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ash tree farm, tms farm work in progress


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cheers ted, i keep forgetting i have them, only tiny things so hide well, bit of old metal  glued to the underside of the roof panel, job done holds it down nice and flat, i use the same ones for my removable dual wheels and cage wheels, they are strong enough to grip the axel rods through the plastic wheels, these ones are 4mm wide x 2mm deep round ones 

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The dutch barn is coming along lovely Sean

I have added a blog post on dying large quantities of chopped sisal, thought it might be of interest if you're looking at getting some layers of older brown bedding into the pig styes  https://modelfarming132.blogspot.com/2018/11/dying-sisal-on-grand-scale.html might particularly be useful for when you do a muck heap.

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this is about 3/4 of it, been getting on 36 hours now drying, keep turning it when i remember ,so drying evenly, have plans for the rest else where

 also started the jig this afternoon ,6bales in one go, not quite to your dimensions, as all the others i have are slightly smaller, so matching to them, hopefully have that finished tonight, 463F3D36-2303-4FC6-88DC-324F452DF9AA.thumb.jpeg.0d08aff61a11b2bac6a1bb7a1e48c36a.jpegand maybe have a test press 


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well the jigs finished,(pics later) and i have just tried a a couple test press’s of one bale ,sadly the cotton she had isnt strong enough to tie a decent knot in the end, even doubled up, so i need to get some stronger stuff, have also learnt not to over pack it,as it gets stuck in the chamber,  could be due to it still being a little damp as well, will get some proper pics once i get the new cotton etc  but its looking promising, once i can knot it properly they do match the current ones size wise, and look pretty good .

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well the materials dried out now, so had a first go, out of six i put in 3 came out ok, i think the press needs some work, may be make a new one ,as  i think the twine is  to far apart, to close to the edges, also slightly out of line, biggest issue is tying  the knots, its a dam fiddly thing to do, and very hard to get any tension on it as well . so i will trim the top down as well, fat pinkies like mine don't help, out of the 4 in the pic, ones spot on, the others ok, the one to the right is one of the 100 odd french made ones i have




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Mixed results with the bales Sean, would it help to have the end of the chamber curved ( concave/convex ) to leave more material on the outside of the bale so it holds the string away from the edges of the bale. 

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Like Ted says, no need for knots.

Double wrap the string like when you start tying your laces, pull tight, and dab a little bit of cheap superglue over it, that'll work the same as a knot, and still leave a little knotted bundle when you trim the excess thread.

The over lapping of material, letting it burst out of the edges is a tricky one. With the large square bales I have a piece of plasticard the shape of the chamber but 1mm smaller all the way round. I lay out the threads, and then instead of pile straw in straight away, I lay the plasticard sheet over the thread. Push it into the chamber abit, and then load with straw. When the bales tide of push it out of the chamber just enough that the plastic shows through, then slide the plastic out, with the rest of the bale still held in place by the chamber. Then push the bale out. I was largely using it to stop the big bales going round at the end, but it also stopped the string slipping as the thread hooks onto the plastic and isn't pushed to the side.

Bit of a long winded post, sorry!

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mm some good ideas there, will have to try them, the glue option had crossed my mind anyway. as for the plasticard, insets, i hadn't thought of that one James, if it works for the large, then i guess it would for the smalls, would only need it for the top/ underside anyway, i have a gap on the plunger anyway, so i bit of .5mm slide will be tried next 

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just under 75 made now, but worth it, still got 3 more layers on the front, then find a way to bind them together so i can move them, plus link up the side wall ,prob be foam board rear wall with a small lip at the front and side, well thats the idea at the mo 


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cheers martin, its actually plastic,  one that mandy sells, its a bit thinner than some other stuff i had, so it bent a bit easier, plus it adds a bit more strength to the structure as well. i basically superglued one side all the way along(curve to flat side)  ,then clamped all the way along it till set, glued the i beams up and bent it half way, again clamp and set, then similar on the last bit, didn't need any heat ,although it may have helped, but being thin i was worried it may deform the ridges if i over did it.



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