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What really annoyed you today

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definately not!

it was a valmet 805 and log trailer set.. there is a buy it now for £130, near mint.. am considering making an offer but um-ing and a-ing about it.

ive got one of them from when I were a lad! mint but not boxed :/

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following yesterdays altercation with the neighbour today i received a visit from the council following a complaint about the mess from the tree cutting ??? ,asked who by and got i cant tell you, went out the back with him and the place is spotless as i left it, all the cut backs neatly lay ed into the stumps to form a sort of fence ,  the mass vine thing all cut back with the cuttings all piled up behind the sort of  fencing

no waste from the chainsaw on the parking bays,infact he commend me on how well i had dealt with the coppicing and asked if i was trained. no issues as far as he goes. then saw him  15 Min's later as i was back up doing the back bedroom again , with her from nextdoor, ,her ranting and raving at him pointing at the hedgerow, him clearly annoyed with having his time wasted, wish they could charge her for wasting his time.shes on nights this week, so guess what i have planned for tommorrow, lots of noisy work

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following yesterdays altercation with the neighbour today i received a visit from the council following a complaint about the mess from the tree cutting ??? ,asked who by and got i cant tell you, went out the back with him and the place is spotless as i left it, all the cut backs neatly lay ed into the stumps to form a sort of fence ,  the mass vine thing all cut back with the cuttings all piled up behind the sort of  fencing

no waste from the chainsaw on the parking bays,infact he commend me on how well i had dealt with the coppicing and asked if i was trained. no issues as far as he goes. then saw him  15 Min's later as i was back up doing the back bedroom again , with her from nextdoor, ,her ranting and raving at him pointing at the hedgerow, him clearly annoyed with having his time wasted, wish they could charge her for wasting his time.shes on nights this week, so guess what i have planned for tommorrow, lots of noisy work

A nice pat on the back for you, Sean.  Stupid woman should be charged for wasted time - council taxes are high enough as it is.

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would only do a good job sue, i hate people who do half meassures, thats why i wont do it myself, a little effort in cleaning up is nothing, the stuff worked to as it made over 90 % of the school kids turn back and use the path, a few forced their way through one who ripped his blazer on the hawthorns, ,which is good to, hopefully a few more bits wedged in will stop that to

nextdoors fallen out with me a few times now, i just cant be bothered with it all, shes wants me doing all her work to, her hubbys to bone idle to do it, so her son,

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Everything about today. From the moment I thought it would be a good idea to go into work two hours earlier than I should have done, everything contrived to wind me up. If I could I gift wrap today in sand paper, tie it tightly with baler band and wave good bye to it as I throw it into the deepest and darkest volcanoe i'd be a much happier person.  >:(

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>:( got outbid for an item on ebay in the last few seconds so i had no chance to rebid >:( >:(>:(

I hope i did not upset anybody on here but did that myself yesterday and won a 550 and 565 red door cab massey brochure. learn't my lesson a long time ago if you want somthing badly always leave has long has possible.
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I hope i did not upset anybody on here but did that myself yesterday and won a 550 and 565 red door cab massey brochure. learn't my lesson a long time ago if you want somthing badly always leave has long has possible.

I tried that with a JD precision yesterday but didn't bid high enough so couldn't go back with a higher bid as time expired  :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ , I think I know who the seller was as well (Tris was it you?)

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I can't decide, it either Sean or Marky  hmmm Sean, Marky,  Marky, Sean ah bugger  it's  both I guess... ???:-*

Both hey..... right then... first off... sorry... first up (to use the American expression that's not the correct use of Her Majesty's English)...

A message from Sean.. (just came in by fax)...

PPPPPPwwwwwwtttttttttthhhhhhhhhrwahufdnebs (Notice the spelling mistakes at the end)

And a personal message from me to you Plops... deep down... from the very bottom of my.... er...... bottom....


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Well for the second day running came in to work to find a little red Micra parked in my car park space. looks as though they have left it at the weekend and gone offshore >:(

It's not my personal space but its always the one I park in ;) ;)

So what have I done...well taken someone elses prime spot ;) ;)

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Both hey..... right then... first off... sorry... first up (to use the American expression that's not the correct use of Her Majesty's English)...

A message from Sean.. (just came in by fax)...

PPPPPPwwwwwwtttttttttthhhhhhhhhrwahufdnebs (Notice the spelling mistakes at the end)

And a personal message from me to you Plops... deep down... from the very bottom of my.... er...... bottom....


rude old bugger, never realized sean could spell that well, the old devon crank...pwwttthhhh to you Lord fertilizer....

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Struggled my way into work this morning before going to the doctors, yet another chest infection ::)  supposed to take it easy but I was too stubborn and went back to work thinking nice easy day ploughing till 4pm..........was ok till I turned into the yeard at 4pm to be greeted by free range store cattle that had managed to undo the gates on their yard >:( >:(  could do without chasing them about in freezing temperatures when I can hardly breath as it is ::)

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Just been up my dads farm, road very potholed and rough (thats not the farm track either) Massive crash and lots of vibration, drivers side front wheel had dropped in a pot hole and slashed the side wall, no damage to rim luckly but the tyre had only done about 1000 miles  >:( >:(  other lucky thing it was only my old Rover Sterling, if it had been the wifes Rover 45 with lower profile tyres it would have smashed the rim aswell, so I have that to be thankful for.

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Ooo parking wars...  :D :D

It's a good job I don't work at your place Bill.... I'd park in a different space each day just to cheese you all off one by one  :D :D :D

I do it at work... my parnter is the worlds worst... so I always do it to him especially

Oh Marky I guess you would too mind you you would need to be here for a year or two we have hundreds and hundreds of car parking space around our Dyce locations ;) ;)

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Well yesterday when I got a ticket from postie saying postage underpaid on an A4 envelope they tried to deliver to me £ 1.57 to pay and £ 1 is the handling fee.

Left £2 in coins in a jar for the postie and phoned to get them to deliver. Mind you if I think what the envelope is I wont be so annoyed as I was last night.

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bloody kids , but i do love them.  one asked yesterday if they could use my laptop so i said ok . next i hear get a cloth i've spillet my drink in the lap top. so puff that went with all the photos , website stuff on , useful links etc gone. lucky i had a old laptop with a broken screen that they broke last time still here so i swapped the screens over . shame the hard drive won't fit .so it looks like the kitchen floor will have to wait because i need a new laptop and with windows 7 out now why not. one thing tho  NO KIDS NEAR MY NEW ONE .

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Struggling to put the SHMAC club magazine together without enough articles.  Finally managed 12 pages after asking a couple of reliable writers for some additional items but the front page is blank and is staying that way.  I am resigning as editor, the club will have to get someone else to do the job and I have been doing for 9 years!

>:( >:(>:(

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