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What really annoyed you today

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Indeed John... mind you.. not a lot let in my pot to take from now they've had this recent pillage...  >:(

Robert... well put... carefully and factually... I feel genuinely sorry for those out of a job if they want to work.. it's the dole and or benefit scroungers that make my skin crawl  >:( >:(>:(

Oh well... could always move to a country that doesn't bled you dry... anyone know of a nice warm one full of Massey Ferguson's ???:P

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Mark theres a place called massey island the will get you a visa to live but you have more than one massey in your fleet so ive sent away for my visa on massey island the no V.A.T on MF's ha ha!










If only  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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got the weirdest cold i have had in a long time ,has all come back to front, started with a sore throat, then the dry bunged up feeling, now nose streaming , dripping better than a bust tap, sneezing the works,at least it wasn't over actual xmas / boxing day this year like the last couple of years

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Indeed John... mind you.. not a lot let in my pot to take from now they've had this recent pillage...  >:(

Robert... well put... carefully and factually... I feel genuinely sorry for those out of a job if they want to work.. it's the dole and or benefit scroungers that make my skin crawl  >:( >:(>:(

Oh well... could always move to a country that doesn't bled you dry... anyone know of a nice warm one full of Massey Ferguson's ??? :P


I'm a little miffed that my TomTom doesn't seem to be charging in the pick up :(

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What annoyed me.... infuriated more like.... giving the bloody Inland Revenue just over £34,000 in corporation taxes and PAYE contributions  >:( >:(>:( >:(>:(

This country stinks.... you work hard... for very little... anything you do get you get taxed almost 40% for.. then blow me if you fill your car up you pay 80% tax on the fuel.... road fund tax is slanted to make you avoid owning a nice motor now.... you want to buy yourself some 'luxury goods' such as something as simple as a telly and you pay 20% all over again...er.. hello... I've been taxed on that bloody money once already  >:( >:(>:( >:(  I wonder just how much of our own money we actually end up with when the Government have finished shafting us every whichway they can  >:( >:(>:(

oops... sorry... rant over  :-[

for now  >:(

never mind the luxury goods what about vehicle fuel which has duty as well as 20% VAT.  Not only does it cost us more to drive ourselves but it means that the cost of EVERYTHING that needs transporting has to go up too and that includes food and other basic necessities.  and yes, Robert is right, we are also paying for those who do not want to work and who milk the system (successfully). 

Oh, yes, I have just organised my biennial payment to HMRC too! The reminder arrived in the pre-Christmas post! >:(

Off soapbox and wishing all us "grumpies" a Happy New Year ;D

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The fact that we pay taxes to keep the lay abouts going bugs me too especially when my aunt who is younger than me (long story!) with two young kids and partner reckons that she can't survive on the £1700 a month benefits that she gets >:( >:(  Thats her rent paid, council tax paid and various childcare benefits, takes that pee slightly really >:(

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The fact that we pay taxes to keep the lay abouts going bugs me too especially when my aunt who is younger than me (long story!) with two young kids and partner reckons that she can't survive on the £1700 a month benefits that she gets >:( >:(  Thats her rent paid, council tax paid and various childcare benefits, takes that pee slightly really >:(

No offence Gav but £1700 benefits that takes the effing pi$$ she ought to try on the £1200 I get a month (thats take home), to run a car, pay rent, mobile phone food etc etc  >:(  makes me think I ought to shack up with a maid and start firing out sprogs and not do anything for a living

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No offence taken as that comment of hers annoyed my family as well as thats more than I earn a month as well along with most members of our family. That doesn't include her partners earnings either as a bus driver or from selling cars so we really can't see why she's complaining

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No offence taken as that comment of hers annoyed my family as well as thats more than I earn a month as well along with most members of our family. That doesn't include her partners earnings either as a bus driver or from selling cars so we really can't see why she's complaining

Umm - PARTNER?  I understood that if the partner works more than 16 hours per week benefit is seriously reduced at the very least!  How can she get housing benefit etc if her partner is a bus driver/car salesman? 

I think that someone is telling porkies (and getting away with it) at the benefit office and THAT REALLY ANNOYS ME.

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Well not so much today but it's been sitting on my stomach like a ton of Marky's Pot Noodles.  Our exchange daughter who lives in Milton Keynes arrived with her family for Christmas...I let little Rupert 1 1/2  pick out a tractor to play with......lined up all my McCormicks and Cases, and a few MF...The little blighter picked up the MF 6290  :of  right cheesed me off it did.... >:(  Should of expected it from a Brit!!!  That kids got no taste ???

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Well not so much today but it's been sitting on my stomach like a ton of Marky's Pot Noodles.  Our exchange daughter who lives in Milton Keynes arrived with her family for Christmas...I let little Rupert 1 1/2  pick out a tractor to play with......lined up all my McCormicks and Cases, and a few MF...The little blighter picked up the MF 6290  :of  right cheesed me off it did.... >:(  Should of expected it from a Brit!!!  That kids got no taste ???

that selection would have been tough for anyone ;)  No Fords...no Fendt's no JD's.... no wonder he picked up the Massey  ;D ;D 

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Well not so much today but it's been sitting on my stomach like a ton of Marky's Pot Noodles.  Our exchange daughter who lives in Milton Keynes arrived with her family for Christmas...I let little Rupert 1 1/2  pick out a tractor to play with......lined up all my McCormicks and Cases, and a few MF...The little blighter picked up the MF 6290  :of  right cheesed me off it did.... >:(  Should of expected it from a Brit!!!  That kids got no taste ???

You let him PLAY with it! :of :of :of :of :of :of :of :of :of :of :of :of :of :of :of

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Well not so much today but it's been sitting on my stomach like a ton of Marky's Pot Noodles.  Our exchange daughter who lives in Milton Keynes arrived with her family for Christmas...I let little Rupert 1 1/2  pick out a tractor to play with......lined up all my McCormicks and Cases, and a few MF...The little blighter picked up the MF 6290  :of  right cheesed me off it did.... >:(  Should of expected it from a Brit!!!  That kids got no taste ???

:D :D  pleased to hear that Pops .. fair play to the little fella  :-*
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Well not so much today but it's been sitting on my stomach like a ton of Marky's Pot Noodles.  Our exchange daughter who lives in Milton Keynes arrived with her family for Christmas...I let little Rupert 1 1/2  pick out a tractor to play with......lined up all my McCormicks and Cases, and a few MF...The little blighter picked up the MF 6290  :of  right cheesed me off it did.... >:(  Should of expected it from a Brit!!!  That kids got no taste ???

What can I say the little guy has good taste maye even a touch of class ha ha! he just picked up one of the best MFs there was ever made ha ha!

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Well not so much today but it's been sitting on my stomach like a ton of Marky's Pot Noodles.  Our exchange daughter who lives in Milton Keynes arrived with her family for Christmas...I let little Rupert 1 1/2  pick out a tractor to play with......lined up all my McCormicks and Cases, and a few MF...The little blighter picked up the MF 6290  :of  right cheesed me off it did.... >:(  Should of expected it from a Brit!!!  That kids got no taste ???

The thing about Masseys Rick is they have 'character' and that's why most children are drawn to them (even if they pick a different colour when they grow up) ;)

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On Country File yesterday they made a continuity booboo.

They had two tractors drawing away from the combine, a John Q 6**0, and a Newfie TM, both with Ken Wooton trailers.

The booboo came when the John Q was pulling away from the combine to run back with a load. The interior cam was on the John Q which the narrator was driving, but the heli shot they kept cutting to was of the TM.

So what did they do? They "painted" the TM green after the first shot on the headland.

At least they spotted their mistake. Would have been worse if they hadn't copped it.

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Yeah I saw that as well SPN,

what really annoyed me was another person driving into my car again, not so much as an appologie, apparently I shouldn't have parked where they couldn't have seen me, hello it's a ton and a quarter of subaru with it's headlights on, I duely pointed out this persons errors in a firm but aggressive manner, I think they might take more care now  ;)        >:(

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Parked with your headlights on? Isn't that an offence in itself though?  :-\

this was in Tesco's carpark I was waiting for them to come out of their space so I could carry on my way, there was plenty of room in front but I could go back to avoid the dozy c@~? as there was someone behind me  >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(

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just tripped over one of the cats dropping my tea over the floor, my own fault sadly, was slightly mesmerised by the hottie local synchronised swimmer being interviewed on the TV in her best UK swimming team very  tight swim suit and nothing more  :P :P :P just going to re cook a few bits again

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