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This magazine seems to have gone to the dogs. Just looked in the current issue, 11 and in the back for the next issue it just says 'Spring 2007', no pub date or nothing. Also just tried the web-site, all that came up was some link page advertising rubbish magazines, no mention of F&S whatsoever. The Editors phone number is a mobile.

What a shame, I thought this publication would go places as it started off so well.  :'(  :'(  :'(

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Where has this magazine gone to ? Last copy I saw was back in December last year and the next one would be along in 2 months or was it in the spring. Didn't say which spring tho. Any one know what is happening with this publicationas I don't think I will be renewing my sub when it runs out :(

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why purchase it  and then close it dow it doesent make sense to me  :'(

Probably just for the name and the rights as an investment rather than paying the Taxman calling it a 'business investment'.

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Its worrying at the thought of several subscribers having more than 1 issue left. How do we stand on that, being owed issues?

Send them a polite email or preferably a letter asking them to reimburse you what they owe you and say that if you are not in receipt of it within 7 working days of your letter you will charge them interest at 8 1/2% above the bank rate and that you may take steps to recover what is due to you. That usually gets their attention.  :o

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Send them a polite email or preferably a letter asking them to reimburse you what they owe you and say that if you are not in receipt of it within 7 working days of your letter you will charge them interest at 8 1/2% above the bank rate and that you may take steps to recover what is due to you. That usually gets their attention.  :o

[/quote He will probably just ignore any requests for refunds and keep the money and the wind up the title and call it a business loss for tax purposes  >:(]

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would the subscription money have stayed with old pond as that would be who got most from subscribers i would guess, or wopuld he have taken some of the cash over ???? ? i would hazzard a guess oldpond kept most of the subs from the early /late ones before the sale happened

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