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Thanks chaps... inevitable really... but it still breaks your heart.... it's Diane and the kids I feel for the most... especially my daughter who absolutely doted on him  :'( at 13 shes old enough to understand... but she's still a child if that makes sense... plus at her age she can only remember life with Alfy.. hey ho..

RIP Alfrid

You may have stunk, from both ends... and the middle, you may have tripped me up or got in my way more times than I care to mention... puked on my floor.. ruined many a new rug in the front room for your mummy... run off and left me.. frightened anyone who dared to come around to visit for the first 2 minutes to death... stole my packed lunch... etc etc... but if I could turn back the clock and give any animal immortality - you'd be first on my list old mate.  ;):-*

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Sorry to hear about your dog Mark, I know how heartbreaking it can be to lose a pet. You know you have to get another one to replace him though don't you  ;) ;) ;)

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You may have stunk, from both ends... and the middle, you may have tripped me up or got in my way more times than I care to mention... puked on my floor.. ruined many a new rug in the front room for your mummy... run off and left me.. frightened anyone who dared to come around to visit for the first 2 minutes to death... stole my packed lunch... etc etc... but if I could turn back the clock and give any animal immortality - you'd be first on my list old mate.  ;):-*

That's superb.  :-*

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thanks boys and girls... I've had a photograph or two of the old boy printed and framed today... made me feel a lot better actually.  Still... onwards and upwards.. when I read some of the terrible news in the bloody horrible topic I count myself extremely lucky and thankful.

In fact... the next person to post in here had better make it a good and positive one... or they get a HUGE raspberry.. right in the kisser  >:(

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  • 3 weeks later...

Had a call from my Dad earlier and he has had to take a deep breath and ring the vet. He'll be taking Saul in on Tuesday and due to the dogs age and his difficulties may well not be coming home with him.

Which is tearing me up a bit.

:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

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Had a call from my Dad earlier and he has had to take a deep breath and ring the vet. He'll be taking Saul in on Tuesday and due to the dogs age and his difficulties may well not be coming home with him.

Which is tearing me up a bit.

:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Oh Tris... I feel that pain mate... as a lot of us animal lovers do I am sure... It's a horrible horrible thing to have to go through mate and I send me heartfelt best wishes to you, dad and the rest of the family - god bless Saul too and I hope his sad demise can be kept to a pain free exit buddy.

Nothing can replace a loved and cherished pet... but fond memories can keep you smiling through the tears I hope - they certainly did (do) me

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Thanks Mark  :'( :) It may be the end of a sad era, I think Saul is 17.. . which for any dog let along a Springer is phenomenal really. It will mean an empty house for Dad which is equally hard to think of too really.




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17  :of :of  my god... that is some innings mate  :of  .. he looks like a 'butter wouldn't melt' kind of cheekie little chappie as well... as aboive mate.. I hope his end is painless and with as little upset as possible for dad and the rest of you buddy

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I'm afraid its a similar theme of late but my Dad took the eldest of his, Beth, today :(  :'(  A very sad day indeed. She was certainly part of the family and a large part of my life over the past 16 years!

She has certainly enjoyed a long and happy life and of course, the memories will live on! So RIP Beth and I will certainly toast a drink to her memory this evening  :)

N.B Bottom left in the pic!  :)


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Oh dear oh dear... this is indeed a sad old topic... they say bad news comes in 3's as well... first Alf, now Saul and Beth.... My heartfelt best wishes to dad, mum sis and your good self Andy... The only downside to loving a pet so much is this last part I suppose...  :'(

Love to all my FTF buddies that have lost a pet recently... terrible business  :'(

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Thanks Mark. It certainly is. Hopefully better news will prevail soon! It's so so sad but as you say, is the only downside to having these faithful companions (or any other pet for that matter). That said, she'll be pleased...she can now finally turn down the dry food and pedigree chum, and demand all the ham, eggs, roast beef dinner leftovers, chinese spare ribs, rich tea biscuits and chicken chow mein that she desires  ;D

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I am having a toast now too, a nice glass of red. Been to see 'the 'ol duffer' this eve after work, very difficult knowing that will be the last time. Infact I could go so far as to say I jeffin' hated it!

So it's a glass of plonk and the lst hour spent on Youtube watching Mickey Flanagan and Jason Byrne to keep my spirits up.

Andy that's a quality photo that, really really nice.

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Well, Saul is asleep now. I had a better day today but popped into to see Dad on the way home just to have a chat and make sure he was ok. I stopped by yesterday too to see Saul and jeeez, that was hard. Now I am a man of cider, farts, big machinery, rock music and a love of boobs but I don't mind admitting it. . ... yesterday I as inconsolable. Traci bless her, she's a rock.  :-*

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

As much shock as sadness, the workshop manager at the branch of our local JD dealer we use the most has passed away after a short battle with cancer at the age of 45, hard to believe as two months ago he looked fit and well :(

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