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If its a good show I may well consider a trip to this one next year assuming it will an annual event. Multimap tells me it is 439.3 miles away. So for Big A it won't quite be a 1,000 mile round trip but not far from it ;) ;)

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a good show especially for its first time, my only dissapointment was that threeoaks didnt have any ricky westerns because they hadnt come back from casting but other than that ery good show, i didnt take any pictures bt i saw plenty of camera flashes

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Well 16.02 hours so the show must be finished. Who will be first home to make a post and tell us stoppy backers all about it :-\ :-\ .... ;D ;D

I was home at 1 o'clock

I thought it was a very good turn out for a first time event    And what a day to catch a few rays too

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Well been there done that ha ha! nice to see some familiar faces aswell as new ones

It was a good show and had a "hard ware" stall for all you convertors and scratch builders

something ive not yet seen at spalding it was a nice show if a little quiet but i hope it

wil lpic up for future occasions if there was anything wrong it would be the beutiful weather

being a factor as i think allot more  people might have gone  had it been cooler

the place was well situated i hope it will become an anual thing

saw some of the FTF competion entrys and they are just stunning to see in the flesh

a real credit to all who enterd

its just a shame i couldent take any photos as i forgot my moble this morning  sorry lads to

have let you down  i think ANDY might have taken one or two photos anyway

cheers nigel

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Well I have just got back from the show and I thoroughly enjoyed it, met quite a few existing members and hopefully persuaded a few more to sign up.

The Model Farmer magazines sold like hot cakes so I think we are on to a winner  8) 8) 8)

As far as photos go I didn't take any as Mrs R was away on a hen do and she had the camera but don't worry, at the last count Andy had taken 600 pictures.  :of :of

On the funny side, Marky left about 3.30 but it wasn't until we were packing away the stand that we realised that he had taken Andy's camera bag instead of his own so we had to ring him and get him to turn round and come back ;D ;D ;D ;D

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I had a laugh at that Mike.....nothing but an old fool .....ha ha! 8) 8)

Anyway I'm glad you and Andy and Mark managed to persuade folk to purchase a copy  ;D ;D

Incidentally why did "Me Lordie" have to leave early had he to be up early to go to Smithfield market for veggies tomorrow :-\ :-\

I must say as far as I can see FTF and MF are developing some real team building..... now that is what we need to move forward especially with the hard copy mag ;) ;)

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What was that about an old Fool.. Smithfield is London's meat market... Spitalsfield is London's F & V market.

As for the camea incident.. I think Mike swapped it truth be known... I may well report his actions to the police  >:(:P:D :D

Seriously... Personally.. I thought the show was very good... great venue (a little warm in the main room though it has to be said).... it was great to see a lot of familiar faces too.. special thanks from me, as always to Damien and Hazel for spoiling me again... Potted Beef is in the fridge at work and will be tomorrows breakfast  ;D:-*:-*  ... as for the Pork Pie... I will be boring everyone tomorrow with what a REAL porkie pie should taste like  :-*:-*

The competition entries were great too... every entry was of a professional standard I must say.

As always I didn't do much to help Andy  :-[  ... but I did witness Model Farmer literally flying off the table.  I spoke to a few people about issue 14 and 15 and each and everyone was FULL of praise for the quality of this publication - well done to all those involved in Model Farmer.  Mike worked his socks off I must also add... I'd never win salesman of the day with him around that's a fact  :D :D

All in all... a good show.. and a good day I reckon

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