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What really annoyed you today

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The steering arm falling apaer on my truck tonight as I turned onto my drive, 30 seconds earlier and I'd have run some idiotic children over that I had to swerve round. Don't they teach kids to walk down the road so they can be seen on blind bends rather than on the side of the road where they may get flattened >:( >:(

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In typical style. Last night I uploaded a load more CD's to my laptop and then uploaded choice songs to my mobile for a bit of entertainment while on the wood processor. Today however, I broke the headphones! Grr! :angry:

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I have got a day off today so I thought that it was an ideal time to service and sharpen my lawn mower which is a Balmoral cylinder type mower.

So, off I went to B & Q who have a large Warehouse establishment about a mile from my house. All that they stock is Rotary mower replacement blades and not the cylinder sharpener.

Little bit peeved but there is a garden centre about another mile and a half away. So off I go to the garden centre, they only have rotary mowers and don't stock any replacement items at all.

Well, I am out and about now so the next call is about 5 miles to a garden centre that regularly wins awards and is classed as the best in the North West.

After 15 minutes walking round I can't see a single lawn mower so I asked a member of staff.

His reply almost floored me. "We don't stock lawn mowers "

Oh silly me, fancy thinking that a garden centre would stock lawn mowers :- :- people obviously don't have lawns in their gardens nowadays, there are too many plastic gnomes.........

OK, so now I still need a mower sharpener so the only thing for it is to traipse right across town to the specialist mower supplier.

Man behind the counter says "oh no we don't stock them, we prefer you to bring your mower in to us for us to sharpen and service it, have you tried the internet?"

By now I have lost the will to live, I have been driving round for 2 hours, been in 4 different establishments and still not got the ruddy sharpener >:( >:(

So I try the internet...........and the first page that comes up is Duttons Mower World............which is where I have just been........... *$£&!!!

Mike it would been cheaper to hire someone to cut your grass or call on your MF friend with his new mower no doubt he would be happy to give it a go and pay the for the petrol on top..... ;)

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Indeed it would .. Come on mike what do you say ?

Mileage charged of course : p

What annoyed me.. Phone all at 3am from the London driver to say that he can't find the lorry. Quick look on the tracker and it's in a part if Cambridge that's as rough as a badgers arse. Dialled three 9's and got it recovered rather swiftly. Went to work to chek the CCTV and I've got some good footage to go on at least. Only problem is.. They thought they'd sneak through the gate after someone came in.. But it shuts instantly after the vehicle goes through.. So they simply rammed the fence and left half of the truck on the verge

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Indeed it would .. Come on mike what do you say ?

Mileage charged of course : p

What annoyed me.. Phone all at 3am from the London driver to say that he can't find the lorry. Quick look on the tracker and it's in a part if Cambridge that's as rough as a badgers arse. Dialled three 9's and got it recovered rather swiftly. Went to work to chek the CCTV and I've got some good footage to go on at least. Only problem is.. They thought they'd sneak through the gate after someone came in.. But it shuts instantly after the vehicle goes through.. So they simply rammed the fence and left half of the truck on the verge

Good grief that is serious....."what's on the verge mean"?

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It would seem it's never ending with muppets trying to thieve your property mate. Opportunists? or was it coordinated? I wonder what they expected to do with the lorry once they had got it out...Start a fruit and veg business?

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Good grief that is serious....."what's on the verge mean"?

Oh dear... I think we will have to start a topic with a table of English words and their non-English (American) counterparts just for Rick (Bless 'im)!

Verge - [usually] grass edge to road* where there is no pavement** and is not for driving on. Tends to be a refuge for pedestrians and their dogs to avoid being run down by motorists in a hurry

  • *Road- Highway
  • **Pavement - Sidewalk

Back to the topic - at least your lorry had a tracker fitted, Mark, it would have been a hard job to find it otherwise

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Thanks all... Pops... you really do need to come over here for a few weeks to learn the lingo I think ;D

Andy... It seems to be well thought out... I suspect it was 'ordered' by some little git !

Auntie Sue... Tracker indeed... thank goodness for that really... or no doubt there would have been more crime committed with said truck. I've got it back now... needs quite a bit of work to get it back on the road... sorry.... interstate highway... Be a fair oild claim I would wager ! .. No doubt I am only covered for a small percentage of it >:(

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What a bunch off expletive expletives, Mark. Is your premium going to suffer because of this now too, just to drive yhe knife in that bit further? Have you looked in the back..... just incase there is an ATM in there or a load of HD ready flat screen tele's?! Feel for you buddy, you're having a time of it up there arn't ya? :(

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buggers aint they marky, at least you could use the tracker to find it, clearly they didnt think to look for that thankfully

we had one of our lorrys nicked recently, in london, which somehow managed to clock up 10k's worth of congestion charges, and belive it or not, no one noticed it had gone till them fines arrived, and thats trackered ,amazed no one looked or noticed really

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Thanks boys... Tris... it will raise my premium undoubtedly.... the real stinger was that they charged me £400 to recover the vehicle 5 miles !!! ... laughable really.. but I'm on that one ;)

Sean... I bet your transport managet got his arse kicked over that one mate :of

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Well, could of said "on the side of the road", makes more sense, now Im on the verge of getting a divorce if I buy any more Toy Soldiers :- .. that kind of "verge I understand :) plus "Andy" comments gave me a chuckle....can just see a truck running about "Pesston Produce"...just a spray paint change will do it... :laugh:

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Well, could of said "on the side of the road", makes more sense, now Im on the verge of getting a divorce if I buy any more Toy Soldiers :- .. that kind of "verge I understand :) plus "Andy" comments gave me a chuckle....can just see a truck running about "Piss't on Produce"...just a spray paint change will do it... :laugh:

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;D ;D ;D good one Wil, gave me a right chuckle that did.....Piss't around is what he seems to be good at.....if he would keep Patrick guarding the banannas and onions he would of "licked the crooks" to death before they even nicked the truck....poor ole Lard Fergunson :laugh:
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Thanks boys... Tris... it will raise my premium undoubtedly.... the real stinger was that they charged me £400 to recover the vehicle 5 miles !!! ... laughable really.. but I'm on that one ;)

Sean... I bet your transport managet got his arse kicked over that one mate :of

The thing about heavy recoveries Mark is they are nearly always charged on a time basis and not on a mileage basis...which means you have probably been charged from the time the recovery motor gets started to build up its air until the time it get's back to the depot.

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noticing a payment taken out by model farmer mag's publishing company igp ltd at the beginning of the week by mistake, I told them of this and still have not had a refund back to my account yet, despite me giving them a few extra days to allow payment to clear, don't think I'll be re-newing my subscription when it is supposed to be re-newed in august, you ask someone to do one simple thing >:( >:(>:( >:(:angry: :angry: :angry:

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noticing a payment taken out by model farmer mag's publishing company igp ltd at the beginning of the week by mistake, I told them of this and still have not had a refund back to my account yet, despite me giving them a few extra days to allow payment to clear, don't think I'll be re-newing my subscription when it is supposed to be re-newed in august, you ask someone to do one simple thing >:( >:(>:( >:(:angry: :angry: :angry:

contact Andy directly on here and give him some time, he is over his ears in work for shipping out the FTF limited IH models and the mag, and the upcoming Spalding show most likely as well, he's no magicien, but is a man of his word is my experience!

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noticing a payment taken out by model farmer mag's publishing company igp ltd at the beginning of the week by mistake, I told them of this and still have not had a refund back to my account yet, despite me giving them a few extra days to allow payment to clear, don't think I'll be re-newing my subscription when it is supposed to be re-newed in august, you ask someone to do one simple thing >:( >:(>:( >:(:angry: :angry: :angry:

I bet a nice private pm would handle your problem...From my experience I've never seen a lot of success when I threaten or shamed someone to solve a problem...and at 66 I'm a slow learner...... :-

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A refund has been issued back to me as soon as Andy realised his employee hadn't done it, but it has caused other problems because of the way it was taken from my account, which I won't go into as it's no-one elses problem apart from mine now, but it just shows that modern technology is only as good as the information that is put into it, and as humans we all make mistakes some of them can be more costly to some than others.

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