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What really annoyed you today

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There are still fields of rape waiting to be cut, the wheat is oging black and even thr spring crops are turning ready now. It's a nightmare. Going to be some hellish dust off this wheat if it ever gets cut. I think our spreaders will have a job keeping up when it gets going.

I think most OSR is done out this way, its just the stop start (mostly stop) nature of it that must be so frustrating. 

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Our manager again, turning up all hihgh and mighty going on about Hi-Viz, HSE etc etc . .. .. standing there in his moleskins and shoes and no sign of Hi-Viz. ..

When I pointed out that he should be wearing it too he said "I don't work here so I don't need to wear it". ...  to which the rest of us sniggered in disbelief and John replied "If this an HSE work area/site then anyone who visits has to wear it."

Rupert Bear gingerly skipped back to his pick up left while the rest of the party giggled to eachother. Oh how they laughed.

The End.


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Our manager again, turning up all hihgh and mighty going on about Hi-Viz, HSE etc etc . .. .. standing there in his moleskins and shoes and no sign of Hi-Viz. ..

When I pointed out that he should be wearing it too he said "I don't work here so I don't need to wear it". ...  to which the rest of us sniggered in disbelief and John replied "If this an HSE work area/site then anyone who visits has to wear it."

Rupert Bear gingerly skipped back to his pick up left while the rest of the party giggled to eachother. Oh how they laughed.

The End.


He sound's a right pratt Tris... whatever you do don't get him involved in this forum ;D ;D

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He is Bill, a Grade 1 pratt at that too.

I'm sure he could be behind a spreader one day (without his hi-vis) when the PTO 'accidentally' slips into gear........... ;D

For me it was getting bogged with the sprayer in my neighbours wheat - was able to transfer some water and climb out eventually. What a state the Renault's in now.  :(

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I'm sure he could be behind a spreader one day (without his hi-vis) when the PTO 'accidentally' slips into gear........... ;D

For me it was getting bogged with the sprayer in my neighbours wheat - was able to transfer some water and climb out eventually. What a state the Renault's in now.  :(

Oh... nasty... any pics Mr Cranberry ???
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Call centres with umpteen thousand people who do not know the "Nick" you spoke to two hours earlier.  Why give you a name if it is untraceable!

Having said he would call me back within the hour I had no call and then spent another hour on the phone to another "advisor" and had to go through the entire process all over again.  Wouldn't mind but have had 4 previous calls to the same place on the same subject and been given different advice each time because the "previous advice was incorrect".  Today was no exception.

I have been driving a car I was told was insured but now may not have been because of the differing "advice". Bah, Humbug

[insert] "Grumpy Old Woman" smilies x 100 and several "Frustrated" smilies as well.

It IS now covered or at least I have parted with some more money so it had better be!

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dam bt, my broadbands been getting slower over the last 3 weeks down from 8 meg to 2 meg last night, rang up after checking my line to report a fault, ,lady from india say the line tests fine, i point out it doesnt and list the faults, x meg earth a leg x meg on b leg, plus x meg between legs, ,so she reluctantly raises a fault, get hoe today, 11 messages on my phone asking me to ring back,

they are still claiming theres no fault on my line, they have monitored the line at my house???? yeah right i was at work so was she, so how, and can i recheck my speed, guess what its back to 8 meg, so log on and retest my line faults gone, ,ring them back, and i am basicly called a lier from some supervisor saying i was home?? like i should know >:( >:(>:( so i have gone and repoted him now for his attitude, full offical comlaint, asking what the prob was, who was supposidly sat in my house checking the line for the speed, and asking for compensation and an offical apolgiy from the supervisor down to his attitude, god i hate this dam company really do and i work for them, how frustrating it must be for anyone hwho doesnt

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Yesterday after spending all morning waiting for some sun to dry the fields out I drove the 7530 with lowloader and JCB from Stroud to Bath. We had clear up some mess left at a stock pile where the lorries had been tipping. The digger driver did his work while the rest of us got drenched on shovels.

This morning, I drove my tractor back up to Stroud with the JCB in pouring rain to continue spreading. ... When I got to the farm an hour later guess what. .. Too wet, no spreading. Surprise surprise. So we were told to move on to the next farm. . .

In Warminster.

3hrs away. .. . the other side of Bath.  ::)>:( When we get there, yup you guessed it, too wet.

I'm glad I am getting paid but I can't help but think of it with a business head and think 2 days, 4 blokes, 200litres of diesel. ... . No spreading.

Oh and to top it off one of the other guys backed into my tractors and wrenched my steps up in the air, bent them back down but they look all crooked now.  :'(

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caught 5 girls riding/messing with my cuzins horse  >:( they came from a village about 4-5 miles away and were riding "prince" around the field and when we stopped them they were making it out that they had never been near it  ::)>:( one had hurt her hand so i suppose she fell off  :D

(this is a bit of the convo while they were still standing in the field we told them ) "your on private property mind !" "she said are we ?" "well yes your standing in our field"  ::) "now hop it the police have been phoned" she replied "why we havnt been riding the horse"   before we had even mensioned anything about the horse  ::)

there we are its in the hands of the police now  ;D i suppose they wont do anything about it  ::) what made us more worried was that in the area there have been horses with there eyes been stabbed etc lately  :( and we thought it might be them doing it :-\

well rant over  :-[

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Had to leave my spreader last night with 13t of soil in it. Well done digger man. Couldn't even tow it back up the hill and the gate on the track was locked.

couldnt you have just turned the pto on and left it in a pile of sorts in the field, even in a corner??

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Caught my overalls on fire :D

he he, bet that made you move

my mate did it once, prob was hes got very poor circulation, so feels the cold well, he was stood over a low flame, as we were working, started smelling burning, then saw smoke, but he was totaly oblivious to the fact his legs were on fire, didnt actually burn him self, but spent a week walking round with overalls burnt of at the knees

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