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What really annoyed you today

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33 minutes ago, phil phoenix said:

I think that these days a number of politicians are "captured" by big business deep pocketed lobbyists, and are pushing ever more far fetched policies as a consequence. In my opinion climate change is driven by other factors not just man made pollution, thats a scam to remove peoples liberties as far as Im concerned.  I suspect that a awful lot more carbon has been expelled by volcanic activity these past 12 months than by factories, machines and cows!!

We will all be made make the sacrifices here in this part off the world, while the Russians, Chinese, Indians etc will keep living life as normal and won't make any major changes or sacrifices.  In other words. The burden will be thrown on your backs and pockets... 

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While I appreciate where you guys are coming from, and especially that farmers and rural communities need to be supported properly during the transition, there is no getting away from the science.

The methane from one cow over one year does as much damage as burning 4,000 litres of diesel.

We have a huge global problem that needs to be addressed, and as we all know, politicians can be the worst people to deliver the best solutions because they try to keep everyone happy instead of fixing the problem as quickly, effectively and cheaply as possible.

Meat and dairy farmers, petrol/diesel powered car factory workers, coal miners, oil and gas workers, airplane manufacturers, and everybody else whose income depends on industries that cause excessive warming are going to have to change over the next ten years. And none of those people are going to be happy about it.

Just look at Volkswagen, they want to transition to EVs but it costs them 3 times more to build an EV than it costs Tesla. The Chairman of the Board suggested that VW pivot rapidly to compete with Tesla but the Unions kicked up because it would mean huge job losses. He nearly lost his job over it.

The good news is that there are solutions, and we can implement them quickly enough to prevent runaway warming, but it does mean huge changes for all of us.

Anyone interested in reading up on the subject of solutions should have a look at www.drawdown.org



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6 hours ago, smithy said:

I dont think it is OTT ,yes i now there is a lot of dairy farms out in the rural community that are doing a wonderful job on feeding the country ,and i now it is a hard job doing all the milking and feeding over very long hrs ,when i said its daft i mean the councils and government departments should not be promoting this type of thing ,it has got a right to be there but people dont need it ramming down there throat's 😁 that  this is what you must be eating , McDonalds last week was sending out loads of emails about there plant burgers ,yes they have to let customers now they have them but we have the choice if we order them (i was in a mcdonalds yesterday and had meat and milk in my coffee) And yes i agree with you on the rainforest it was put there for a reason . If everyone switched over to these new type food thats being pushed these days there would be a hell of a lot more methane released from humans than a load of burping/f##ting cows     



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  • 1 month later...
7 hours ago, smithy said:

Would not say it really annoyed me but ,we have a tea room up farm and wife keeps it stocked up ,packet say 5 slices ,yes there is 5 slices but why make the inner tray big enough for 6 



Maybe the tray used is a generic tray from other ranges in the brand Smithy ... Or..... It's big enough for them to offer a 6 for the price of 5 offer to try to boost sales perhaps.... 

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  • 11 months later...

Annoyed me and ###### hurt this morning i had a few minutes to spare before i was of driving so had not got steel boots on ,decided to move a bit of metal thats 2 metres long 80mm wide and 15mm deap ,it slipped out of my right hand as i dont have very good grip since it got stuck at a angle ,anyway it landed on my left foot/big toe ,can hardly walk on it 


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8 hours ago, smithy said:

Annoyed me and ###### hurt this morning i had a few minutes to spare before i was of driving so had not got steel boots on ,decided to move a bit of metal thats 2 metres long 80mm wide and 15mm deap ,it slipped out of my right hand as i dont have very good grip since it got stuck at a angle ,anyway it landed on my left foot/big toe ,can hardly walk on it 


Hell smithy that looks sore. Hope it starts to get better soon 

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10 minutes ago, jmd said:

Hell smithy that looks sore. Hope it starts to get better soon 

Yes mate ,hell of a job trying to walk have to put my weight on little toe side of foot if i get it wrong it hurts and pain shoots right up my leg 

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5 hours ago, fordmajor said:

Get yasell doon to A&E


6 hours ago, Paul Palmer said:
7 hours ago, Jack390 said:


Hope it gets better quickly

6 hours ago, justy 46 said:

That looks nasty... 

been up A&E about 5hrs , broken big toe ,bad bruising , got a special shoe on to take pressure of my toes . there was a big blister on toe which they have cut off ,it was under pressure as blood shot out , got to have it redressed on friday  .


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ouch smithy, just got the freedom back after the step daughter was ok’d to drive after she dod here a few weeks back(5 now) ,spent most of it doing school runs, dancing lessons, birthday partys, the list was long and time was short. have they stopped you driving then ??

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2 hours ago, Tractorman810 said:

ouch smithy, just got the freedom back after the step daughter was ok’d to drive after she dod here a few weeks back(5 now) ,spent most of it doing school runs, dancing lessons, birthday partys, the list was long and time was short. have they stopped you driving then ??

Did not say about driving but said go home and rest it for a few days and keep it clean as with the big bit of skin they took of it was more likely to get a infection , got a nurse going to dress it friday morning . I did drive home last night but had hell of a job pushing clutch pedal down . My mate broke his leg last year but because it was his left one they said he could drive a automatic as only needed right leg ,but no he could not drive a manual car for 8-10 weeks   

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2 hours ago, smithy said:

Did not say about driving but said go home and rest it for a few days and keep it clean as with the big bit of skin they took of it was more likely to get a infection , got a nurse going to dress it friday morning . I did drive home last night but had hell of a job pushing clutch pedal down . My mate broke his leg last year but because it was his left one they said he could drive a automatic as only needed right leg ,but no he could not drive a manual car for 8-10 weeks   

the step daughters was her left, and she drives an auto, but was told no driving, invalidates the insurance so they said🤔 so she wouldnt do it, hence our weeks of fun😆😆

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Just a update on foot/big toe , been back to drs and had it dressed for 2nd time ,nurse was happy that i have kept it clean but it was still bleeding a tiny bit ,foot and other toes are coming out in bruise which she said they call it shock bruising ,i am walking better as long as its flat ground ,still cant push clutch pedal down in van so no driving at the moment   

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2 hours ago, Tractorman810 said:

does that also mean no tractor work as well then smithy ?? 

Yes at the moment as cant safely push clutch pedal down ,i can cheat in tractor as i could push it down with other foot to activate the gearbox because its all on a shuttle lever under steering wheel for forward or backwards and a button for gears but if i needed clutch in a emergency i would have a job to push it down at the same time as braking with right leg . Nurse said today if i had a automatic car i would be ok as only need right leg    

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Wishing you a speedy recovery! 

I dropped a can of household polish on my toe, which split the nail underneath so kept pieceing the nailbed and causing it to bleed for months - took over a year for the nail to fully grow out - hopefully you recover quicker than I do!

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1 hour ago, SirTainly said:

Wishing you a speedy recovery! 

I dropped a can of household polish on my toe, which split the nail underneath so kept pieceing the nailbed and causing it to bleed for months - took over a year for the nail to fully grow out - hopefully you recover quicker than I do!

They are saying 6-8 weeks for bone to heal ,not sure how long it will take for skin to grow back ,allow the steel missed my nail they say it will come off due to shock 

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