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Drainage up at the old mans farm, filled sandbags and placed them neatly around the grain store, away to tackle a small land slide about 4 meters by 2 meters which is preventing water running away from the farm, home, dinner, then heading up to perth tommorow with the squadies to start a new job which can only be done during the school holidays, fun fun fun

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Twas the very same Alex. Not a bad stopover to be honest. Today, busy as. Yesterday the new furniture arrive but all we had to build was the wardrobe which was part assembled. Today we went for a two mile stroll across the windswept top of Bratton hill. First walk since pup hurt her paw, bless her. That paved way for a quiet dog all day which meant shopping for booze and nibbles, got curtain poles and other girly stuff for bedroom, we valeted Tracis car ready for going down to Poole tomorrow with Dad to my sisters, home to clean out rabbits, put shopping away, have a bowl of winter warming soup and then all hell broke loose.... 00.30 now and we aint done yet!! Been on mass clean/move around tonight upstairs sorting through all our (her) clothes before moving them all into new room, we (she) had clothes everybloodywhere! Now the office is twice the size having got rid of the clothes rail that was in there temporarily for three years! Completely cleaned, polished and hoovered all three rooms and landing and bathroom upstairs. Still got to do stairs and kitchen. Van already got four bin bags full to splitting point!!!

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heading off to the dreaded metro center with the kids to find something for the wifes xmas. she full of cold at the minute n getting up a height at the least thing >:( .it will give her a break from them if nowt else n stress me no end ???  :-

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heading off to the dreaded metro center with the kids to find something for the wifes xmas. she full of cold at the minute n getting up a height at the least thing >:( .it will give her a break from them if nowt else n stress me no end ???  :-

Good luck at the metro centre,

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Will be drawing the turkey later getting it ready to put in the oven tomorrow morning. My 10 year old neice will be helping me, she loves doing the turkey but her mother will be in another room as it makes her urge.

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Well been up since 5 only 2 hours sleep, so will be sleeping early for the fat falla coming the night ha ha!, got to go see my old nana to give her her prezzies this afternoon, then will prob sit down to a corona an lime :)

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decided i would go all christmasy at work today, didnt seem to be the only one, everyone else had there santa hats over there hard hats, but i think i win the award for bbest dressed, santa suit, hat, polished steel toe caps and a rather itchy beard, anyone driving between dundee and perth whos sees a santa driving a jcb loadall give me a toot or a wave, or you aint getting no presents 

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never mind bob, we have all done that in our times, and usally never know till the next morning either :laugh:  :laugh: :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

for me 100% sat doing nothing now after sophie found the joys of being swung about in her play tunnel, arms are 3 times longer than 8 am when she arrived now :laugh:  

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Making cups of tea for 24 thirsty "workers" only 4 hours 45 mins to go and then I'm on holiday, for a day, don't think there'll be much alcohol consumed tommorow, might struggle with work on Wednesday, this turbo cider sounds tasty, care to share?

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In bed wi her all ticked up watching home alone 2, and the dog trying to wrestle a pair of antlers off its head, weird thinking this time next year ill be looking after a six month old child. Merry Christmas everyone, lets hope it's a good one

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Today I jet power washed the tarmac car parking area to the side of the folks drive way to rid it of moss etc....quite relaxing doing something like this where little thought is required. i was just about to jet wash my car when the high pressure hose burst where I have noticed a kink appearing for some time. I'm sure I will have kept old hoses from past machines I have at home so I need to check before buying a replacement one. I then hosed out the slit and sand from under the arches and gave my car a hand wash. I'm amazed the amount of tar it has attracted in less than three so that's a job to add to next weeks list of jobs to do.

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Been working since 6 this morning, cutting through new doorways and inserting lintols, well they have, I mangabey to slip away into the Loadall lifting the company's new wastemaster skip on and off the scaffold all day, lifted a couple of lintols up the 4 storey stair case aswell so they can't complain

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