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What really annoyed you today

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Really upset that I've had to look toward legal action for non-receipt of trailers I ordered in February. Didn't want to, but it's a lot of money and the Company I ordered them from has just keeps giving me endless excuses and yet they're still advertising them as available to buy. Makes me sad really rather than angry, as the majority of people involved in farm models are lovely :'(

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bloody o2, had numerous missed calls from them, 5 or 6 a day all week, no mesages left, finaly answered yesterday while at work, told them to ring back after 6.15 ,yes sir deffinatly will, no call, today 6 missed calls again, finally answered at 615 tonight and told them what i thought of them, to be told well we can give you a pac number if your not happy ????? great customer care eh.

only after me to get off my old contract thats up for renewal ,i am on umlimited data, which they no longer offer, and they cant cancel it either so the guy in the shop told me, want that as i use sky go when at work so well worth having unlimited for that alone

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  • 2 weeks later...

some Willy Face in a BMW 5 series GT driving into the back of my dads car at the traffic lights when he had my little sister in the car then blaming my dad "for being in the way". at a red light. berk.

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  • 2 weeks later...

BUT NatWest have responded very quickly and no customer is going to be penalised for being overdrawn. They also opened branches on Sunday and allowed extra withdrawals from ATMs without incurring charges.

That maybe so Sue. But they have pulled me from pillar to post over the simple matter of posting a letter to my estate agents that should have been done over a week ago. Having spoken to at least five different people It would now appear that i've finally got somewhere, but i'm still absolutely seething.

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The builders merchants sending the wrong gravel out to me this morning, I ordered pea shingle and instead a bag of 20mm gravel turned up meaning I couldn't get on until they came out and changed it at 3pm. All done now though and looking much better

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Our buzzards are missing!

Having posted in the Barn Owls topic I realised I had not seen a buzzard for a while. Various people around the three villages have now commented that they too have not seen any buzzards where normally there are up to 7 to be seen and heard. We have discovered that there was an application to DEFRA for a license to trap and kill buzzards in the area near some (new) pheasant pens. The license was refused but where are the buzzards?

7 buzzards does not constitute a population explosion as it has taken 20 years to have more than one pair.

There have always been shoots in the area and one farmer has had the buzzards nesting along his driveway. He has always had private shoots but also has always been protective of the buzzards. However a neighbouring landowner started a commercial let shoot last season and I am thinking very bad thoughts.

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But we have had a few weeks of sunshine too and the past few days have been beautiful with only rain overnight. I ALWAYS see ( or hear the "mew" of) at least one buzzard when out in my garden or walking the dogs but the skies are empty except for pigeons. Buzzards have waterproof feathers unlike owls and I have seen them about when it has been raining. One neighbour has had a buzzard sitting on the top of the telegraph pole outside her house every morning for a couple of years but that is now con****uous by its absence.

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But we have had a few weeks of sunshine too and the past few days have been beautiful with only rain overnight. I ALWAYS see ( or hear the "mew" of) at least one buzzard when out in my garden or walking the dogs but the skies are empty except for pigeons. Buzzards have waterproof feathers unlike owls and I have seen them about when it has been raining. One neighbour has had a buzzard sitting on the top of the telegraph pole outside her house every morning for a couple of years but that is now con****uous by its absence.

Doesn't bode well for red kites either then?

What rather irritated me today was the dumper breaking down half way up the hill. The engine's not revving very high and it's belching out smoke so probably a blocked filter. The farmer put in some dodgy diesel the other day which won't have helped matters. And it's raining again >:(

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But we have had a few weeks of sunshine too and the past few days have been beautiful with only rain overnight. I ALWAYS see ( or hear the "mew" of) at least one buzzard when out in my garden or walking the dogs but the skies are empty except for pigeons. Buzzards have waterproof feathers unlike owls and I have seen them about when it has been raining. One neighbour has had a buzzard sitting on the top of the telegraph pole outside her house every morning for a couple of years but that is now con****uous by its absence.

bad news that is sue. we have a 'let' shoot on the farm and a couple of nesting pairs of buzzards right in the middle of it, and they are left undisturbed.if you suspect foul play, call the rspb or the local wildlife officer in the police force, and ask them to investigate.
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I agree that it doesn't bode well for red kites either and they are less common than the buzzards. RSPB/police wildlife sounds like a good move.

Now I am annoyed that the blasted Autocensor appears to have censored C O N S P I C U O U S. I was told it was disabled!!!!!!!!

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Look on the bright side Alex you must be on a good salary per week if that was a weeks tax...unless your employer or HM Revenue & Customs have "screwed" up your tax code up and if they have you will get it refunded/ sorted out....act now strike while the Iron Alex is hot ;D ;D I once got taxed as a student from a bakery I worked at but quit after 3 days because of the heat of the place and the boredom of the job. They said I should have signed some form saying I was a student and should not pay tax...anyway I got in touch with the tax man and he refunded my tax and then so did the bakery...but I came clean a said I have been paid back twice.

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how do i know if i have the right tax code?

on today's annoyance agenda, in grown toe nail, great fun when you are on your feet all day just had it lifted and packed by mrs goon.

From HM Revenue and Customs web site Alex. For a single person your allowance for the tax yar 2012 / 2013 should be £ 8,105.If you look at your pay slip there should be a tax code 810L.


Oh I feel for you with an ingrown toe nail. I once had one which became infected and once that was cleared by antibiotics I had to have some minor surgery to have part of the nail removed...hope it doesn't come to that with you.

Edited by BC
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