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The first tractor created by MarGe Models will be launched this October and will be issues in both 2WD and 4WD.

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I recon it's a jd with sg cab of some sort , pref a smallish one in the range ,given all the convos we see at silly prices someone has to have seen that going on and thought of it, if not these companys do very little Market research


pointless post  really!  whats the point in saying they are going to build a tractor and not aying what it is going to be!. so what! so are other people going to be building new tractors


pointless post  really!  whats the point in saying they are going to build a tractor and not aying what it is going to be!. so what! so are other people going to be building new tractors

Because it starts the guessing game and begins building the anticipation over what it might be and what the quality might be like given their two previous offerings.

We knew at Zwolle a tractor would be produced anyway as we tried our best at getting the ladies there to let slip what it might be but they were very well trained and kept well and truly shtum! Or was that because they couldn't get a word in edgeways for Sean motor mouthing again?!  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Geeze, someone tries to give you the information they have and get called down for it.

Hasn't anyone heard about the whole building anticipation thing, I believe its called marketing.


its common knowledge that they are going to produce a tractor, hard facts are whats needed not silly games , the only marketing i am interested in is seeing the product to make my mind up if i want to buy it. anticipation thats a laugh ! with launches repeatedly delayed or not happening at all in some cases. those that want anticipation good luck everybody to their own. this is a forum and as such i believe i am allowed an opinion as much as next man.


Quick addition to this, the second tractor made by MarGe models will follow the first.

Remember, you heard it here first  8)


Quick addition to this, the second tractor made by MarGe models will follow the first.

Remember, you heard it here first  8)

well the 2nd aint gonna be before the 1st now is it  ;D


well the 2nd aint going to be before the 1st now is it  ;D

and both of them will be before the third one too ;D ;D


Looks like it's going to be something savoury to me... or could it be a tractor shaped birthday cake  :of :of :P

What a 'half-baked' idea it was to wrap the mystery model in baking foil  :-[:D :D

I suppose it is 'hot news'  :-[

Damn... foiled again  :-[

I'll get my coat  :-[


You lot are all Clueless!  ::)  ::)  ::)  It simply tells you in the picture what it is!

Tip, Read the Sign!  ::)

Its a......... tractor! Duhh!  ::)  ;D

Always wanted one of them  ;D ;D :police:


WRONG Blake...

It's a DOT DOT DOT DOT DOT DOT DOT Tractor... not a 'tractor Duhh'

...... which is frankly a made up name that you've posted here just to make us all look small and give us the impression that you know of tractor brands that we've never even heard of  >:(

I suspect it will be hooked up next to an 8m single-pass wossname with a front mounted ojamaflip then will it  ::)


Look at the lines of the rear fender, must be a Zetor  ;)

ooh I hope so, Zetor Crystal would be nice, note to self, must wait ;) ;) ;) ;) all will be revealed in good time

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