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I never have worked out how to turn off the traffic reports on any of my radios I've had - a real pain... there I am... singing along to Spandau Ballet - getting 'proper stuck in' and suddenly... "And there is congestion due to an earlier accident on the A14.. the M11 southboud is looking good..."

Bloody rude... that's what it is  >:(

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I never have worked out how to turn off the traffic reports on any of my radios I've had - a real pain... there I am... singing along to Spandau Ballet - getting 'proper stuck in' and suddenly... "And there is congestion due to an earlier accident on the A14.. the M11 southboud is looking good..."

Bloody rude... that's what it is  >:(

Marky, you should have a button on the front of the radio with TA or TL on it, push that and it should stop the traffic reports over riding the radio

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Thanks Dr Mike.... I'll take a look at it on the way home tonight (before I drive off obviously  ;):D :D )

its easy mate, you got the pro radio, if so just press the button below the tp on the screen, if its got a tick beside it its on, so once pressed, you guessed it the tick goes and its off
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Narrowly missing a roe deer which decided to jump out in front of my car this morning. When you see one brake hard and look out for a second. Lucklily a second did not follow ;) ;)

The do appear suddenly, don't they! Straight over a hedge.  I have had to wait for 7 or eight to cross the road.  Sadly I have also dragged a carcass off the road before now when the animal was not as fortunate as yours. 

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The lads are looking at the combine at home this week (Our friend's not ours I'm afraid) - after last year I was fully convinced that the drum bearings were going but they weren't. They took the pulley off anyway and lo and behold they were on their last legs - vindication for me. I'll never let this down now :D :D

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3 years ago Stu was presented with a gas barbecue as consideration for 20+ years service.  It has been in its box, unassembled since then.  Until, that is, a neighbour who acquired my ride-on mower (not small enough for me to handle easily) took it away and assembled it. 

TODAY I connected the gas, checked the connections and fired it up!  Whoopee! it is a lovely thing and will be in use next Saturday (weather permitting) for the South Hants Model Auto Club's annual barbecue being held at my gaff. 

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

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Dad taking Mum for a ride out into the countryside, despite the rather irritating weather whilst I attempt to cook a roast dinner for us all. :)

Can't go wrong with a roast. I bet is was good!  Well done for taking it on while Dad and Mum enjoyed their ride out.

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Can't go wrong with a roast. I bet is was good!  Well done for taking it on while Dad and Mum enjoyed their ride out.

Thanks Sue, it went down really well, cheated on the Yorkshire Puds, bought Aunt Bessies and slightly over did the bread sauce, but the Pork was cooked a treat, i'm really enjoying cooking at the moment. :)

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Thanks Sue, it went down really well, cheated on the Yorkshire Puds, bought Aunt Bessies and slightly over did the bread sauce, but the Pork was cooked a treat, i'm really enjoying cooking at the moment. :)

We all cheat at times and Aunt Bessie stuff is pretty good. 

Hmm - I miss having my meals cooked for me so watch out in 2012 - you may get a proposal of marriage!  :D :D :D :D :D

I have a rack of lamb in the oven at the moment.  Don't know how I shall eat it all though.  Hot tonight, cold tomorrow, hashed on Wednesday, curried on Thursday and the rest fed to the dog on Friday I suspect!

Before anyone asks - it was part of a whole lamb given to me last year and it really needs using up!

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