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All the paper formalities have to begin now and the various searches and so on but, in the space of an hour yesterday we sold our house and bought another! :) We managed to do it under the target we had for the change too so we're dead chuffed there. Obviously until the signatures are signed, anything could happen but so far.... Happy days!! :)

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  • 1 month later...

took the Mrs for the 20 week scan today, all is good and we are having a boy. cant wait to get him his first john deere overals in a few years time. all being well he should be here at the end of November, as planned after all autumn work has been completed.

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yes congrats Chris

thanks paul. as well as my own tractor collection, all being well and he arrives o.k, i look forward to teaching the lad how to carpet farm with his own, less expensive machinery line up. i will have to get some locks for my cabinets i think...
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Congratulations Chris but you do know that all your spare cash will now be going on baby items, I am afraid the models may have to be put on hold for about 20 years.

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Congratulations Chris but you do know that all your spare cash will now be going on baby items, I am afraid the models may have to be put on hold for about 20 years.

cheers Robbo. While I will be providing for the little one, the collection will still be growing mate, don't worry. This is why I started my collection two and a half years ago and grew it really quickly to get a good start, I new this time was on the horizon.!!!
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Having had a stressful time over the last 3 weeks my buyer has acquired funding and my house sale SHOULD be going ahead.  However I have insisted that contracts must be exchanged in the next 14 days otherwise the deal is definitely off.  I want no more hassle than is absolutely necessary.

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I hope it goes to plan Sue....buying and selling is never easy,,,,and well from experience estate agents and so called solicitor's can be deceiving and hard work to deal with...maybe just what I have encountered over the past seven month's but let me say I have not had the last word yet with the partner of the firm I bought my house via and also my grand dad's solicitors and his son's since they have not acted in a  very professional way in my opinion. regarding my late uncle's Sandy's estate..I may be being harsh but my standards are high and I expect every one else to be the same...but maybe I live in a dream world these days :unsure:  :unsure: 

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I hope it goes to plan Sue....buying and selling is never easy,,,,and well from experience estate agents and so called solicitor's can be deceiving and hard work to deal with...maybe just what I have encountered over the past seven month's but let me say I have not had the last word yet with the partner of the firm I bought my house via and also my grand dad's solicitors and his son's since they have not acted in a  very professional way in my opinion. regarding my late uncle's Sandy's estate..I may be being harsh but my standards are high and I expect every one else to be the same...but maybe I live in a dream world these days :unsure:  :unsure: 

Fingers crossed.  She either exchanges contracts by the due date (which makes it a binding agreement under English Law) or she fails.  Either way it is now just a matter of waiting. 


I should have been moving in on 26th July - now I am off to Somerset for a long weekend of sheer pampering at a hotel/  Dogs into kennels and the tortoise is going to be "kennelled" with my vet.  I can't wait to be waited on hand and foot!

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be careful Bill,everybody knows that estate agents have a bad reputation,my wife is an estate agent manager,works hard and doesnt rip people off,all of them are not bad


Don't get me wrong Paul...I not knocking all estate agents just this one (who is a qualified solicitor but certainly not proficient in dealing with executory work) I have had the misfortune of dealing with. Sadly there are good an bad workers in all trades and professions.

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Don't get me wrong Paul...I not knocking all estate agents just this one (who is a qualified solicitor but certainly not proficient in dealing with executory work) I have had the misfortune of dealing with. Sadly there are good an bad workers in all trades and professions.

It is my BUYER who is a solicitor, Bill.  I do believe she was using her knowledge to intimidate me into settling for a huge reduction in the agreed price but she picked the wrong woman.  I think she thought I was a "poor old widow" who had been a home-maker and housewife leaving hubbie to deal with all the financial matters.  She got it wrong - I did not break through the glass ceiling in the seventies to allow myself to be blackmailed. 

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  • 3 weeks later...



I am now moving house next month!  The witch finally agreed to exchange contracts for completion any date I chose.  I wanted August but the removals company is fully booked so I chose 20th September. 


Had a call from my solicitor yesterday at 4:00pm to say it was all done and dusted and she was going to open a bottle of wine and celebrate.  Then I had calls from both estate agents saying the same! 


Oh yes - I raised a glass too.

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That's great Sue, at last things are sorted.

I feel sorry for your current neighbours though ......

So do I Mark but all my friends in the village say they do not wish to know her anyway. 


I have few immediate neighbours as I am at the end of the village and I really do not know the nearest ones at all.  Sad, but I never see them and only know someone is in the house because the lights go on.  Strangely no one else in the village seems to know them either!  She will be in good company >:D


Now I have to sort out all the services, tell everyone my new address.  I feel great now as I have my life back on track and have something to look forward to.  I have been a total wreck over the past few weeks and was getting to the stage where I was going to ask a doctor for anti-depressants (and I HATE taking pills).  Now I am off to buy a bottle of champagne instead!


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