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23 hours ago, Tractorman810 said:

foot + pothole = pain  having a job walking at present, swellings down a little from first thing, was nearly double the oter foot at first 



You need to post this in your "colour variations" topic :D


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4 hours ago, robbo said:

Just as well you ain't going to Zwolle, you wouldn't be able to walk around the hall and we're not carrying you

we would have to put him in a shopping trolley and get david to push him around , if it was a twin trolley David could put the models that he buys in it as well  

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to be honest i have taken the strapping of now,and i am getting about ok, just need to remember when i turn , doesn't help that the wife managed to stand on it tonight,by accident,in the kitchen after tea, my fault apparently,as i sneaked up on here :blink: i mean,me sneak  anywhere ?? new one on me 

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59 minutes ago, Gav836 said:

You’d need a big shopping trolley to wheel him around in Smithy, there’s only so much weight one of those things can take :ph34r::P

i tend to go for one of them builders flat bed trollys   gav, , allows me a bit more room to spread out and get comfy :P

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The recommendation today that the number of cattle and sheep in this country should be reduced by up to 50% in a bid to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change, instead we should be encouraged to plant trees. Yet another kicking for agriculture at a time when surely we should be looking to protect the industry, especially in light of the current instability within our economy. Surely stability of food production should be an important consideration, after all, we live on a small island and an increased reliance on imports is not a comforting proposition. :(

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21 minutes ago, 844john said:

The recommendation today that the number of cattle and sheep in this country should be reduced by up to 50% in a bid to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change, instead we should be encouraged to plant trees. Yet another kicking for agriculture at a time when surely we should be looking to protect the industry, especially in light of the current instability within our economy. Surely stability of food production should be an important consideration, after all, we live on a small island and an increased reliance on imports is not a comforting proposition. :(

Where did that come from john? It's a load of rubbish if you ask me, agriculture already had a positive impact on reducing emissions, yes livestock farming produces greenhouse gasses but it removes more than it produces from the atmosphere through land management and feed crop production andmanagement. There was a diogram on Facebook a few weeks back that quantified this, I will see if I can find it. 

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11 minutes ago, mb86 said:

Where did that come from john? It's a load of rubbish if you ask me, agriculture already had a positive impact on reducing emissions, yes livestock farming produces greenhouse gasses but it removes more than it produces from the atmosphere through land management and feed crop production andmanagement. There was a diogram on Facebook a few weeks back that quantified this, I will see if I can find it. 

It's been mentioned on the BBC news several times this morning Martin, funnily enough they indicated that the NFU backed the proposals, but about an hour ago I got a text from the NFU saying that in no way were they in favour of the proposals as the BBC had stated. I know this will be controversial, but should we not be looking at the amount of unnecessary air travel before blaming farting cows and sheep for carbon emissions, after all, you can fly to Spain for not much more than it cost us to drive to Penrith and back, surely that has a greater effect on climate change?

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16 minutes ago, 844john said:

It's been mentioned on the BBC news several times this morning Martin, funnily enough they indicated that the NFU backed the proposals, but about an hour ago I got a text from the NFU saying that in no way were they in favour of the proposals as the BBC had stated. I know this will be controversial, but should we not be looking at the amount of unnecessary air travel before blaming farting cows and sheep for carbon emissions, after all, you can fly to Spain for not much more than it cost us to drive to Penrith and back, surely that has a greater effect on climate change?

Ah yes, but that would not please the tree huggers and vegans who are committed to imposing a meat free lifestyle on the rest of the population. Once agriculture has managed to reduce the number of animals by 50% then it is only a small step to cutting them further until they have eradicated the systemic cruelty that farmers practice every day on their captives, (tongue planted firmly in cheek in case you ask).

Then they will have to get their organic message across ............................. without the benefit of manure to supply the nutrients for their herbaceous borders  of yummy plants.............oh, they won't have any will they, what a shame, pass the NPK in a bag.

It reminds me of the edict of Chairman Mao who saw sparrows eating grain in a silo and announced them to be enemies of the people to be exterminated for eating our food. The Chinese people then killed millions of sparrows by refusing to let them land or roost and they all died of exhaustion. The following year, the crops failed becausde the insects that the sparrows fed on for most of the year multiplied out of control, as a result, 60 million people died of malnutrition.

These idiots need to look at the wider picture and not their own blinkered dogma

rant over!

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4 minutes ago, robbo said:

Ah yes, but that would not please the tree huggers and vegans who are committed to imposing a meat free lifestyle on the rest of the population. Once agriculture has managed to reduce the number of animals by 50% then it is only a small step to cutting them further until they have eradicated the systemic cruelty that farmers practice every day on their captives, (tongue planted firmly in cheek in case you ask).

Then they will have to get their organic message across ............................. without the benefit of manure to supply the nutrients for their herbaceous borders  of yummy plants.............oh, they won't have any will they, what a shame, pass the NPK in a bag.

It reminds me of the edict of Chairman Mao who saw sparrows eating grain in a silo and announced them to be enemies of the people to be exterminated for eating our food. The Chinese people then killed millions of sparrows by refusing to let them land or roost and they all died of exhaustion. The following year, the crops failed becausde the insects that the sparrows fed on for most of the year multiplied out of control, as a result, 60 million people died of malnutrition.

These idiots need to look at the wider picture and not their own blinkered dogma

rant over!

Well said , I will second that .

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31 minutes ago, 844john said:

It's been mentioned on the BBC news several times this morning Martin, funnily enough they indicated that the NFU backed the proposals, but about an hour ago I got a text from the NFU saying that in no way were they in favour of the proposals as the BBC had stated. I know this will be controversial, but should we not be looking at the amount of unnecessary air travel before blaming farting cows and sheep for carbon emissions, after all, you can fly to Spain for not much more than it cost us to drive to Penrith and back, surely that has a greater effect on climate change?

I have a mate that farts more than the average cow , will they put him down as well  

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1 hour ago, robbo said:

Ah yes, but that would not please the tree huggers and vegans who are committed to imposing a meat free lifestyle on the rest of the population. Once agriculture has managed to reduce the number of animals by 50% then it is only a small step to cutting them further until they have eradicated the systemic cruelty that farmers practice every day on their captives, (tongue planted firmly in cheek in case you ask).

Then they will have to get their organic message across ............................. without the benefit of manure to supply the nutrients for their herbaceous borders  of yummy plants.............oh, they won't have any will they, what a shame, pass the NPK in a bag.

It reminds me of the edict of Chairman Mao who saw sparrows eating grain in a silo and announced them to be enemies of the people to be exterminated for eating our food. The Chinese people then killed millions of sparrows by refusing to let them land or roost and they all died of exhaustion. The following year, the crops failed becausde the insects that the sparrows fed on for most of the year multiplied out of control, as a result, 60 million people died of malnutrition.

These idiots need to look at the wider picture and not their own blinkered dogma

rant over!

Just a random thought Mike, but surely if animals living off grains and grasses are an issue, then maybe vegans are contributing to the problem rather than a solution to it......;)

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I don't have anything against anyone's choice of lifestyle or diet, if that's what they believe then good for them, get on with it, but those that force their views on everyone else is another matter, in particular vegans, who's complete belief that everyone should eat organic plant based food is flawed. Livestock is reared in mostly where it is not practical to grow arable crops, get rid of livestock and that, for arguments sake, halves the area of food production. Then turn the remaining area organic which then halves production again, which then leaves what for a growing population to eat...... and of course that is looking past the mass deforestation and loss of habitat caused by Palm oil and cashew milk or whatever the hell it is vegans spout on about. 

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Right, I need to rant...

so I'm also very annoyed about this , and it's the vegans again. I don't have anything against them for eating what they want to eat and all that stuff,  same as Martin, but when they start saying everyone should be vegan then that is a different matter. They protest and try to make us feel guilty for eating meat. So all this about cows giving off methane and cutting the amount of livestock by 50% is absolute cow poo. After all it would only be on our little island so what does it matter if the cows are farting here or in France? It's just rubbish there chatting. I also heard that they want us to farm kangaroos instead as they give off less methane. I think eating seeds and kale and leaves makes the vegans and vegetarians fart more than cattle. Another thing, the same people are up in arms about the deforestation, but they are taking down the rainforests for there own bloody soya bean plantations. So really they are chasing there own tail. Give us a break vegans and vegetarians!!! Like I say I don't have a problem with them, just when they tell us we are bad for eating meat. I'm going to stop now anyway. Rant over. Cheers :) 

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Vegans can eat what ever they please … but they should not expect everyone else to follow suit.. What every individual person eats is their own business. End of story. We have been eating meat & dairy products since the beginning of time.. The world is gone crazy & every living thing farts ..its nature ..get over it tree huggers & vegans ..:angry:

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To be fair, this didn't come from the vegans, I believe it was a research committee advising the government, my main issue is that agriculture now seems to be the main target when it comes to carbon emissions and climate change. We have been eating meat for centuries with little or no impact on the planet, it is the last few decades that have seemingly been the catalyst for the position that we now find ourselves in. Our diets have not changed dramatically, at least not in the developed world, but what has changed is our lifestyles, with a greater demand for consumer goods and far more long-distance travel than ever before. I read an article just recently highlighting the fact that on a typical medium distance flight, the fuel consumed by the aeroplane would power the car of every passenger on board for ten thousand miles, yet how many of those people on board are there through pleasure rather then necessity? Another factor is the size of the population itself, there are more of us now than ever before and each one of us has a carbon footprint that contributes to global warming and yet still agriculture is the first culprit to be  blamed for climate change. I'm not saying that we should all stop taking foreign holidays (whatever they are!), or to stop having children, but perhaps these think tanks need to look a little closer to home and the modern way of living before citing livestock production as the root of all evil?

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Then we have all these governments around the world that will phase out diesel & petrol burning cars in favour of electric & hybrid cars over the next 20 to 30 years or so. The French have hiked up taxes on fuels already by 25% over the last 12 months witch is causing outrage in France at present. But these governments around the developed world seem to turn a blind eye of the carbon footprint left by mining the materials needed for battery production. Cobalt & nickel etc... Child labour being used in places like the Congo & other central African countries to mine this stuff from the ground for big name car producers.. Everything has bad side effects ..The US, China & India are the biggest air polluters in the world . Look at the US.. Who needs a big Dodge RAM or Ford F150 to go and do the grocery run !!! You aint going  to see the average joe in America spinning around in a Toyota Yaris or Ford Fiesta up and down the streets.. Us folks here in Europe are not the big offenders by any means . But then you also have our governments bring in scrappage schemes & people sending perfectly good cars with loads of life left in them to the crusher...why.. ?? As I said before ..the world is gone mad !!

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