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BC's New Tractor Shed.


What is the total build cost of shed to date to the nearest £  

51 members have voted

  1. 1.

    • £ 500 to £ 600
    • £ 601 to £ 700
    • £ 701 to £ 800
    • £ 801 to £ 900
    • £ 901 to £ 1,000

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bl00dy hell bill is this still happening ? , cant remember the last time i reviewed this topic but i'm 40 now ! ;D ;D

no realy seriously this is an incredible build , but i have wondered where you have been keeping the tractor to while all this was going on as the temp shelter went ages ago ?

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Yes I'm afraid so Marcus lost a good few weeks since before Christmas with all the snow and ice. The temp shelteris still there with the cover protecting the bund pad where the cement will go.


Had I left the tractor in there I would have had to enlist the RAF Sea and rescue chooper to rescure it and lift it over the new shed ;D ;D

The tractor has been residing in dads garage since well I suppose last August now


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Well yes Marcus but he will only go at his own pace. I would have been quite happy and offerred to take it back home and cover it with some old curtainside curtains and then cover with a heady duty tarpaulin and park in on the pation between the new shed and the Ivor Williams trailer. I mean it isn't paint restored so would not have done much harm but no he was adamant it could stay with him. Thinking about it the tractor is worth more in value than his 10 year old V reg Corsa. ;) ;)

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Sunday 14th February 2010

Cutting the final roof section to go against the gable end. The offcut will fit the gable end top.



Roof section up and held up with mannies prior to screwing up



Curring the offcut to fit the angled top part of the gable end


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That is going to be a TOP notch shed when its done, I know Raunds is a very long way from you but can you and your dad come and make a shed for my cars, you can go and see marky whilst your in the area, what more of an incentive could you want. ;D ;D

Well can you image how long we would take to build a garage James ..I mean we are not speedy builders or should I say dad doesn't have a lot of speed to him these days but he is a great help. Yes I have always fancied visiting Me Lordie even only if to let the wind out of his tractor tyres so I would not get a drive of them ;) ;)

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coming on nicely there Bill, i like how your dad is still using a handsaw and hasn't gone the lazy route like most of us and uses jigsaws, circular saws etc

Well yes Sean but it is the throw away hand saw since they are so cheap these days. I bought a pack of two in Costco a few years ago and they cost next to nothing.

In his early working days the hand saw would have been sharpened of course. I do have a Black and Decker jig saw and a Power devil rip snorter and we both have bench circular saws but 8 foot x 4 foot 6mm MDF is flimsy an is just as quick to cut with the hand saw. In addition he likes to undercut at an angle to ensure easier fitting on the cut side ;) ;)

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After brunch today back outside and a bit of a tidy up before mum and dad went home to visit one of her elder brother's in his sheltered cottage at Kintore just a few miles where they stay at Kemnay.

The top right hand side MDF board to be fitted


We carried in the last two sheets since despite being up on inch offcuts in the garage there was water ingressing... >:( >:(  just on one fortunately


The last roof section fitted..I need to take an old wet chamois and get rid of those blue chalk line marks



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On Friday afternnon I was doing my usual Costco shop and I could not believe they were selling a plastic shed and the cost was around £ 600 to £ 700. I opened the door walked in and well you could almost shove the sides.

I must take my camera in this week and take a shot. Made me think id I had bought this the first high wind and it would be flying across the valley to Durris.

Now me being a "beannie" to trade always gets track of costs on the project.

As the shed is nearing completion I thought of a little poll on the year to date cost of my shed for those who have been following the build. That does preclude anyone else voting it all a laugh really.

If you want have select one of the five price bands and then have a Guess at the actual cost to the nearest £.

There will be a prize for the winner if anyone can guess the exact amount. Unfortunately I'm not disclosing what the prize is other than it's not money :-[:-[

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Soon be time for painting so I bought this 10 litre pot of Dulux Vinyl emulsion from Costco yesterday for £ 15.99 plus VAT. Quite good value I thought. Better keep inside away from the frost.


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Saturday 20th February 2010

Yesterday did not get very much done. Only got the single piece fitting in corner after jig sawing out hole for electric socket box and screwed on. Got a call from my pal Stuart so for the next four hours was away playing at recoveries etc.

Left dad on his own and well only the board to the right fitted then he dropped it and bashed in a corner. The only other thing I could see that had been done was fitting some insulation board around the two double sockets at the door.

He wanted to cut another sheet and fit for the broken but I had to bawl down the phone to him to say stop since well he is deaf as a door knob on the phone despite two hearing aids or " deafers" as I call them ;) ;)





I told him I would glue the corner damage and clamp since we needed to get on and it would be hidden with shelves anyway ;) ;)

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bl00dy hell bill if i'd have known the shed build was this comprehensive i'd would have either have tipped off BBC3 for a documentary of got Kevin McCloud from grand designs in on the act  ;D ;D

seriously though , it's a build & a half mate , & i only say that because i can't spell fanominal phenomamnum you know what i mean  ::)

not even going to guess the price , as the little £ sign frightens me without the numbers to go with it  :(

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bl00dy hell bill if i'd have known the shed build was this comprehensive i'd would have either have tipped off BBC3 for a documentary of got Kevin McCloud from grand designs in on the act  ;D ;D

seriously though , it's a build & a half mate , & i only say that because i can't spell fanominal phenomamnum you know what i mean  ::)

not even going to guess the price , as the little £ sign frightens me without the numbers to go with it  :(

Thanks Marcus...it is not as expensive as you thing I only account for parts not labour ;) ;)

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i aint sure kevin McCloud would have had the time to film it marcus ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D  they like the shows to be 1 hr not 1 year :D :D

Started building 31st August so almost hit the 1/2 year point Sean ;) ;)

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Thanks Marcus...it is not as expensive as you thing I only account for parts not labour ;) ;)

You can tell you're an Aberdonian accountant - fancy not giving the old boy something you miserable so and so.  ;D ;D

If labour were included at the going rate the poll doesn't go high enough. :)

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Sunday 21st February 2010

Broken corner from yesterday glued with Evostick wood workers glue....covered in kitchen roll and then clamped with two small clamps with 6mm MDF cuttings on each side. Taken inside and left in kitchen to dry since it was freezing outside


Next cutting for top piece on left hand side wall


Suspending the cuts using stools and steps to save breaking off


Cutting the end section off where the electrical socket on rear Left hand side wall will go.


Marked box edges in situ with white chalk... pressed fitted piece of MDF against it and banged with hand so the MDF was backmarked with chalk on the inside.


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Next pencil in the straight chalk marks with pencil and steel ruler. A black marker used to mark the Quinn board was just the correct size for the curves on the corner of the socket boxes


Net 9 or 10 mm hole drilled for access with the Black & Decker jig saw...I do this because well dad would have done it manually with a pad saw...talk about making work for himself :of


Next the jig saw to cut of the socket hole


Turn over on to the face and dad is happy to manually tidy up with the hand rasp ;) ;)


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Board fitted and socket now fitted


Next around 11.30 am I got a call from my pal Stuart asking if I would come down to the farm to help him winch his bogged down Mercedes 4 WD Atego.

i asked dad if he was  coming but initially said no so I said well stay in side until I come back and don't go and do damage like yesterday >:( >:( ..he then decide to come along because he was able to work the winch whilst I gave the directions between winchman and steermen since the operation was conducted overhead a slatted fence. We got back home about and hour later had bruch and they just had a tidy up.


The remaining MDF boards


Temperature is not a bit above freezing


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