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ash tree farm, tms farm work in progress


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gable ends on, plus fixed the basic lower timbers in place, ready to plaster the insides, and the barn lower walls, 

once plastered i will paint the outside and weather the brick work up, can then look at the last barn lights and timber work ready to clad it up 




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cheers guys ,its slowley getting to where i want  it to be , always learning from other topics on here how to get better effects.

after last nights fun at work, and a few hours kip, 4 to be exact,so i sleep tonight, i have now plastered the inside walls of the workshop, and the lower barn walls ,  also got the base coat on the outer walls ready to weather up, this means i need to build the basic outer frame work of the barn so i know where to weather down to on the rear wall over the barn,no point weathering up whats not going to be seen once the barn roof is clad.  only got the main beam in so far and front ends, once they set i can do the rear parts and beams 




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Looks great Sean. The darker blocks didn't look too far of for colour in your photos  nice to see more old buildings on the layout, not all farms can afford to replace old sheds with these wide single span brushwood or masons attic kits. ;)

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i know mart, this seems to have dried a bit lighter than it looked in the chart at b&q , was the only tester pot they had left in that shade so i got it ,could yet regret painting it al ,normally i test a wall first ,hopefully  ,it will all be darkened down with the weathering so  it wont shows to much,that or its another pot of a darker shade again, luckly they only cost £1.70 so not expensive 

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3 hours ago, Tractorman810 said:

cheers guys ,its slowley getting to where i want  it to be , always learning from other topics on here how to get better effects.

after last nights fun at work, and a few hours kip, 4 to be exact,so i sleep tonight, i have now plastered the inside walls of the workshop, and the lower barn walls ,  also got the base coat on the outer walls ready to weather up, this means i need to build the basic outer frame work of the barn so i know where to weather down to on the rear wall over the barn,no point weathering up whats not going to be seen once the barn roof is clad.  only got the main beam in so far and front ends, once they set i can do the rear parts and beams 




Looks great Sean. I was just wondering what did you use to plaster the walls with? 

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4 minutes ago, mb86 said:

Aye at worst it's only another coat of paint, looking forward to seeing it finished and on the layout. 

i will try and weather one small bit first, see if it blends down a bit, otherwise go for a darker colour ,saves wasting the powders etc

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got a first wash of the darker colour back on tonight, just drying, so pics once dome, may have over done it on 2 parts, so will need to see how it dries, the rest of the powders are on their way, so with luck i can bring it back out with those rather than repaint the 2 areas 

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14 minutes ago, Tractorman810 said:

got a first wash of the darker colour back on tonight, just drying, so pics once dome, may have over done it on 2 parts, so will need to see how it dries, the rest of the powders are on their way, so with luck i can bring it back out with those rather than repaint the 2 areas 

Looking forward to seeing it weathered Sean :) 

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after an unexpectibly busy day, i have had another go at the outer walls, and i think i have got it how i want it now, have managed to lighten it up now , all with the weathering powders, and very little of it, amazed how far they go with a few drops of decal fix ,there will be some green and rust stains on it to in some places ,plus ivy and alikes . will get the timbers stained up next, and fit  the floor and stairs inside ,again staining them up. have also done a few more roof sheets, glad i got the 50 pack as i suspect i wont have many left once done,  also need to try and find some office furniture , anyone got any ideas, otherwise i may just wall it off at the front with a window overlooking the workshop  and leave it till i can sort something 




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managed to get some more work on the walls tonight, and got a fair better overall finish, sadly the rooms lighting is a bit dark to get a decent pic so will do that tomorrow,but i am much happier with it now,on all 4 sides, have also got another batch of roof sheets started, think i am short to clad the sides as well, so i will need to order some more, although i do have another option for it .

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day off as planned today,no call outs ,so had a bit of time on it, side cladding on, just needs a stain applied, prob the same as the frame work? was going to clad it like the roof, then remembered i had this from a barn that got broken by my size 12’s a while back so went with this.   also started the doors on the workshop, and now got all the roof sheets for the main side first step weathered , finlas once all fitted 








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cheers guys, 

got to be honest zac, so am i, i can see it all lit up ,etc, kit parked up, and the greenery bits added round it, can move on the the workshop soon with luck,aim to finish the main parts of the barn first, , also need to figure out what to do with the old building ,convert or something new 

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