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ash tree farm, tms farm work in progress


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thanks guys, its slowly starting to come together now, 

managed to get a bit more done today,but only after spending 4 hours odd getting parts and fixing the toilet ,that my brother managed  to break last night,after he tried to fix what i already knew was broken:D not a lot really but got my side cladding satined,have done it very wishy washy to try and get a weathered look, was a tad worried its very close to the roof colour though, 





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Suits the cladding, looking good overall. I'd say that there shouldn't be a major difference in colour between roof and walls, after a while nature has a habit of making everything a similar colour.

Personally I'd say maybe every part could be a little darker. But given you are modeling 20/30 years ago the weathering shouldn't be as drastic or heavy as if you were modelling the same sheds today when some more of the newness would have worn off, so you've probably got it bang on.

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thanks brian,

managed a hour this afternoon, rest of the roofs on ,bar a ridge being fitted, so had another coat of colour added , maybe more later in the build . also started the workshop doors, mainly as i had all the bits indoors, first ones all hung, but its a bit fiddely making the hinges so decided to leave the other till maybe tuesday ,which should be my day off 





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13 hours ago, Ferret90 said:

Looking really good Sean, you must have some patience to do the hinges on the doors :lol:

Not that hard to do really only a thin bit of plasti strut (1mm x3 mm strip) , and some ally tube , i glue a  small bit of tube to one end tocact as the hinge , then wrap it all in a strip of .25 mm plasti card to re-enforce the glue joint , sand to shape , job done , the pins on the frame are just L angle bent ally solid rod 

found out the hard way that all superglued to thin plasticstrut doesnt bond that well and using a fine wrap saves a lot of agro later on 

there was a lot more swearing making the stair case i can tell you 

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got started on the roof this afternoon, plan is to have the side with the beams fixed, and the side by the barn the a cess side, with removable pannel. this is dependant size wise on the sheeting when it arrives from mandy at hlt. also got the sofits and facis baords on, and ordered the half tube for the guttering . , 





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