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What really annoyed you today

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Done something to my back.  All I did was lift the lid on a large storage while holding a vivarium fluorescent tube (20ins long). 

If I had been lifting something heavy I could understand it!

Ouch, ouch, oooooooo  ouch.  Cannot bend/straighten properly >:( >:(>:(

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actually annoyed with the message box we use to write in on this forum. It automatically goes to something that forgets all "Enter"s i have used in a text to keep it a bit more readable, so basically puts something different on screen than what i have been writing.... i noticed this goes away when you hit the button with the arrow in between two red [ and ] 's(toggle view) but why??? is this necessary? and can't it be set to users standard or something like that?

PS. hope you'll be well soon Sue!

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mine doesnt do that wil ????? dont think it ever has infact, wonder if you have hit a series of keys on your laptop??? thats turned that function on, i know i somehow managed to put my screen upside down doing that recently, still to this day have no idea how i did it either, had to get my mate to sort it for me

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Dropping the UH MF 3080 that I'd sold down the stairs whilst in it's box, going to get a screwdriver to fasten it back to the base before sending it off, rushing around trying to carry too much at once and trying to get to work on time, mirrors off, flashing beacon off, exhaust off, steps bent, top link bent, sorry Dominic my fault completely  :-[  >:(  >:(

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Got woken up at 3am this morn by my neighbours having an argument after a night out , let's just say drunk or not they were very quiet and red faced after the wife let fly with a volley of expletives from the bedroom window

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: she no doubt has lots of practice with you

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mine doesnt do that wil ??? ?? dont think it ever has infact, wonder if you have hit a series of keys on your laptop??? thats turned that function on, i know i somehow managed to put my screen upside down doing that recently, still to this day have no idea how i did it either, had to get my mate to sort it for me

I know that one Sean, in your case it's spelled "Cider" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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just after dropping a Marshall of the bench when i was cleaning up..broke roof of and chip ot of it  :'(

also broke the 2 front posts out of the cab  :'( :'( :'(

Most of all it broke my heart and near broke me knuckles when i hit the bench..

before all that i decided to hit my thumb with the hammer instead of the flipping punch! >:( >:(>:(

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The Zwolle lurgy finally taking its hold on me last night. Urgh!

I've only returned to work today and all I've done is sat in the chair sleeping for two days.... no cold symptoms as yet but a headache to die for and aching bones aplenty.

What a bunch we are  ::)  ... and we eat so healthily as well.

I think I had one too many Destledonks actually  :-[:) :)  .. get well soon boys  :-*

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I've only returned to work today and all I've done is sat in the chair sleeping for two days.... no cold symptoms as yet but a headache to die for and aching bones aplenty.

Old age finally catching up - or is that not just a normal Monday/Tuesday for you?  ;D ;D

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I've only returned to work today and all I've done is sat in the chair sleeping for two days.... no cold symptoms as yet but a headache to die for and aching bones aplenty.

What a bunch we are  ::)  ... and we eat so healthily as well.

I think I had one too many Destledonks actually  :-[:) :)  .. get well soon boys  :-*

I thought that's all you normally do anyway ;);D ;D ;D

Ps love you really and hope you feel better soon :-*

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Get well soon Zwolle trippers, I think you should all have been quarantined when you arrived back in the UK  :laugh:

Marky, What is a Desteldonk exactly  ???

Whats annoyed me slightly, Somebody who was buying a couple of models from me has disappeared and gone incommunicado....

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Thanks Mandy and Mark

As always, I'm smiling through the pain... you know what us men are like... loathe to even mention that we are ill.... which in most cases, as you know, can be a life threatening bout of man-flu  :of

A destledonk sausage is the FTF name for a hotdog type sausage in a roll... Andy even has 'destledonk sauce' on his which is actually made up of Dill, mustard and axle grease I believe. Funny lot, the Dutch  :P

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Get well soon Zwolle trippers, I think you should all have been quarantined when you arrived back in the UK  :laugh:

Marky, What is a Desteldonk exactly  ???

Whats annoyed me slightly, Somebody who was buying a couple of models from me has disappeared and gone incommunicado....

I could take a wild stab in the dark as to who it could be!

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Teachers going on strike next wed, that has really really pi553d me off. All year we have been told that we are not allowed a day off then they go on strike. I wouldn't have minded after January but we are in exam build up now and lessons are really important. Especially as them going off on Wednesday has meant I miss another maths lesson which I could do with being in. If teachers really do that much work during school holidays why don't they strike for a week then instead of distrupting MY education! Yeah okay they have the right to go on strike to demand more pay or fairer pensions, but I don't get the choice to miss school, it's a time when AS and A-level students need all the lesson time available, and we don't get the chive about Wednesday, we can't even go into school because the head is on strike so we are not allowed.  >:( >:(>:( >:(

Sorry rant over :P

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