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You can ring me if you want Adam.

Every hour to tell me the time as i've broke my watch  ;D

On a more serious note, I know I havn't been here lately with the issues and so forth, but honestly, reading through this topic makes you think. My thoughts go out to you all at the moment, such sad times at present. Doesn't bear thinking about all the heartbrake and sad times some of you are going through.  :'(

There's not much more I can say, just chin up and remember there's always someone worse off than you somewhere, even if you don't for a minute think so.

Things WILL get easier...


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Bad thing Ben...but its been on the cards for a while..only big house & little monsters have been keeping me here. Since her latest bout of Bacterial Meningitus she has completely changed (in my view) lifes too short.I'll will probably spend more time with the kids so they will be ok  >:(

bad thing mate, really sorry to hear about that, been there and done it myself, hope all works out for you,, mike
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Pop ain't doing to good. His GP has admitted him to hospital as he is rapidly becoming weaker. As well as Pleurisy his spine is crumbling. Nanna is too small to be able to help him around anymore.

Sorry to hear that Tris and my thoughts are with you because I know exactly how you must be feeling.

I got an expected phone call from my mother at lunchtime yesterday saying that my dad was at the local doctor's surgery for a 3 monthly injection for another aliment he has had and he had complained to the nurse that his leg which he had a hip replacement on some 11 weeks ago was a bit swollen. He was examined by a doctor and whisked into Aberdeen Royal Infirmany by ambulance. When I eventually got in and located him (a few hours later) he was just back from X-rays and scans and transpires he has a blood clot in his leg. Hopefully though he is in the best place where they can monitor what is happening but the waiting and not knowing is a not nice.

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Thanks guys, very much appreciated. All of you. Thoughts are also with Bill, Barry and Scott at this time too. Like Marky said, it can be a god awful topic in here at times but some of the replies show people in a very true and friendly light. :)

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I would be a speaking clock if you want Luke, £1 every Hour  :D;)

Sorry to hear about your bad news Bill.

Tris mate chin up and keep positvive.

Barrry mate its up to you and your wife  to decide the best opition for you and your kids and im sure you will come to the best option mate.

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Thanks Adam... he had a good night and has been moved out of the assessment ward so fingers crossed he's is on the mend again.

Im sure he is on the mend Bill, otherwize they wouldnt have moved him mate ;)

Chin up and keep thinking positive, as i say your welcome to pm me for a chat Matey

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Sorry to hear that Tris and my thoughts are with you because I know exactly how you must be feeling.

I got an expected phone call from my mother at lunchtime yesterday saying that my dad was at the local doctor's surgery for a 3 monthly injection for another aliment he has had and he had complained to the nurse that his leg which he had a hip replacement on some 11 weeks ago was a bit swollen. He was examined by a doctor and whisked into Aberdeen Royal Infirmany by ambulance. When I eventually got in and located him (a few hours later) he was just back from X-rays and scans and transpires he has a blood clot in his leg. Hopefully though he is in the best place where they can monitor what is happening but the waiting and not knowing is a not nice.

having just gone through this with my nan before she passed away,your dads very lucky mate, good doctor spotted it there and then ,thats what counts,
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It's me Dad's Dad, Sean. He of war veteran fame. We have always called him Pop as my Nanna thought Grandad made him sound to old :D

He is very very weak and if he does come out of hospital he will be going to a sheltered nursing Home type place. As it is, he may not have long with us. His body is tired at 88 (I think ???) and the doctors have said if he leaves us, they won't resuscitate. It wouldn't be fair on his body to bring him round.  :'(

Everything is a bit in limbo right now and nobody really knows what to think about it all.

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I'm very sorry to hear the not so good news thats happeing as of late.

I don't you you personally, but please accept my sincerest regards to your family members in question!!!

I do hope you all get the best of outcomes and my thoughts and prayers are with you all!!!


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I'm of the same opinion as Mark here, i hate this topic but its a chance to share your problems and hear a few words of encouragement from the rest of the gang so keep posting!

Barry, bad news mate.... I hope it all pans out for the best for everyone :(

Sorry to hear that Tris and my thoughts are with you because I know exactly how you must be feeling.

I got an expected phone call from my mother at lunchtime yesterday saying that my dad was at the local doctor's surgery for a 3 monthly injection for another aliment he has had and he had complained to the nurse that his leg which he had a hip replacement on some 11 weeks ago was a bit swollen. He was examined by a doctor and whisked into Aberdeen Royal Infirmany by ambulance. When I eventually got in and located him (a few hours later) he was just back from X-rays and scans and transpires he has a blood clot in his leg. Hopefully though he is in the best place where they can monitor what is happening but the waiting and not knowing is a not nice.

Same thing happened to my pop when he had his first hip replaced Bill, ended up with a blood clot on his lung which resulted in him having a stroke. We didn't find out about the stroke for quite some time afterwards following numerous tests and visits to specialists. He's now on warfrin to help thin his blood, it will be two weeks tomorrow since he had his second hip replaced so we're all waiting with baited breath to see if we have any similar problems again.....  :(  I hope everything goes smoothly for your dad....  :)

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I'm of the same opinion as Mark here, i hate this topic but its a chance to share your problems and hear a few words of encouragement from the rest of the gang so keep posting!

Barry, bad news mate.... I hope it all pans out for the best for everyone :(

Same thing happened to my pop when he had his first hip replaced Bill, ended up with a blood clot on his lung which resulted in him having a stroke. We didn't find out about the stroke for quite some time afterwards following numerous tests and visits to specialists. He's now on warfrin to help thin his blood, it will be two weeks tomorrow since he had his second hip replaced so we're all waiting with baited breath to see if we have any similar problems again.....  :(  I hope everything goes smoothly for your dad....  :)

I hope all goes well for your dad second time round with the hip Jason.

I visited my dad last night and he is in good spirits ( not the alcoholic type which he would probably prefer ;) ;) ) but was still in bed and wasn't up as such yesterday since he had been told by the doctors to rest. They started him on warfrin on Monday night plus daily injections so we are hoping that Will dissolve the clot. I didn't manage to speak to a doctor as such since at visiting times it just seemed to be the junior ones who were doing the rounds. Never mind we will see what todays says. The disappointing thing is that we have a family wedding this Saturday a cousin of mine so that is kinda still on hold as to who will get along to it.

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It's me Dad's Dad, Sean. He of war veteran fame. We have always called him Pop as my Nanna thought Grandad made him sound to old :D

He is very very weak and if he does come out of hospital he will be going to a sheltered nursing Home type place. As it is, he may not have long with us. His body is tired at 88 (I think ???) and the doctors have said if he leaves us, they won't resuscitate. It wouldn't be fair on his body to bring him round.  :'(

Everything is a bit in limbo right now and nobody really knows what to think about it all.

wa son about bc's dad tris, didnt see your post  :-[:-[ :-[:-[ :-[ , sorry to hear about pops to mate,
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having just gone through this with my nan before she passed away,your dads very lucky mate, good doctor spotted it there and then ,thats what counts,

Yes my folks have great faith in their doctors which is in a farly small country village. The doctor would not even allow dad to walk back home which would only have been a 10 minute or so walk and he arranged for the ambulance to collect him direct from the surgery.

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