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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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Been generally 'buggering about' today on my tractor... sold and delivered some topsoil, stone and sand, picked up some hardcore and tipped it down the farm - got fed up with the rain so came home and watched the inside of my eyelids on the sofa for a couple of hours  :-[

You lazy sod...... :-X :-X ;) ;)

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They was there selling items they had bought from somewhere else Bill, it's one of them tv shows where they start the week with a set amount and have to buy and sell things and make a profit at the end of the week. You might even see me on it when it shown on tv ;)

I see now Mark...I must stop speed reading...I brushed over "trip" and thought show ;) ;)

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Not me, but the wife gave birth to a 9lb 13oz boy called Sam

I'll get some pictures soon, but he's a little corcker  ;)  Soon have him stripping models down ;D

Will he be doing that the quick way - via the floor?!!  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Congratulations to all of you.  :)

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I am having a day off 1300 acres of wheat knocked off in 9 days and 4 days on a hedge cutter, and if he thinks I'm coming in because the sun is out he can run and jump :D I'm going for a fry up and a ride out

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I don't blame you cj, sounds busy at your place at the moment. Helps the bank account out no end I should think. Handed in my invoice yesterday and came away with a good cheque :) Today, as yesterday I'm hedge trimming with the 698T and Spearhead trimmer. Waiting for the sun again, 50ac of oat straw down at one farm and waiting on spring barley and/or wheat at two others. Once the baler starts, I'll tramping to Devon and back daily.

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Busy indeed, the money is the only reason that I'm here and a few more grand saved and I'm off home. The boss is unreal, he can't understand why any one would take a day off, even tho he offered it to me!

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Returned home physically ruined last evening from another magnificent ( and rather wet and muddy ) 5 days at Leeds Festival. Totally worth it though, loads of fantastic memories and great performances to recount, even if ( as always ) it seemed go all so fast. What a weekend!


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I'm moving to Leeds immediately... they have 5 day weekends up there  :of:D :D :D

Call it an extended bank holiday Mark from Wednesday through until Sunday specific to a little slice of Bramham Park. Wouldn't miss it for the world! :)

....even if my swollen right knee probably wouldn't agree with me at this moment in time. :D 

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Well this morning i tickled in 8 acres of rape with the powerharrow and press on the back of the 6820.

Then after that i went back and fetched the 6920s (on row crops!) hitched up the rolls and rolled it.

Arrived back and jumped in the loadall, pushed all the linseed straw into a heap ready to be burnt in the morning.

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Hauling straw at last! Did a load yesterday, will do two today and probably one tomorrow all from Marlborough to just south of Bristol. Some lovely spring barley straw it is too. Looks quite a picture navigating Bath I should think! :D

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11 hours of muck spreading which included a few incidents with a shearbolt in some very heavy cattle muck. Then had some townie giving me an earful for supposedly covering his car in sh1t when he'd just washed it. Really wasn't in the mood to hear him going on about it, on the way back I noticed he was having a BBQ so any guesses as to why he kicked off  ::)

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Waxed the car down first thing then spent the rest of the day helping someone put a load of high security fencing up at a special needs school out bere  Alston ,done approx 15 ms arround a roof today to stop  one kid who keeps jumping the gap from a hill and removing the roof tiles so he can throw them at the teachers, tomorrows a big job making a cage over a staircase  Inc a gate again to stop one lad climbing out onto a flat roof and trying to smash the sky lights

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just back from a long liquid lunch in the barbican in plymouth, pretty nice view to wash down a few pints of thatchers gold

nice isnt it!!, had that at the lock inn near Tris, it replaced the Stowford!!

havent seen it up here yet though  >:( >:(

yesterday, took Harry to Church Farm in Stow Bardolph....had fun with the piglets!! ;D ;D

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