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we buried my uncle yesterday only 47

sorry to hear that, i know what your going through. My granddad died on sunday from lung cancer  :'( , had a sh!t 4 months so far!.....just lost....

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sorry to hear that, i know what your going through. My granddad died on sunday from lung cancer  :'( , had a sh!t 4 months so far!.....just lost....

Flip Ben, I didn't realise mate.... So so sorry to hear that Camodad.  :'(

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My grandad finally succumbed to Mesothelioma late on Thursday, just shy of his 85th too! :(

we buried my uncle yesterday only 47

My granddad died on sunday from lung cancer  :'( , had a sh!t 4 months so far!.....just lost....

My sincerest condolencies Chris, Andy and Ben very sorry to hear of your losses.


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Sorry to hear that Ben, you just have to remember the good times that you had with him

cheers Gav, i have a few that pop in when needed!, doesn't seem that long ago you were helping me with Julies dad....  :(:) :) :) :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

A bad accident on the road at the end of the field I was working on requiring 5 fire engines, 2 land ambulances, doctors, numerous police cars and two air ambulances which landed in the field, sadly one fatality, another not looking good and 6 more injured. Two cars and a motor bike involved, early thoughts are the chap who died had a heart attack at the wheel according to one of the policemen causing the carnage to happen :(

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seeing my wifes nan  last night poor girl  :-[:-[ :-[:-[ :-[:-[ :-[:-[ :-[ ........she had a stroke mid week

and her body is givinng up no speech no colour in her face

DRs said no more dialasys as it wont work anymore so we only have time  :-[:-[ :-[:-[ :-[:-[ :-[:-[ :-[:-[ :-[:-[ :-[:-[ :-[:-[ :-[:-[ :-[:-[ and very little of it

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The news is very discouraging with the volcano ash,  we are even seeing the results here and hopeful it will not keep Aunty Sue from coming to America.  The last time we saw anything like this was when Marky bought Hattie and there was so much moisture from the hot air coming from the east that the Horn Nose Frogs were swarming the roads to take a steam bath.... :-\

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The news is very discouraging with the volcano ash,  we are even seeing the results here and hopeful it will not keep Aunty Sue from coming to America.  The last time we saw anything like this was when Marky bought Hattie and their was so much moisture from the hot air coming from the east that the Horn Nose Frogs were swarming the roads to take a steam bath.... :-\

:D :D :D  ... you do make me laugh Popsy
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  • 3 weeks later...

had to leave work early today, to go to the hospital and get my mum, sadly the stepdad's cancer has spreader very rapidly from his throaut into one of his lungs causing it to colaspe,, had a op yesterday to put a bigger stemp in so he may be able to eat??? this they can not gaurantee either, had to sit through her and him deciding what action should be taken if he has a cardiac arrest :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(  ie revive or not, and other stuff, also been told to see if his son can come visit him, as he works in africa, which is making us think he may not have as long as first thought :'( :'( :'(  kind of shell shocked at present to be honest 

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