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ash tree farm, tms farm work in progress


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cheers mike, never actually meassured it up properly but at a guess the main yard would be 1.25 m deep by 3 wide ,doesnt go as far as the fields board  sides so i have access to the rear in each corner .each side where the fields are would prob both be about 1m deep one sides not far of 3.5m due to the loft hatch the other where the house sits about 4m odd , bit like the dia below .i do keep pondering a center 1m x2m bridge section but recon it would make getting other stuff  in and out of there a bit hard.


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cheers john, a couple of bits do need watering down, they look ,daft as it sounds, painted on, will only take a wet brush and i can drag it out more, i really must remember to dry the brush off on paper before applying the stain, worked way better on the rest where i did remember 

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cheers guys

yes if i did it it would be a field , issue is if hinged how do all the trees and crop stay put,  if i emptied out some of her rubbish,and truth be know off loaded a few bits of the collection that honestly,were bought for the hell of it when uh first really got going, i could probably climb under it ok, so no need to hinge. theres 15 x 200L boxes  (biggest that go through the hatch ) of tractors alone up there without all the rest i. sealed bags, i could prob half if to more what i appreciate if i want . the spread sheets currently sat at 350 plus entries ,without all the boxes of loose old school stuff 

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  • 3 weeks later...

thanks andy, 

had one of those days today,just couldnt get my head into it really, so minor progress, more of the roof timbers in now i know what i am using to cover it, and the lights in and working,  only internals  left are 2 more gates and finish them off all of properly with lath es and paint ,add the water pipes  to the drinkers, then look at the feeder system, got the piping ready, just need to sort how the end units look,and make them.then i can fix the top back down and sit it back in position, 



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It done james , was always the plan at some point to weather it, its just a mix of black ink and ipa , nothing more , had i found it before the recent new barn would have been done the same way , , i suspect when i get to the other side these will be done the same, 

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