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a very arrogant young lad, who does faults arrived on our job today, went a tad loopy at us blaming us for putting 30 odd faults on from yesterday, ok we said you have the list? yes so we proceed to check it, every single line was working at our point, he then proceeds to accuse us of sorting them before he got there, which was difficult as he followed us up the hill to the job and saw us open the box etc , eventually after a few more curse remarks aimed at us i told him to go **** off otherwise i will loose my temper, 1 hr later hes back, turns out someones dug a cable up about 1 mile up the road, so nothing to do with us, yet hes already complained to our boss about us, and our work,

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were getting a farm inspection and only got told this evening at 5 oclock that theyre coming tomorrow at 10 just because someone didnt get a file  >:(  arent you supposed to get proper notice about these  ???

No - we have had a few turn up unannounced as have our neighbours. At least your lucky it has been realtively dry and in spring unlike some near me who got them around the time of the floods in the winter. DISASTER!

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No - we have had a few turn up unannounced as have our neighbours. At least your lucky it has been realtively dry and in spring unlike some near me who got them around the time of the floods in the winter. DISASTER!

oh right i thought they had changed things so they did id love to see them turn up unannouced on the council or some of their own departments see how they come up after it hard luck about having them in the floods nowhere was fit for any inspection during that weather

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They do it over here to, turn up at very short notice or with no warning and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it as if you refuse they then start playing hardball no matter how inconvenient it is for you at that time. They hope to be able to catch you out so you haven't had time to cover up any indescretions that you may or may not have in some cases

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It's the same in my business... DEFRA have a horticultural market inspectorate.... and an Egg Inspector... they can (and do !) both turn up at mine unannounced and check my produce... even downgrade or prohibit it if they choose to do so.

All you can do is work with them.. I've long since subscribed to the theory that if you live in fear of them turning up then perhaps you should change your working practices so they conform to the law or accreditation that you hold  :-\

My DEFRA men know me by my first name.. and they ALWAYS get a cup of tea when they do visit... that means I get MORE inspections than usual I am sure... but if I've ever had an issue it's been dealt with without the need for any 'officialdom' and always in a friendly and positive manner

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its not so bad its just the no warning thats annoying we have one tank just bearly at the 6inches below the tank wall but everything else is pretty much alright it just the rains spreading some muck on the yards but its no different from most yards

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Theving GYPO BAST**DS had the side panels and fuel tank off one of our nearly new JS220's, but they didn't unbolt any of it they just ripped it all out, JCB have been and looked and quoted on just the parts............wait for it.............nearly £5500, yes £5500, just so some scum can weigh it in for £100 quid or so, the fuel tank alone is over £1000 fuel refil pump nearly £400 and a tank saftey warning decal which I suppose you have too have is £39, £39 for a sticker, I dont know who is the bigger theif JCB or the pikeys. The rest of the cost is made up of over three A4 pages of parts needed including hand rails, fuel pipes filters and lots more. >:( >:(>:(

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Just had my domain host admit they had their server hacked and all the FTP user names and passwords "lifted" and yes, my website has been infected so I have to delete it all and upload it anew.  Great fun as it is over 7MB!  So I find I have NO FTP access so they have had to reset my FTP access and I now have to wait 3 hours for it to take effect. 

I AM DEFINITELY NOT HAPPY >:( >:( :'( :'( >:( >:(>:(

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My accountant has got right up my nose today.They did my books and said i should get a $2600 refund I'm looking at the figures and the Muppet's missed off $15.000 of income. so now i probably owe $2600 .

They charged me $300 and screwed it up then will expect me to pay more for there time doing it properly >:( . They will get told if i screw up customer jobs and have to do it again because it is not right then it comes out of my pocket not the customers this is why i double check as i do it so this does not happen! :) .

I think next year I'm going to tell them that the Walt Disney tax service will do my books as Mickey and Donald could do a better Job :laugh: :laugh:

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ummm bought a "non farm model" for my son who is into zombies and horror he is

15 almost  and loves the resident evil series he used to have "Res 1" and Res 2" on the ps1

but he sold that ps1 to get a ps3 2 yrs ago but it dont play old games  ::) ::)::)

he also has a laptop quite powerfull enough to play the games

so he sugested we buy this "Games for Windows"TM  version of "resident evil 2" for the

P.C i loaded it on my normal pc just 5 mins ago as its just arrived this game has...

and to my astonishment inside was a cd rom with just a unionjack flag on it ...

ummmm thats not a gemuine  "Games for Windows"TM cd rom  ???

anyway i put it in and it loads up BUT it plays the intro without the graphics also

it comes up with "Emulation starting",,,,,,,"loading" and i looks as if its the snes 64 version

this is the re-listed item he must be banging these out


it dosent say snes 64 emulator on the listing ?? have i been ripped  :-\ :-\ :-\

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Not a good start Continuation to the day,

Decided 6 Tm's not enough for show, so into action build 6 more

Looked through entire collection for donor tractors Valtra T + Mtx

Mtx ok, Valtra t??? NOT 1 IN THE BL%%dy Building!!

Text mate works in valtra dealer, yip in stock, Right, bed for 1.5 hrs then up the road to collect bring home and dismantle Bu@@ar

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got a phone call today to go on standby for the little incident we had in london yesterday with a flooded out major exchange at paddington, after a few calls wife was ok with it, given what they were offering in overtime over easter and paid for hotels  seeing as its the middle of london so wont loose anything on that , second call saying yes its on, you and your mate pack and leave hotel details all being sorted for you, just arrive at location , mm great loads of money, 3rd call at 2pm, about 20 mins before we were due to leave, its all off sorry, guys are going down from lincon instead??? and your boss said no as he cant spare you

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he should not have this time, i went on a list for national big emergency stuff like this a few years back, its a dam rare thing to happen,. but the perks like ot out weigh the hassel of being away, usally my boss would have no say at all in it its way way way above his payscale, recon its more the lincs lads can get there quicker seeing as about 100000 broadband lines are down, along with approx 300000 phone lines, and numerous other high grade stuff like some companys chip and pins circuits as the place has lost all power, so nowts going, thats without the cables that have got wet etc,

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