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My girls are in a dance club and they will be performing in the Felixstowe carnival in August :) :)

The club were looking for a vehicle to use has a float ::) ::)

Enter Paul and the Emmitt Plant Scania lowloader ;) ;)

Pictures will be on here on the evening of the 8th August ;D ;D ;D ;D

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The little red Ford Escort van I bought. I paid £60 for it, robbed the blower unit, heater matrix, tyres, washer bottle, mirrors and bulbs. Sold the doors and partition for £30 and just wieghed it in at the crusher for £64.30p.

Bargain! ;D

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I was doing some research on the web for my family history project and I found a link to  a Directory of Storytelling video on youtube.  A few years ago I was invited to take part in a pilot project of 6 videos to be kept by the Family Records Office as historical documents. 

I have lost my own copy but here it is, in all its glory so if anyone wants to see what I look like (and sound like) its here (bear with the opening sequence)

It's lovely Sue - well done. Family history is so fascinating and time consuming!

Does the orange smell at all?

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It's lovely Sue - well done. Family history is so fascinating and time consuming!

Does the orange smell at all?

No, it is completely dried out.  The story behind it is that Great-grandfather George sailed off to India sometime in the 1860s or 70s and the ship's company provided some assistance (no idea what that was) to a rajah who was so grateful that he had the fruit stripped from his orchards and given to the crew.  G-grandfather George kept one as a memento which I now have!  Actually I think it is/was a tangerine/mandarin/clementine.

The Familty history website takes up 7 MB of hosting space and is set to have another 70 odd photographs added as a treasure trove of old pictures were discovered in my cousins loft.  Some are very early sepia photos which, from the clothes date around the 1860's but we have no idea of who the subjects are.  Another search is in progress!

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Went for a quote for a remortgage today and I can get it a whopping £175/month cheaper :o :o :o :o :o :o :o My little eyes were alight thinking of all the extra models I could get until I came home and told Mrs R :-\ :-\ :-\ she now wants the the front of the house painting and "don't even think about spending it on models"  ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???


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Fair dinkum Mike, that's a huge saving. Worth the ground work to search the market whem deals like that are out there.

For me/us it's the work Tracis dad has done on our fireplace. It's looking so much nicer now with the later bricks beaten out and replaced with reclaimed bricks. One side is finished and the other side is a third done. Got the little alcoves in the back wall done with slate backs and Somerset stone shelf. Hit the the bricks off where the old log burner sat and we've decided to flagstone the bottom now ;D:)

Our electrician has finished all the wiring, switches, sockets etc too. All he has to do is the final fit when the plasterer has been and gone, that should be next week at the earliest but maybe a bit longer.

All tickety boo anyway :)

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For me it has been my joy to share the finest of art and talent one can possess therefore it has always weight heavily on my mind that Marky has felt left out after his Diane received a couple small gifts from my brother and I.  It has taken me 3 years to create this masterpiece for Marky....I had to find the perfect stone to match the occasion......It is 100% Najavoooooooooo I do hope you all enjoy seeing how much I value Marky as a friend. ;D ;D ;D ;D


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For me it has been my joy to share the finest of art and talent one can possess therefore it has always weight heavily on my mind that Marky has felt left out after his Diane received a couple small gifts from my brother and I.  It has taken me 3 years to create this masterpiece for Marky....I had to find the perfect stone to match the occasion......It is 100% Najavoooooooooo I do hope you all enjoy seeing how much I value Marky as a friend. ;D ;D ;D ;D

You'd better be kidding me old Popsy... I cannot accept this kind gift for a number of reasons...

1. You and your brother have been MORE than kind enough to my darling wife in the past

2. Diane would simply not allow me to own some Terq. It's her stuff and I am not worthy

3. Can't think of a 3.. will come back to this...

4. How can I be nasty to you... and still sleep easy afterwards

I'd quite like the loo roll though  ;D - make a nice grain silo that  :D :D :D :D :D

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Which Bureau was it David? Glad you had good service - we get a real buzz when people write in and thank us.

Ryedale which is based just down the road from me at Malton Jo, went for a preliminary meeting with an adviser and she was very sympathetic and understanding of the situation, now awaiting the next stage, capped to bits so far. :)

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a vintage tractor run passing by our house saw some nicely done up mf 165s but all of the refurbished ones had had theyre cabs removed when they obviously had them fitted first day seems a bit silly when you hear them talking about keeping everything as original as possible ::)

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