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ive been abducted by the blue side, been driving a newholland 7040 and loving it, come on john deere catch up :o

was on a newholland 8040 the other day also, must say they are great tractors to drive, its opened my eyes from only seen green :)

good man  8) 8) 7070 vario in my neck of the woods just now must get the boys to get her on demo

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Just got going with the maize after the forager had to have the stone reset and then the track rod broke on the rear axle. Havn't had one load to push yet. Oh all this after having to empty the bath this morning from yesterdays catch . . . . 40 out of nearly 400 Signal Crayfish that the farmer here caught yesterday. Guess what I have got to do for tea. . . ? ::)

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work today, just 3d modelling!

tonight, on here but also backing up the PC as i'm going to format it again!, fed up of the crashing once turned on....apparently its good to do it every 6 months! :o :o

unless anyone else knows a way to fix it!

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Just got going with the maize after the forager had to have the stone reset and then the track rod broke on the rear axle. Havn't had one load to push yet. Oh all this after having to empty the bath this morning from yesterdays catch . . . . 40 out of nearly 400 Signal Crayfish that the farmer here caught yesterday. Guess what I have got to do for tea. . . ? ::)

Slightly OT but is maize usually harvested so late? Bloke near us still has his growing and I thought it was high time he cut it.. ???

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We wern't going long, the cracker belt snapped and ripped an oil hose out! Maize is early this year, we have been on for a week now. Farmers are taking it slight unfit but with dry ground conditions after last year when it was the year of the tow chain! :D

Just put the second and possibly final coat of laquer on the living room floor while I wait for the call to say the forager is mobile again!

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why, whats happening in BT then ???

my uncle hasn't been to pleased either recently, and he works for them :-\

lots and very few people know about it, being kept very hush hush from the press, lets just say if i am still with them in 1 year it will be a minor miracle,and this isnt down to me or the guys either

county 999 will know what i mean, he works for bt , not sure if hes in my "part" so to speak mind

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WOOOPIE  MY sheds ariveing todat 10 x 8 apex im gonna kit her

out this week with a few things

would have had her up and running in may but we had allot of bad luck with one thing or another so bad news is i havent built

anything since my [glow=red,2,300]CASE INTERNATIONAL 1394 [/glow] that was last year febury i recon but once this shed is up im hopeing to make several makes maybee even sell some stuff or make siome for spalding  spring 2010 im after a good work bench  now  ::)

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