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Does anybody else find this slightly suspicious.

I have been watching an item for the last 3 weeks as it was relisted several times with no bids. As it was about to finish again tonight, still with no bids, I decided to go for it, only to be almost immediately outbid.

Methinks the seller is trying to bid up the price and to get me to bid again, wrong! Time to walk away.

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  Picked this magazine up in the local shop today, not one that I would normally get, but seeing the front cover figured  it would have a review of pictured Volvo FH16. Admittedly I’ve not read every word yet but have thumbed through 2 or 3 times to check. Absolutely no mention of it inside. 


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1 hour ago, turbo22 said:

I take it all back. Have just found 2 pages stuck together/ not quite cut. oops 

Need to keep an eye out for the mag,but there is also a really good review of the Volvo and Nooteboom on Cranes Etc TV.




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  • 2 months later...

I really don't understand why some people get into a bidding war on ebay when there are 4 days still to go, all you are doing is driving up the price. Maybe it is good for the seller but, for the buyer it is the worst thing that could possibly happen. You cannot win the item with 4 days to go, wait until 4 seconds to go and then bid your maximum, if you don't get it then you haven't bid enough and you have to accept it but you never know, you may get it for less than you expect to pay.

You might get the idea from this that I am watching an item that I really want and you would be right, all I am now seeing is two other bidders driving up the price. I am going to win this auction but I am now going to have to pay more than I would have liked, I won't be bidding until the last second but I will get it. :angry:

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bloody postman, they seem to have swapped our around recently, and we now have some young bloke, prob is the wife's seen  him a couple of times and said ,if we ain't in leave it with the neighbour at 110, whos  told him the same ,the old postie always did it  ,or if small ,put it up in the bin store on the shelf . the little sod wont do it, and to make it worse ,today i was upstairs, car on drive ,and radio on,  clearly in as the window was open in the front room, heard him put post through, but didn't think ,as i am expecting a couple of parcels, anything of it, as he's not knocked or rung the bell ,the f****r has put a card through saying item to big and go to the office tomorrow to pick it up?? REALLY !  like i have all the time in the world to run around after them 

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That annoys me as well Sean, I have had that happen to me a couple of times and it is infuriating to go to the door and find a card there when you had been in all the time.

Also, as a follow up to my last post about Ebay. I am now even more p*****d off as the seller has obviously accepted a "buy it now" offer and pulled it out of the auction. It was an incredibly rare model and would have gone well over £500, maybe into 4 figures, which I was more than willing to pay. Grrrr

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what were you after mike ??  hadnt seen anything you would normally go for on ebay of late 

as for our postie, i just hope its due to the old one being on holiday or something, i know i am not the only one not happy with it . you kind of get used to the service, and the neighbour who takes them in is 78, and shes missing the conversations with people as well as some days we are the only people she can see if the weathers been bad 

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Can be quite annoying. Our sub postman has delivered to the wrong house and I have had to. go to the post office where they can “track” as to which house the item was delivered. I know it was delivered because I have an “informed delivery “ app with the USPS, so I know what is coming on a given day.  It shows as “delivered” on my iPad per the shipper, but I did not receive it) My address is 262 and he delivered to 162. Also, we have those “cluster” mail boxes in our development and sometimes I find mail in my box for another neighbor and vice versa. 

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5 hours ago, robbo said:

Also, as a follow up to my last post about Ebay. I am now even more p*****d off as the seller has obviously accepted a "buy it now" offer and pulled it out of the auction. It was an incredibly rare model and would have gone well over £500, maybe into 4 figures, which I was more than willing to pay. Grrrr

It could be worse Mike, I won an item from someone selling a collection and the wrong item turned up, he said he would sort it out but I never ever saw what I had won, eventually getting a refund. I left feed back reflecting this fact, as had someone else who had the same problem, but this had disappeared before two weeks was up. Feed back ratings on ebay are a sham!

With regards items disappearing, this seems to be quite common, have you never been tempted to make an offer?

What you could do is send them a message to the effect that you hope they got at least x amount for it as that is the going rate ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

After a long day at work this evening I had to go and collect my baler from a field it was used at other night by a friend. 3 miles from home I had a blow out.. had to limp it back in the lowest gear..  all I needed ar 8pm on a Sunday20190707_201630.thumb.jpg.432f1d4fab958f9dea741755f136ea41.jpg20190707_201732.thumb.jpg.45ee1379bffaab614c12a709304d7198.jpg


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Back in early May I took my work car, a Nissan, into the local dealer for service. I do not pay for the upkeep of this car as it is provided by my employers and they specified that it should be serviced at the main dealer. As part of the service it also required 2 new front tyres which were duly fitted by them. On collection of the car I was informed that it would shortly require new discs and pads on the front but I did not have the time to leave it with them at that time, they were also very expensive and I am sure that we could get a better price elsewhere.

In the intervening month or so the company have set up an account with a major national company for maintenance of the cars so I was told to take into the local depot to have the brakes done, (not the same main dealer that I took it to last time). I then had a phone call from the depot to say that they had found that the locking wheel nuts were missing from the front wheels and they were only held in place by the 3 ordinary wheel nuts. It would appear that Nissan had left the locking wheel nuts off for some reason, maybe they thought they were going to get the additional work, I don't know, but now I also have to arrange a full set of new locking nuts although I will be going back to Nissan and telling them that they have to supply them as this is their mess in the first place.

Ruddy car dealers, I hate 'em.


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Had a loads  of emails this morn , from eBay , microsoft , facebook saying my accounts had been accessed from weird locations so had been  suspended, so just had to sit and do new passwords for my email, ebay and paypal accounts , facebook account and messenger account  .

Wasn't stupid i went direct to sites and did them all rather than email links. Once done i checked all the bank accounts and PayPal for transactions , nothing done , but while checking facebook ones ready to swap the password  i found a new email added in the settings for a contact ,and new mobile number  as well as mine, which they had authorised as the only ones  for password resets and pin rests to be sent to , so deleted that before swapping the password . 

Also checked the ebay account settings and my delivery address in there had been swapped to a russian one which i had to correct  and again a second email address and mobile number was in there so they would have seen any  reset info and the pin they sent to a mobile so had to delete that before resetting it all  , nearly forgot to check this before resetting , buggers would have had the new ine otherwise without me knowing 

Hopefully thats all to swap , certainly the main ones that could cause money loss etc, 

went on my ebay viewing history after and at 04.30 this morn  i had been looking at 4 different 5000 quid rolex watches and 2 bentley cars 

not seen anything on my facebook , but apologise if theres any requests or weird posts, it wasnt me , same with the emails 

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The hackers do seem to be getting more and more frequent.

My stepson and daughter in law had a Now TV package and then when they got a new TV with it all inside they tried to cancel the old one. However, Now TV will not let them cancel the subscription and the bank also cannot stop a subscription. Now I don't full understand it but I have copied their warning post below, feel free to share it to warn others



Important information for anyone using Netflix, now tv or any other service/subscription that is regularly paid for by your credit/debit card.

This is an actual situation that has happened to me yesterday/today.

I had a now tv account last year as we had broadband and tv passes with them. We switched to virgin and cancelled the services.

Yesterday, Someone has managed to access my now tv account, we are not 100% sure how but is either by entering my login details or via an old device already connected to the account. They have restarted the movie pass resulting in me being charged. Even after changing all my login details, across all platforms (email accounts, now tv account etc) and removing the device itself from my account. The device has been able to reconnect to my account in the early hours of this morning and continue using the services I haven’t requested. This has worried me as I had changed all my security information after the pass was requested and the device removed (Has Now TV therefore had a security breach and customer details including mine are readily available???)

When trying to get this cancelled with now tv and my bank, multiple alarming situations have arisen. Now tv can’t (or won’t) completely deactivate the account preventing any further use or access. So this person is still able to access all my details! I’m unable to remove the details myself as the settings in the account require details to be populated (I can’t even put dummy data in!)

Now even more concerning is that my bank card is connected to this account, I called my bank to cancel the card to prevent further payments being taken and learned (very worryingly) that this won’t make any difference as due to a process on subscriptions called “Continuous Payment Authority”, any newly generated bank cards details will be resupplied back to Now Tv automatically to update their records with (without my consent and I have no rights to stop this information being provided!)

The only way to stop the payment is to wait for the transaction to clear in my bank account and then request a stop to the subscription payments! But it gets better!

So given that I have potentially been a victim of identity fraud, it’s going to take Now TV, 7 days to ‘review’ my situation but even at the end of it all my account will remain active! With the fraudster continuing to be able to get access to this account and potentially request further services! My bank is still able to have payments requested by Now TV, ‘EVEN AFTER!’ I have cancelled my card and put a stop to payments. The bank has no control to stop now tv requesting future/further payments!

I literally have no rights as a customer who is potentially a victim of identity fraud. I can’t completely remove/deactivate the Now TV account and my bank can continue to have payments requested from said accounts as it’s classed as a ‘Subscription’ on my bank account! This is even after confirmation of the identity fraud.

I wanted to share my situation with you all in case you are not aware of this ‘subscription’ process. I have logged a fraud case with the police and fraud action but my account is and will continue to be active.

There are so many loopholes here it’s scary! My advice, don’t sign up to subscriptions where the payment comes off your bank card regularly rather than being paid via a direct debit that can be permanently cancelled. Now TV, Netflix etc give you no other payment options.

I Think I’m going to have to move banks to completely secure my information from future use! I’m not even convinced this would work! For all I know, there are even more loopholes that would allow Now TV to get the new account details!

Sorry for the rant, just needed to warn you all.

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They do mike , i have had the address on ebay altered before , and they picked it up and locked it , but this one seems to have been a bigger effort, just lucky nothings gone from the bank and nothing in PayPal, although they didn't send a direct mail saying it was locked ,  seeing as its linked to ebay i swapped it as a matter of course. 

Luckly the i phone has swapped them all and saved it in the settings as I normally use figure print . So when i get home  i will have to sit down and make a note of all of them just in case anything gets lost etc , certainly wont remember these combinations just like that as i used the extra strong suggested ones of the phone  

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On 7/7/2019 at 4:38 PM, Anderson Agri said:

After a long day at work this evening I had to go and collect my baler from a field it was used at other night by a friend. 3 miles from home I had a blow out.. had to limp it back in the lowest gear..  all I needed ar 8pm on a Sunday20190707_201630.thumb.jpg.432f1d4fab958f9dea741755f136ea41.jpg20190707_201732.thumb.jpg.45ee1379bffaab614c12a709304d7198.jpg


Very sorry to see that, most inconvenient any time! 

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My, my, you people certainly have some bad things to report today! And I thought I had a bad day with the gout in one of my toes on my right foot. I will ice it and take some ibuprofen. I hope your troubles go away soon. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yet another broken Ros model, same damage as the others, the front wheels have snapped off. I thought that I had sourced a mint condition Same Galaxy in the rare dealer box and now it is useless.

There seem to be 2 different axle types on these Ros models, the early cast type seem to be very fragile whilst the slightly newer screwed type are more resilient


Broken Galaxy (1).JPG

Broken Galaxy (2).JPG

Broken Galaxy (3).JPG

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On 8/5/2019 at 8:57 AM, robbo said:

Yet another broken Ros model, same damage as the others, the front wheels have snapped off. I thought that I had sourced a mint condition Same Galaxy in the rare dealer box and now it is useless.

There seem to be 2 different axle types on these Ros models, the early cast type seem to be very fragile whilst the slightly newer screwed type are more resilient


Broken Galaxy (1).JPG

Broken Galaxy (2).JPG

Broken Galaxy (3).JPG

Is it not repairable Mike? It seems a shame when it is a rare model

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