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Marky's latest additions to his collection.. all MF related of course

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Nearly forgot this one...

Tell the American farmer how to convert his drawbar implements into 'Pressure Control compliant' machines


hang on a moment mark , you cant tell americans anything  ::);D ;D

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there used to be a big MF forager working up round bristol years ago it has MF 2640's & ford TW10's & 20's hauling away from it , only saw it once , would have been about 1995 ish ? i was driving a Fendt 612 on tankers at the time hauling slurry from blagdon farms , where yeo valley yogurt is made  :blank:

now this has been raised many times on FTF about how manufacturer's product numbers work or rather dont  but the swather is an ideal product

marky has kindly posted some pics which show a ;

34, 36, 44, 655, 775, 885 & 220

considering it's basicly the same machine to do the same job , surely it would have made sence to have an evolutionary letter to mark each machine as they were bought out ? VOLVO do it ? every time a machine is revamped &  released it has the next  letter from the alphabet to denote its progressive design eg loading shovels ; L120B, L120C, L120E , L120F etc

great leaflets mark , didn't allis build a 5200 tractor on here ?

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there used to be a big MF forager working up round bristol years ago it has MF 2640's & ford TW10's & 20's hauling away from it , only saw it once , would have been about 1995 ish ? i was driving a Fendt 612 on tankers at the time hauling slurry from blagdon farms , where yeo valley yogurt is made  :blank:

now this has been raised many times on FTF about how manufacturer's product numbers work or rather dont  but the swather is an ideal product

marky has kindly posted some pictures which show a ;

34, 36, 44, 655, 775, 885 & 220

considering it's basicly the same machine to do the same job , surely it would have made sence to have an evolutionary letter to mark each machine as they were bought out ? VOLVO do it ? every time a machine is revamped &  released it has the next  letter from the alphabet to denote its progressive design eg loading shovels ; L120B, L120C, L120E , L120F etc

great leaflets mark , didn't allis build a 5200 tractor on here ?

I was once told by an ex MF employee (Head of Export no less !) that MF had a dedicated department for issuing machine numbers (in the UK at least)... I reckon they probably all smoked pot and subscribed to the "sod it... that will do maaaaaan" principal  :D :D :D

And yes I do believe I've seen an MF5200 in here before... come on Allis... lets see it again please  :-*:P

hang on a moment mark , you cant tell americans anything  ::);D ;D

:D :D :D  fair point mate - probably wasn't a popular leaflet then in that case  :P;D ;D ;D

Thanks Mark,bet that booklet is worth some $ now days.

I'm not sure what that worth Ol in all honesty... they don't come up for sale very often  ???

Some nice additions to the collection Mark, especially the McConnell MF's

Thankls Patrick.... I'm well chuffed on the McConnell ones mate too - I reckon they are pretty rare really... especially over here in the UK
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well it's been a good few days since I posted any of my new purchases in here.. I'm still miles behind on my scanning... but I've a few little gems to share with you from tonight's 100 odd pages of brochures scanned...

Firstly... all pretty much easy stuff to collect... BUT... up until now, I'd stopped my collection around 1986, which is when I kind of lost interest in MF (after I left the dealers employ)... for this reason, the late 80's 90's and even some of the 00's are a bit of a haze to me really. As I'm finding it a lot harder now to locate new brochures in my 'sweet spot' from MF's inception in 58 through to 85, I've made the decision to softly expand my literature collection to the 90's now. I think the good news is that MF's range of products was greatly rationalised during this time, right throughout the world, so the task is not quite as daunting as I initially thought..... er.... is it Rory ???

Anyway... enough of my waffle... onwards to the new additions...  :)





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This I had never seen before  :of  .... still amazes me quite what is still out there to discover...


Have you got that Rory ???

German again... a GT hey  :of:P:D :D


This is well interesting... they only made this in Germany for one year acording to the serial number data I have  :of


MF30 and MF130 Royal Show special offer sheet...


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Just discovered a duplication error in my PhotoBucket account... I've actually now got 1964 brochures  :'(  ... not the 1984 it reports  :'(

Oh well... only 36 to go before I hit the magic 2000  :-*  ... and I've got at least that still to scan and some more  ;D:P

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Thanks johnny... 2000 can't come soon enough for me now mate

Sean... Don't send me any more links on these mate thanks... I'm saving these to pick up at spalding as they are always around buddy. As for the reekie stuff... Was prepared to dig deep but it turns out I didn't need to thankfully

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Paul... Thanks mate... As you say.. Plenty more to go at now I suppose  :P

Ol...  :-[ I hate the damn things... Give me an 865 or an 855 any day  :P

I always maintain they should have been painted green with yellow wheels ... The only good thing about a nasty old dronimberg was the powerflow table

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Right then... a few more scanned tonight... some real gems too... I seem to have had a lot of luck recently with French MF stuff... especially the early years - much to my delight  ;D:P


First off... this is the one and only 'pocket catalogue' I have found for France.. appears to be 1965.. give or take a year or so.. well... can only be 65 or 66 actually looking at some of the models it lists....


This is a lovely old 'Journal' which appears to document a 1960 tour of France with the new version of the MF65 by the looks of things...


Later 70's brochures from France are called 'Derniere' .. I THINK I now have them all.. some fetch good money as they are lovely thick books A4 sized listing all the products MF sold in France...


Now on to Germany... Ronald kindly found this lovely 'newspaper' style brochure on the early MF range available in Germany... many thanks Ronald buddy  ;):-*  .. It actually opens out into a huge format similar to 'the times' ... which is a large format, quality daily newpaper in the UK for those who live further afield


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This was a nice find... I have a later version of this booklet... but I didn't know this one existed until it came up recently  :-[


This I had to have.... as it's one with the 'red giants' flash across the bottom... there are at least two versions of this same brochure... strangely with the same codes on them... but one with the flash.. and one without - I believe these were the first ones, originally printed for the 1964 Royal Smithfield were the 175 was launched to the UK farming press..


And finally... I had to dig very deep... far too deep in fact... for this gem of a brochure from France again... detailing the early Hay & Forage kit available... if you want me to share it all I am happy to do so of course... knowing what an unhealthy interest some of you have in Silage and Hay  ;):D :D :D


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