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Getting a phone call from Clifford Bateson the chap who won 2nd in the seniors section at Penrith this year. When I was talking to him at Penrith him and his mate were saying they did not have photos of the layout from last year since it had grown considerably this year. I said I would look back my previous year photos and send any I had. I duly found two from last year printed out on A4 paper and posted them to him.

It was so nice of him to phone me back thanking me for what I had done. I have sent folk stuff in the past and some never bother to acknowledge receipt.

It just shows there are folk out there who appreciate things 8) 8)

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been working outside a gala bingo hall today, must be a staff dress up day, as at 10 this morning a lovely 20 year odd lady went in to work, dressed in a santas outfit, dress just ,and i mean just, covering the top of the hold up fishnets,with high heel knee heeght boots on,  long blond hair, very pretty, yet another way to get a warm good feeling when cold, bet the old boys going in for the session were impressed, hell we nearly joined to play at lunchtime

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The house is no longer "empty"! :)

The two greyhound girls arrived yesterday afternoon and are currently sound asleep downstairs.  What annoys me a little is ONE of them has watered the rug in the hall and I only relaid it yesterday having washed it. :( 

Ah well, they have lived in kennels for the past 4 years so know no better.  They will learn...

...eventually! :police:

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1 day and a weeks work back where i left, back tomorrow!....should be fine upto xmas!

oh and 2 nice Massey models.....LCN ones!....yeah baby!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

amazing what you can do when you ring up the local Massey dealers....well within 40 - 60ish mile radius!!....still waiting to hear back about a 3rd but i think The Big Cheese may have got there 1st??! :-\ :-\ :-\

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Excellent news, Sue. Look forward to hearing about their escapades.  :) :)

Already started on those.  Katie settled herself in the lounge and promptly started chewing the leg of one of my armchairs, or rather started grating the leg.  Never mind, one of her predecessors chewed the corner off the bottom stair tread and that is teak!

On the plus side she also told me I had a visitor coming up the drive.  Spooky on the other hand spends most of her time asleep (not uncommon in greyhounds - they can sleep for England)

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The house is no longer "empty"! :)

The two greyhound girls arrived yesterday afternoon and are currently sound asleep downstairs.  What annoys me a little is ONE of them has watered the rug in the hall and I only relaid it yesterday having washed it. :( 

Ah well, they have lived in kennels for the past 4 years so know no better.  They will learn...

I'm really pleased for you, Sue. Look forward to seeing some pics  :)

...eventually! :police:

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I'm really pleased for you, Sue. Look forward to seeing some pictures  [img alt=:)]http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/Smileys/default/smiley.gif

There are a couple already posted, Mandy.  They were taken when the girls came to stay for a weekend in September.  I have had them a few times over the past few months.  Spooky by name, Spooky by nature - she is shivering and shaking most of the time at the moment because there are bird-scarers banging away in a neighbouring field.  I couldn't understand why she would not go in the garden until this morning as she also did not want a walk (very unusual) and then I heard a banger.  She will have to get used to them.


I will put up some other pics when they settle a bit.

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The fact that we got nominated for the farmer of the year trophy ran by our vets at work, we didn't win but to just be nominted was an achievement. The reasons given were for our well run suckler herd with over 95% conception rates annually despite it only being a small part of a larger arable operation :)

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Came as a complete surprise as they had forgot to tell the boss about the nomination ;D  Just nice when that sort of thing happens

She's doing ok thanks mate, had the op last Friday and was discharged Saturday, had a few days at Mum's and is now back at her house and on the mend :)

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