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Just heard from Dad who is on holiday with Mum in the Peak District, the first proper break they've had in a very long time. They're staying in a cottage on a working farm and it's sounds like Dad has already taken a liking to a little Ford 3000 they run. :)

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Just heard from Dad who is on holiday with Mum in the Peak District, the first proper break they've had in a very long time. They're staying in a cottage on a working farm and it's sounds like Dad has already taken a liking to a little Ford 3000 they run. :)

Sounds like we need some photo evidence here David of exactly how much fun they are having! Nice for you, especially when you compare to last year. :)

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that my broadbands playing nicely tonight, all be it way below usual speed, its not droppin gout like the last few nights

Must be faster than you think, it put a space in here before you were ready for it!  ::):laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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anythings faster than the 100k it was going at, and that wasnt stable, its now at 1 meg, which is usable but still not right, got a call today saying they will be here tommorrow now, not monday, i know whats wrong with it, i just cant go look at it now like we used to be able to do, it has to be logged the right way ect

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Sounds like we need some photo evidence here David of exactly how much fun they are having! Nice for you, especially when you compare to last year. :)

Sounds like Dad has been busy with his camera so I should a few photographs to share on here when they return Jo. Great to have closure from everything that took place last year, really happy for them. :)

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Cerin and Richard (05rich) spending two days on their bikes, with cameras, chasing harvesting pictures in the beautiful Cornish countryside. They have covered miles! Richards family are staying with us for a week ....an FTF introduction! :)

Ooo I look forward to seeing those.. two of my favourite young FTF members as well...

What pleased me..

Just had a call for tomorrow.. looks like carting is on in the morning if it's stays dry over night  ;D:-*:-* :-*

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I am making progress in "bonding" with another two greyhounds.  Spooky lives up to her name but today she leapt in the air when she saw me.  I think it was only because she was thinking "Oh Great - here comes the lady with the treats!"  (Although I had none in my pocket at the time!)

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I am making progress in "bonding" with another two greyhounds.  Spooky lives up to her name but today she leapt in the air when she saw me.  I think it was only because she was thinking "Oh Great - here comes the lady with the treats!"  (Although I had none in my pocket at the time!)

Thats great new Aunty Sue... it's good to hear from you again... perhaps you could make time for a little 'bonding' with some of our members... since you've been away bad things have started to happen... Tris has been rubbing his bottom up and down the carpet and Barry has started cocking his leg up against the mod room door  :of :of
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Thats great new Aunty Sue... it's good to hear from you again... perhaps you could make time for a little 'bonding' with some of our members... since you've been away bad things have started to happen... Tris has been rubbing his bottom up and down the carpet and Barry has started cocking his leg up against the mod room door  :of :of

Well I think I had better get Tris to the vet - bottom rubbing means anal glands need draining  ???8) and as for Barry...  ...he will need his nose rubbing in it a trip to the vet also - sounds like too much testosterone.  ::)

Sorry I have been absent for a while but I have been extremely busy with one thing or another (dogs are only a small part of it).

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Never mind Aunty Sue... It's good to have you back with us when you can... in short... we love you... whatever time you have for us on here... we all lead busy lives at times, I've been a little more absent recently myself due to a high workload... mind you... they throw a party when I am missing... and get the helicopter out when you are missing  :-\ :D :D


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