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ash tree farm, tms farm work in progress


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Looks good

Ooooonly joking, as if I'd write as little as that!! Love the tracks and verges mate and the new lighting makes a difference too, makes a more ambient light. Very nice indeed. Can't wait to start my diorama shelves we talked about on the way back now. Mandy and Fraser had a superb stand up at Spalding and I think a large quantity of it will be coming my way!!

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fen farm is looking too flat i know the fens are like that but there are places where the fields are lower than the road and vice versa so i am wanting to recreate that if i can, those mats from Mandy look ace just how a beaten up farm road should look

Regards Nick

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You've done an amazing job with the stuff you bought, Sean - it's all well and good buying the products, but you've done all the work to fit it into your layout and make it look good. And my fave bit so far.... the telegraph poles :-*:-* :-*

leccy poles my flower,  ;) ;)  tele poles will be added but along the road side of the farm, we bt guys dont do cross sountry if we can help it see

pretty easy to make i must say, only dowel cut to length with a elastic between them for the wires, need to extend that line down the track now, so its finished and connect it to the workshop end to ,but am waiting to see if i lift the farm to now

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try using the stuff they use for model railways mate, thats fine enough and flexable enough to work, the wire i use for lines ect would also work for that, them lights are what 12v ??? if that, this carrys 50 v so is more than up to the job

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made the hedge cutter myself a while back now william, its all plasti strutmaterial wise mounted on a siku adaptor set, i needed something that was not going to tip the tractor like the scaledown one i bought ,but thats going on something else now so it wont be wasted

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i tryed converting a Britains spearhead by painting it but i put so many coats of paint it all reacted and seized it up so i might have a go at a small one like yours.

have a look at the spearhead convo william, i did,its in the latest implement conversions
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in the process or ordering some more to finish the other side off now joe, and some more of that water stuff to i recon, will fit it once i get the yard lifted up and the ditches fitted round it ect , no point going so far and not finishing the rest is there ,ash trees going upwards, by 1 " anyway  ;D ;D ;D  and onwards at lastj

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in the process or ordering some more to finish the other side off now joe, and some more of that water stuff to i recon, will fit it once i get the yard lifted up and the ditches fitted round it ect , no point going so far and not finishing the rest is there ,ash trees going upwards, by 1 " anyway  ;D ;D ;D  and onwards at lastj

Is that an attempt to combat rising sea levels due to global warming Sean  :P

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well pat it may be, but seriously, the real ash tree had a pond in the middle next to the house, fed by the ditches, thats where we filled up the sprayer from, plus it would add more effects to the layout overall ,the new bit split from the old by a ditch, where it expanded

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