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  Well despite   the  rain      :( :(     I am getting married  in  about  three  hours  may require  wellies    :D :D :D

Hope you have a great day  :)

Congrats to Rob on the new arrival ;D

And what pleased me... my bf leaving me the last squishy heart in his packet of Haribo Starmix... how sweet is that ;D

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My wife had a baby boy today via c section. A healthy little boy ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Well done Mr and Mrs l12!! How long before you are home to wet the babies head then Rob? Any names in consideration?

And congratulations to County999 as well, here's to a long and happy future to you and imminent wife!

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Went to the childrens parade of the Uckfield Carnival this afternoon. My oldest grandson Elliott (4 and 3/4's) won fourth prize in his class as a gnome fishing, my youngest grandson Sebastian (3 months) came second in his class as a Bassetts jelly baby, and my grandaughter Robyn (3 and a half) won two third and one first prize dressed as a Cadbury's Roses girl. My wife made most of the costumes, so she was well pleased too.

    We've been doing the carnival childrens parade for years, and it's rare that my wife doesn't win a prize with her costumes.

    I had great fun one year when I made a Wallace and Gromit motorcycle combination for my eldest stepson. It was made out of a small wheeled pedal cycle and the sidecar frame was made out of old exhaust tube.............Wombled of course. The engine was a cardboard cutout, the mudguards were made of cardboard, and I borrowed a seat, headlight and sidecar wheel from the motorcycle workshop next door to where I worked. The sidecar body was made out of an old oil drum with a big plastic flower pot taped on to the front of it, and the ladder was made out of roof batten. To complete the Wallace look, he wore the right type of clothes and had a large gobstopper (A large round hard sweet, well known in England) in each cheek................. He won of course  :D

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found out i am hopefully going to the next agritechina show,providing my uncle get the free tickets he usally gets, fly up to standstead, meet up with them then over we go, stay at a fancy hotel(all paid for by jd :D :D) just got to pay for my air fare, as i dont work for them ,but hey ho, cheap couple of days out, and the day he usally goes is trade day, so i might even prise a few gold jd thingys out if i am lucky

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found out i am hopefully going to the next agritechina show,providing my uncle get the free tickets he usally gets, fly up to standstead, meet up with them then over we go, stay at a fancy hotel(all paid for by jd :D :D) just got to pay for my air fare, as i dont work for them ,but hey ho, cheap couple of days out, and the day he usally goes is trade day, so i might even prise a few gold jd thingys out if i am lucky

PMing you now Mr P  :-*
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Have just been outside cutting the lawn and thought I heard thunder  :-\ :-\ looked up to see a Vulcan bomber going overhead  :o :o :o :o :o :o There must be an airshow somewhere in the North West this weekend

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