeks behind to date, and we take on yet more "pencil pushers" instead of training guys up for the field,

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