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The Weather in General


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Went for a walk to the shop for a newspaper and not nearly as cold as yesterday but totally overcast on the way there. On the way back the sun was trying to break through. Sky is now clear but it is offerring to snow.


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Hard day ran out of Beer too soon....kite did well though


Second picture american cow eating grass....well was grass cow ate it, nice day so cow moved on after eating all the nice grass...still nice sky though :-\ 000_0556.jpg

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Hard day ran out of Beer too soon....kite did well though

Ran out of beer?  How sad!  Lovely blue sky is something I am unlikely to see today, snow is falling and we have a white world.

Something for you to paint, Rick

1 - View from my office window (2 seconds later the local farmer brought his Case with snowplough through - good man) and

2- view from my landing window



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