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What really annoyed you today

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A road closure and diversion on the way home this afternoon. Having said that it was maybe partly my own fault since I had reported a bad pothole on the road on Tuesday around lunchtime.I got a call the following day from a chap looking for the said hole(bad instructions given by person who logged my call) and I was pleased to see they had fixed it sometime today but I didn't expect then to close the road further on since I didn't think there were really bad ones in that stretch...but hey ho we will find out tomorrow.

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in the same vein as my reply in "what made you sad today", got asked what i thought a problem with a highly modified a-series mini engine was, ( it was blowing head gaskets, melting pistons, wouldn't rev...) i told him it wasn't getting enough fuel and needed a general tune up. he came back to me a couple of weeks later saying, "so and so has said this", etc etc and he kept trying all their suggestions apart from mine... (that it needed a bigger carburettor and a rolling road tune up). so he calls me up last night and says, my mate's dog's uncles dead mum once went to the pub with a car mechanic (<this may differ from actual chain of events) and he knew what he was talking about, unlike you weekend warriors... he says it needs a bigger carb, do you know any one with a set of twin HS4s or a weber dc0e40? at which point i contemplated having some ruffians use him to re-enact the memorable vinnie jones and a man's head vs a car door scene. but instead sold him my set of twin HS4's...

words fail me.

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I know what you mean Alex,I don't think the internet has helped with these type of problems as people search the net for answers as well.

Last week I sold some 15 inch freelander alloys as my parents upgraded theres to genuine 17's,a chap rings me up wants to go fom 17's down to 15's,I told him all sizes of genuine freelander wheels fit the hub.

He turns up still don't believe me even with my parents car sat on the drive as proof and proceeds to take his wheel off on my driveway to check.I say to him they will fit,he puts the wheel on and it fits,he says to me 'oh thats not what I read on the internet' ::) made me laugh anyway.

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yeh i'd read something about freelander alloys, something about pre 2001 wheels won't fit post 2001 cars but post 2001 wheels will fit pre 2001 cars or something. (from the latest edition of LRO)

what freelander have they got? was considering buying a HGF 1.8 k series one to mend MOT and turn a profit on...

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they have a 53 plate 1.8 k series,wouldn't go near the 1.8s notorious head gasket problem with that engine as your probably aware of,even theres has a very small leak of oil coming out around the gasket seal area and its only covered 30k,two new clutches as well one for previous owners and second was a mechanical fault with the previous,beware.

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yeh sorry i abbreviated head gasket failure to HGF, i'd buy one and stick an multi layer steel gasket on it, new stretch bolts and it would be sweet in an evenings work. I was more worried about the IRD failing than the head gasket...

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Not sure that it would be worth your while to do Alex, there's so many of them about at varying prices that unless you can find a duff one at rock bottom prices you may struggle to turn a profit on it, particularly if it turns out the head requires attention once you have it apart as well.

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Not sure that it would be worth your while to do Alex, there's so many of them about at varying prices that unless you can find a duff one at rock bottom prices you may struggle to turn a profit on it, particularly if it turns out the head requires attention once you have it apart as well.

yeh i know what you mean gav, if the head has warped i'm up that creak with that canoe with no paddles.

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