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What has been the most stuck machine so far this year in your locality?


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What has been the most stuck machine so far this year in your locality?

I heard about this during the weekend - 2 brothers near us got their big trailer stuck - affectionately known as the biscuit tin its got twin wheels on tandem axles and is an old cut down lorry job. Well some brainy lad decided to drive her up thewettest place possible and buried her up to the axles  :D :D - 2 tractors either 2 TM 130's or a TM 130 and 8340 and it still wouldn't budge so they ended up getting a tracked digger in to help it out :D :D

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Boring..but nothing..not a sausage  :D

In one field which has a stream at the bottom they have avoided cutting a good 20 x 30m patch of crop, but no signs anywhere of anything getting stuck.

Unbelievable Rob in a wet year :o :o

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Plenty of rutts to be seen in the harvested fields around us and several un-cut area's too, but no stuck machinery to my knowledge, only one of my trucks parked in a ditch it made for itself in a soft verge in the first lot of floods we had!

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Me this everning just as we were about to go home  ::)

looks good from the front


and a mess from behind (had a little help from the tm to get this far)




theres a hook someware


still not far to the ground now



only took 2 mins to get me out puma 180 and spreader dove up the ruts chain around his front wieghts and the tow point on the back of my spreader and back we went  ::)

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Boring..but nothing..not a sausage  :D

In one field which has a stream at the bottom they have avoided cutting a good 20 x 30m patch of crop, but no signs anywhere of anything getting stuck.

same here, nothing >:( >:(:D :D

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my Mog earlier in the year, went down on some  'black' fen just bottomed out had an artic JD 8640 pull it out and then again 2 months later a few miles away, the farmer rode with me to show me where it was wet, he just said youre through the worst of it now when it felt like the ground just dissapeard beneath us.                                                                                  working on black fens its part of everyday life the land can look dry walk dry but because there is no bottom in the soil you can just go down without warning :o

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A few weeks ago a 'new' neighbour 'farmer' got his brand new JD stuck in a wet patch with a ballast roller. He struggled and struggled for about 3 hours before he gave up and went in to get out his small digger to dig it out but to no avail so he sent word to a mate of mine just out the road to come with his Renault 103.54 and assist. My mate looked in on his way back home and said that this chap was so stuck that he could'nt lower the hitch enough to un-hitch the roller, my mate asked him if when he started getting stuck if he put the JD in 4wd? The chap said that he thought the tractor was permenantly in 4wd and wondered why the front wheels were not turning when he was stuck (numpty). My mate told me later that the chaps wife spent the next three days on her back under the tractor cleaning it!

I have not yet met this neighbour, but somehow I don't think he is a farmer, he seems to have cut himself off as he has errected an electric intercom entry gated system to the farm entrance on the road and fenced himself in.  :(  Should also post this up in 'what made you laugh'.

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A few years back we were called to assist in pulling a lad how had got very STUCK! it was a TW 25/30 and it was down to the cab in the back even with the plough so any way we called on my cousin to come down with there 4wd David Brown 1690 and needless to say she pulled it out with out a hig or grunt and within 20 minutes the ford man was of ploughing again. ;)

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During the Pea harvest all 7 of the viners were stuck on several occasions.  The worst was when two got stuck within metres of each other, the JD 7820 that went to assist got stuck trying to get to them, so the result was an 80 tonne winch pulling them out one by one from the headland.  We had one viner stuck for 7 days because we couldn't get near it (thankfully we had a spare).  The worst ruts were in Early July where they were deep enough to see the stone layer over the top of the drains!  The remedial work in that case was a 360 digger to level the field out!

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See, back in the days of steam you would never get anything stuck doing ploughing or heavy cultivation with the ploughing engines and a horse had more brains than most tractor drivers today as they sensed the boggy bits and would stop.  ;)

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See, back in the days of steam you would never get anything stuck doing ploughing or heavy cultivation with the ploughing engines and a horse had more brains than most tractor drivers today as they sensed the boggy bits and would stop.  ;)

Quite, and also the land wasn't hammered into submission like it is today.

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