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What really annoyed you today

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sick of the rain too . like you i took time off work to sort the garden out . rain rain n more rain the the wife announced she wanted the living room redecorated as i have so much free time . boo hoo :'(

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My [expletiive deleted] ex- web host.

First no emails to tell me my domain is expiring, second I cannot navigate around their website as it keeps coming back to the same page, thirdly no response to my emails.

Now changing web hosts and trying to get my domain back! At least Nominet website works so have managed to change registrar to the new one (at a price). Fingers crossed that my domain will remain MINE even though the registration has expired. At least Nominet are telling me it is still mine although not renewed.

Can everyone please hold their breath for me?

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My [expletiive deleted] ex- web host.

First no emails to tell me my domain is expiring, second I cannot navigate around their website as it keeps coming back to the same page, thirdly no response to my emails.

Now changing web hosts and trying to get my domain back! At least Nominet website works so have managed to change registrar to the new one (at a price). Fingers crossed that my domain will remain MINE even though the registration has expired. At least Nominet are telling me it is still mine although not renewed.

Can everyone please hold their breath for me?

Ok Folks, you can let that breath go! :blink: My website is back up and running and my domain restored!

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How did this mess finish? ????

Really nice person, who was very understanding - so simply cancelled the transaction :)

(Thanks for asking)

What annoyed me... an eBay Buyer sending me an unpleasant message because I'd blocked him from buying from me (I can't remember why, as it was a while ago, but the with the tone of his message I'm glad I did) :(

Edited by Lady Ferguson
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Really nice person, who was very understanding - so simply cancelled the transaction :)

(Thanks for asking)

What annoyed me... an eBay Buyer sending me an unpleasant message because I'd blocked him from buying from me (I can't remember why, as it was a while ago, but the with the tone of his message I'm glad I did) :(

I can honestly say, I do not understand these people you refer to and some of the gripes they get. I have never, ever found you anything other than the most helpful, accommodating person both through your website dealings and in person. So there! :)

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I can honestly say, I do not understand these people you refer to and some of the gripes they get. I have never, ever found you anything other than the most helpful, accommodating person both through your website dealings and in person. So there! :)

you wana try dealing with mandy after a few white wine then tris she a right handfull goodness only knows wot she like after a few g&ts hahahahaah

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Glad that worked out for Mandy...and what website do you have Aunty Sue???

The one I "lost" is a family history site and my own domain. It started as five pages and before it was not too old it had accumulated dozens more and photos too as emails came winging in from all over the world (site now contains around 400 files). I even managed to put cousins in touch with each other who have discovered they live less than an hour apart in Brisbane and never knew it! Haven't updated it in a long time and it needs it but it gets and extraordinary number of hits (from the genealogy researchers in the main). It will again once Google drops the now redundant site (or rather when my previous host deletes it!)

The family (one side of it only) has been traced back to the 1500s


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litter litter every where cant stand seeing it , why oh why do they drop it right near bin as well :of

My pet hate, Sean. But, worse still, people who pick up their doggy doings in a pooh bag and then leave the bag in the hedge! What IS the point... Grrrrrrrrrrrrr >:(

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My pet hate, Sean. But, worse still, people who pick up their doggy doings in a pooh bag and then leave the bag in the hedge! What IS the point... Grrrrrrrrrrrrr >:(

And mine - it is somehow worse than those who don't pick up at all! At least the rain can wash it away but a plastic bag hanging on a hedge is never going anywhere (unless someone removes it). I get really ANGRY with irresponsible dog owners - they give dogs a bad name :angry:

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Finding out that my hot water cylinder has a leak, symptoms revealed by part of my bathroom ceiling collapsing into a mush in the shower tray, It is at the moment (touch wood) only a very slight leak but ringing around the various local stores/suppliers was told that they no longer have them 'off the shelf' you have to order one and they have to be made, this they told me would take 10 to 14 days, something to do with new 'regulations'. I'm having one made from stainless steel as the water here is fairly acid and eats copper.

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At least the ceiling fell into the shower tray, Tim. Mine would fall into my dining room as the cylinder is in the room above! Hmm no, come to think about it when we moved in there was a stain on the kitchen ceiling where the tenant (who nearly wrecked the place apparently) failed to report a leaking hot water cylinder! So I suspect it would be the kitchen ceiling that would collapse rather than the dining room.

I am getting fed up with people making excuses by saying "new regulations" or "it is the law" when there is no law at all.. One local electrical supplier said they could not disconnect an old dishwasher before installing a new one because it might be badly wired and give their man a shock and told me "IT IS THE LAW". Rubbish! Tried another supplier and it was "of course we will". They switched off the power and pulled the plug before hauling it out to undo the hoses.

Edited by Leakeyvale
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Couldn't agree more Sue, all these rules and regulations, designed I'm sure to make us pay over the odds requiring us all to have things done by 'professional trades' when in fact there is no need, what's happened to 'self help' and 'do it yourself', I agree that certain jobs need to be carried out by the trade like gas and electricity for safetey purposes but when it comes to things that the normaly reasonably competent person can do themselves we're told we can't because of 'regulations' and most of these so-called professionals are cowboys themselves and unless you stand over them whilst they are doing a job you don't know wheather it's done properly or no. The insurance Companies this year have added to their domestic house insurance policies loads of 'must do' items, inspection of electrical wiring every 10 years, sweep your chimneys a minimum of once a year, gas inspection as well, all which you have to have a certificate to prove it's been done and now you have to have a smoke detector in each room and one in your roofspace, 2 fire extinguishers and if your roof is thatched it has to be fireproofed and certified as well. You are prevented from helping yourself nowadays and paying lots of money for these 'services' which over charge because they know that you have to have these things done. Most annoying.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got mugged on Amazon for £40 and found out that I'm one day too late to file a claim (stupidly I sat on it vainly hoping my item would arrive). At least I've learnt to always read feedback before hitting "buy", even on Amazon.

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I got mugged on Amazon for £40 and found out that I'm one day too late to file a claim (stupidly I sat on it vainly hoping my item would arrive). At least I've learnt to always read feedback before hitting "buy", even on Amazon.

i can top that my dad bought a set of wings for the tractor on ebay 280 quid and they guy said he needen a check so the check got sent and cashed and we never heard a peep phoned him emaled him than sent him an email that made him s**t himself and he phoned us and told us he was parceling them now ;)
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i can top that my dad bought a set of wings for the tractor on ebay 280 quid and they guy said he needen a check so the check got sent and cashed and we never heard a peep phoned him emaled him than sent him an email that made him s**t himself and he phoned us and told us he was parceling them now ;)

Well that story has a potentially happy end to it by the sound of it-!

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