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Whats on your workbench???

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Well it is broke my friend... and in the owners view it needs fixing... that's the fact of the matter  ;)

This is all pretty simple really... lots of people attempting to muddy the waters... but it is...

[glow=red,2,300]The fact remains... Udimore, Ricky, Penfold, Agrium, Top Tractor, ME in the past (amongst others) have dipped their hands in their pockets and paid for advertising on here in support of the sales generated by the millions of page views this place attracts each month... to this end Andy has a duty to ensure they get their Value For Money.. and a level playingfield to work on.[/glow]

Let's be straight here - some members on here use this forum as a vehicle to sell their models and have no intention of supporting the place both in terms of financial contribution and contribution to the boards - This is a forum not a free market place to abuse at will...

Like everything in life.. there are those who know the difference between scratching their ass and taking the skin off... and those who don't.  It's the 'skin-off's' I'm interested in stopping.

Now... for those of you reading this who are the offenders (and lets face it you more than know who you are)... put yourself in a fully paid up advertisers place - would you really find it acceptable - we all know the answer to that really don't we.  My personal stance on this is simple... put your hand in your pocket and do the same or stop 'playing the system'

I could understand our offenders argument more if Andy HADN'T given them the offer of another viable alternative - but... he has ! - We have a perfectly good classifieds board for selling models and conversions in - it's there... it's free to use as well... why moan and pretend to be hard done by when you have an alternative route to market being offered on a plate free - that. quite frankly is beyond me really  :-\  Failing that... pay for a banner if the first alternative doesn't suit  :-\

It's not about political correctness or wether your car is for sale... it's about 'doing  the right thing' - morals if you like.  From a moral perspective, Andy cannot take money off people for paid advertising slots and allow a select few to ride roughshod over these people.  So... in summary... the alternatives are two fold...

1. Stop advertising on here - well this place doesn't run for nothing....  It needs financial support and I sincerely believe it should come from those who profit from it's very existence.

2. Stop those who blatantly stick two fingers up to the owner of FTF and all this forum stands for...  I've seen some pretty disrespectful posts aimed at Andy in the last few days - without his hard efforts over the years this place would not exists... and, I would wager and few bank accounts on here would be a tad lighter than they are now.  The phrase 'don't bit the hand of the one that feeds you' springs to mind here  :-\

I know which I'd prefer...

understand where you are comming from.......... but what about the other donations like the anoyminous ,Ive contrebut-ed  in the past at the spalding shows

and i have remained anominus as i think its a cracking website  thats why i did it not wanting recognition for contrebuteing but thats just me

am i being told that if i put up a picture with 2 or more item's that i could be selling them ......it is a little p.c to me

sorry if im getting the wrong end of the stick  :'( :'(  i still love the site and you still maky  :-*  ;):D;D

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Then my apologies Ricky for misunderstanding you... although I was fully for the topic change as well - As it stands it's just another 'free advertising' vehicle for those who don't want to 'play the game'  :-\

so Marky in plain writing can you suggest a list of guidelines because i am lost what do you want in a picture i,m not being rude but surely a picture in itself is an advertisement

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well this isnt easy i understand that people paying for advertiseing want there moneys worth but these folk are in a business and are usually selling standard stuff which is quite difficult, but if i had made say 2 john deere 8330's and put up a pic of them then dose that mean im selling and my post needs to be removed but what then if sombody pm's me and makes me a good offer for one or more of then is that allowed ? now this is a nice website to visit and i love coming on and seeing what new convo's people have made but i think it is a bit drastic to have to change a topic's name and or delete it after all it is extremly popular and one i visit quite often.

i understand we need guidelines regarding certian things but i dont want to have too many that i need to write them down to make sure i remember them, and also i know most of the time i post up picsis to get feed back to see if the model is accurate and too see if fellow members think it is good enough

thats my 2 cents but maybe i missed most of the subject matter but all i want is a place to share my models and see others  :(

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so Marky in plain writing can you suggest a list of guidelines because i am lost what do you want in a picture i,m not being rude but surely a picture in itself is an advertisement

Ok... in plain writing as requested Stephen...

Don't post a picture of all your models in a line... don't post a picture of lots of things in the background that you clearly have for sale.. take your last picture posted in here above... do we really need to see a row of forage harvesters behind the lorry... the picture by it's very nature suggests they are for sale in my opinion...

Don't keep posting the same picture again and again (or very similar pictures for instance)...

Don't have your name in the background of your pictures...

I'll just refer back to my 'scratching your ass' phrase...

NOBODY on here wants to see anyone stop posting pics of their conversions... if you make two of them and you want to see if you can get an offer for one that's fine... post the model in your topic.. on it's own... and post the model open for offers in the for sale section... I cannot see why this is a problem really - use the same picture even - what would that achieve - ORDER and FAIR TRADE on the forum... that's all Andy is asking for I believe.

On the subject of traders selling standard models - I fail to see the significance of this point Chris.. sorry buddy... it doesn't matter what you sell... if you regularly sell any item on here you are in business... simple as that really... and competing with all the others on here who do the same - hence my point about a level playingfield...

Once again... it's not about political correctness - it's a moral issue - and the long and the short of it is it's Andy's forum - if it's what he wants to do to bring 'order' to HIS board then I'm backing him 101%  :-\

You can't please all the people all the time - you can only do what you think it right and proper... I'm not surprised by some of the negatives I have read in here... we are all entitled to an opinion... that's what makes to world go around.  But I'd remind you all that the umpires decision is final really.

I've done a fair bit of reading on here today and had a lot of previous discussion with Andy and his management team on this issue too... it's been debated to death really and it's a simple fix in my opinion... it won't make us overrun with rules it will just put an end to those who want to 'abuse' FTF and take a free ride on the back of the success of this wonderful forum - I'm all for it ladies and gents.

Use the classifieds... it's free for all to use - the more it's used the better it will become - ye sow... so shall ye reap

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What are you building for your collection.

According to that title, i cant post in here as 99.9% of the stuff i build is for sale.  :-\ :-\

Whats on your workbench

I could post in here as that is just a general question.

When i post pictures i dont say they a for sale as im told not to, fair enough. If someone ask's me via PM if it for sale i will say yes... I did not say it was for sale in the topic....

So in my eyes its not advertising as i did not state it was for sale.... :-\ :-\

To be honest, im lost completely........ I didn't see anything wrong with it before....

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What are you building for your collection.

According to that title, i cant post in here as 99.9% of the stuff i build is for sale.  :-\ :-\

Whats on your workbench

I could post in here as that is just a general question.

When i post pictures i dont say they a for sale as im told not to, fair enough. If someone ask's me via PM if it for sale i will say yes... I did not say it was for sale in the topic....

So in my eyes its not advertising as i did not state it was for sale.... :-\ :-\

To be honest, im lost completely........ I didn't see anything wrong with it before....


ill second that blake

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I don't make conversions and so far I haven't bought any, although some time ago I sent a pm to Ricky asking him to consider making me one one. ::) ::)::) ::)

However, it does raise one further question regarding posts and builds.

What about the posts about "this is a tractor I am building for X and this is how I am doing it". Now we all like to see these models getting built, it showcases the skill of the builder and gives members ideas on how to go about it but, at the end of the day, we all know that this is a model that is for sale. :-\ :-\ :-\

I do not want to see an end of these type of posts but if you take this to the extreme then everyone who builds a model that is subsequently offered for sale they should pay for an advertising banner. That would be a retrograde step and one I would not like to see.

There must be some sort of a compromise available as this forum will be a lesser place if the builders on here can't or won't post pictures of their models and the way they are built.

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I totally agree with the point made there. I'm basically saying I have no problem in these kinds of topic as I too enjoy reading up on the updates etc.. but once the item is complete, just stick it in the classifieds and let people know its there, or let people know how to get on to a website you may have where the transaction or sale can then occur.

This leaves the initial topic one that members can read through and appreciate the buiding of the item rather then read the continued banter of people trying to buy / sell within the topic.

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No... just post it... we don't need to know your life story or the in's and out's of your trading history... all we want to see is the model... why do you hvae to tell us who the owner is ??? ... if you made it... post it...


If it's for sale... post it in the classifieds...

Why is that hard to understand ???

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No... just post it... we don't need to know your life story or the in's and out's of your trading history... all we want to see is the model... why do you hvae to tell us who the owner is ??? ... if you made it... post it...


If it's for sale... post it in the classifieds...

Why is that hard to understand ???

sounds simple to me  ;)

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Re: Whats on your workbench???

my scaloox house!!!! ;D ;D ;D:o :o :o....shocked i know!.....may try and continue with it but he new pushchair is in the way!  :( :'(

oh and some buckets from BSBplant

Yetis buckets eh  :D :D

How many years have you had them  ???

Good on ya  ;)

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1 last point to marky, sorry big nose,

Don't post a picture of all your models in a line... don't post a picture of lots of things in the background that you clearly have for sale.. take your last picture posted in here above... do we really need to see a row of forage harvesters behind the lorry... the picture by it's very nature suggests they are for sale in my opinion...

Marky, the harvesters in that picture are scrapers matey they have been stripped of their headers for a build not for sale at all actually,

I think we have just about got to the bottom of this, nearly just about, well discussed and opinions voiced.

any models pictured try to make them look in the picture on thier own and to the point

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As a relative newcomer, I have to say I was initially quiet surprised to read how certain threads were allowed to develop the way the did and to see photos containing 5 and 6 of the same items, not realising that they were selling or indenting to sell it.. (that didn’t take too long for that to change however)

I will say however its going to be hard to draw the line between commercialisation and what’s not on the forum, if I ask a question as to where I could get say corrugated sheeting for the roof of a model shed, if someone posts a link to a web site, or names a shop well that in itself is free advertising for the supplier. Will that be acceptable or not? Will people making reference to custom models by others be allowed eg my Joe Bloggs MF 165.  It is an indirect form of advertising for the custom builder?

It will have to be all or nothing, in terms of naming otherwise there will be constant rows and the friendliness of the forum will disappear.

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